Student profile

Mia Beckford-Brown

Surrey has high student satisfaction and a great School of Law. For an aspiring lawyer this was a great mix, as I knew I'd be in an environment where I could flourish academically but also be emotionally supported.At Surrey I believed I would find this - and I have!

Entry year


Is there a song that reminds you of Surrey?

"I'm coming out" by Diana Ross. To me, this is a song about finding success. At Surrey, I've begun to be the best possible version of myself, academically and personally. Surrey's environment encourages this, and it's helped me bring success into my early legal career.

What couldn't you live without at university?

The School of Law! It's so great to be part of a community of fellow law students. We're able to relax and work together and it's made me feel so welcome. It's also great to be in close quarters with the amazing lecturers for academic and personal support.

What’s one food dish or snack you couldn’t live without at university? 

Dirty Chai Latte from Lakeside Coffee Shop: three a day keeps the doctor away!

Why did you choose Surrey?

It has high student satisfaction and a great School of Law. For an aspiring lawyer this was a great mix, as I knew I'd be in an environment where I could flourish academically but also be emotionally supported. At Surrey I believed I would find this - and I have! 

What was your first impression when you got here?

That the campus was spacious, modern and well-equipped with multiple comfortable work spaces outside of the library.

Why are you passionate about your subject?

I am passionate about law because it governs the world. It is the one true equalizer of all citizens in a country.

What do you like about your course and why?

The teaching staff on the Law (LLB) are amazing. They all come with a wealth of knowledge.

Some have practised as barristers and solicitors in the UK and the US; others are dedicated academics and 'theoretical geniuses'. The lectures are awe-inspiring and I hope one day to be as accomplished as they are.

Who is your favourite academic? 

Emily Finch, one of my lecturers. I've read two of her journal articles on the relationship between intoxication and belief in consent in rape law and they are fascinating.

Emily's inspired me to want to write about this paradox in my dissertation. 

What were the facilities like on your course? 

I love the facilities in the School of Law. We have an IT lab, a common room, a beautiful mock court room, and the Toulson Law Library with journals going back the 18th century. I study there all the time; it's great to be surrounded by my fellow law students and lecturers down the hall. 

What careers support have you received?

I've had great support from Dr Katy Peters and Nick Clapham in securing internships this year. They encouraged me to apply to certain firms for first year experience and I have just completed two internships successfully.

Are you part of any clubs or societies? 

The Law Society – as a commuter student being a part of the society has helped me socialise and get involved on nights out with my course friends! It's great!

What are the best things about life at Surrey? 

Surrey is beautiful. If, like me, you're a fan of the outdoors and having a lot of green space round you, this is the university for you!

Guildford town has everything you need: shopping, bars, clubs, pubs, restaurants, a beautiful river! Guildford has great connections to London and to the coast for beach trips. It’s the best location for those who like to focus but have fun.

How has your time at Surrey had an impact on you?

I've become more focused on my career post university. It's opened up opportunities for me to get experiences in law firms.

Do you know what you want to do when you graduate?

I want to practise as solicitor in a large global law firm.

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