Student profile

Samantha Buss

"What I love about my course is the diverse mix of individuals coming from different fields. This allows for a rich exchange of perspectives and ideas, enhancing the overall learning experience."


Psychology (Conversion) MSc

Entry year


Why I chose Surrey 

I was originally drawn to Surrey because of its captivating campus and vibrant community. The wide range of clubs and societies, along with easy access to different places like London, was particularly appealing. Additionally, the friendly atmosphere among the people made me feel welcome. 

Having completed my undergraduate degree in modern languages at Surrey, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I decided to continue my education here.  As well as the things I’d always liked about the University, the added benefit of a 20% alumni discount influenced my decision. 

My course 

I am fascinated by the study of the human mind and how it enables us to better understand people and provide support to individuals.  

What I love about my course is the diverse mix of individuals coming from different fields. This allows for a rich exchange of perspectives and ideas, enhancing the overall learning experience. 

Currently, I’m working in the electroencephalography (EEG) labs for my dissertation, which I’m really enjoying. The academic staff on my course are friendly and deeply passionate about their fields of study. 

My life here 

Throughout my time at Surrey, I’ve actively participated in various societies. This year, during my MSc, I was lucky to be the President of the Yoga Society. We organised a wide range of workshops, including exciting events like aerial yoga and puppy yoga in London. Engaging in these activities allowed me to acquire new skills and form friendships with like-minded individuals. In fact, I have even planned to travel to Asia with some of the friends I made through the society! 

Life in Surrey offers numerous advantages. The surrounding area boasts many beautiful walking routes, such as the scenic path from Guildford town to Pewley Down and St. Martha’s Hill. Personally, I frequently visit Surrey Sports Park for yoga classes, and there are also plenty of coffee shops and hangout spots to enjoy with friends. When I’m on campus, I like to sit by the lake when the sun is out. A quick stroll to break up working is really beneficial.  

Receiving and giving support 

I have received excellent support from my personal tutor, who has been understanding and accommodating, allowing me to switch to a part-time course. Additionally, I have received support from the Centre for Wellbeing and Disability and Neurodiversity services, which has been invaluable.  

The sense of community and support from my colleagues has been incredible. As a Peer Supporter, I have had the privilege of experiencing a strong bond and a shared commitment to supporting students. I’ve also taken on roles such as Support Zone Part Time Officer and been part of the Nightline Committee. It's incredibly gratifying to have students appreciating what you do and knowing that you’re making a positive impact on students’ lives. 

Help with my career 

Throughout my time at Surrey, I have benefited from career fairs and workshops organised by both the University staff and external speakers. My professors have also been instrumental in providing valuable advice and guidance. 

My time at Surrey has significantly enhanced my employability. It has not only equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills in my field of study but has also helped me build confidence and establish valuable connections. Additionally, the University's emphasis on practical experience and industry engagement has provided me with valuable opportunities to develop transferable skills. 

My advice for students thinking of postgraduate study 

I would encourage students to actively engage in university life despite the demanding deadlines. Finding a balance between academic commitments and personal wellbeing is crucial. Make the most of the diverse opportunities available, participate in clubs and societies and seek support when needed. It's a transformative journey and embracing all aspects of it will enrich your experience. 

Looking ahead 

Undoubtedly, my time at Surrey has resulted in significant personal growth. I have become more confident, open-minded and willing to embrace new challenges. The diverse academic and social environment has broadened my perspectives and enabled me to develop a greater understanding of the world around me. I am appreciative of the encouragement, friendships and knowledge I have gained during my time here. 

Following the completion of my postgraduate course, I plan to work in support roles such as psychological wellbeing practitioner (PWP) and gain valuable experience in the field. This will allow me to further explore my interests and decide whether pursuing a doctorate to become a chartered psychologist is the right path for me. 


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