Rós Alexander
"One of the great things about GSA is the fact that it's connected to the University of Surrey. This meant that not only did I feel a part of the small community that is the Guildford School of Acting, but I also felt like I was a part of the larger University of Surrey community, with access to all the University has to offer."
Acting MFAGraduation year
2021Why did you choose to come to Surrey?
I was always aware of the Guildford School of Acting due to its reputation and its list of distinguished alumni working in the industry. At my audition, I was pleasantly surprised that this prestigious reputation was coupled with a real sense of welcoming community. I realised quite quickly that the balance of rigour and personal investment in development made GSA an ideal place to pursue my degree.
What was your impression of Surrey?
From day one of my degree, I felt like I was a part of something larger than myself. Each and every one of my teachers not only had industry-specific experience but also made a real effort to make myself and my classmates feel seen and invested in. I see each of these teachers as personal mentors and in fact still keep in touch with many of them.
Why are you passionate about your subject?
I had the opportunity of completing an MFA in Acting, which is a two-year course. In addition to the in-depth performance skills built into the course, this degree also allowed me to build a rich knowledge of pedagogy and what goes into the process of teaching actors. This combination of performance and pedagogy really served to benefit my career as, not only am I performing professionally, but also teaching at colleges and universities across the country.
Additionally, there is a real effort in supporting you as you find your own personal path and to help you grow into the artist you want to be. Coming from a movement background myself, the incredible training and facilities within the movement department at GSA supported me to hone my skills further in this area. This support has since enabled me to specialise in actor movement and take on professional work as a movement director.
What are the academic staff and facilities like on your course?
"One of the great things about GSA is the fact that it's connected to the University of Surrey. This meant that not only did I feel a part of the small community that is the Guilford School of Acting, but I also felt like I was a part of the larger University of Surrey community having access to all the wider University has to offer."
Enjoying the beautiful spaces across campus, feeling a part of the Surrey student community, and the benefit of having access to University buildings like the library, really felt like the best of both worlds.
What course(s) did you study before, and where did you study?
Before my MFA at the Guildford School of Acting, I completed a BA in Theatre Dance at London Studio Centre. Most of my previous training was in dance and musical theatre but it was through GSA that I was able to springboard my career as an actor and teacher.
Do you feel supported at University?
"From the very beginning of my degree, the importance of wellbeing was made abundantly clear both from my teachers and from the University as a whole."
Not only did I feel like there was personal support from my teachers, but also was able to witness a campus-wide priority across the University. I always felt comfortable talking about my wellbeing and mental health and felt there was a general sense of compassion with routes to support for all students across campus.
What careers support have you received?
As I stated previously, it was so helpful having teachers who were all actively working in the industry alongside their teaching. This “on the ground” knowledge of what the industry is like and what to expect was incredibly helpful my classmates and I were working to kickstart our careers. One way I have already put my experience into practice is through my interest in actor movement. I was so lucky to work with great movement directors at GSA and this interest has turned into opportunity as I have now movement directed several professional projects, both alongside my degree and since graduating.
How do you think your time at Surrey has impacted your employability once you graduate?
"I left GSA with an unbelievably talented cohort of classmates all of whom are now working in some shape or form in the industry.... I take great pride in having GSA as part of my story and feel grateful for my experience and the lifelong friends I made along the way."
Both the reputation of GSA and the connections I made across my course have already served to benefit me in my career. I know that when I walk into an audition or an interview, having GSA on my CV, this communicates a level of quality and rigour that comes with the degree. In addition to leaving with a degree, I also left GSA with an unbelievably talented cohort of classmates all of whom are now working in some shape or form in the industry. I've had the privilege of collaborating with some of these individuals as well as supporting them from afar as they go on to do great things on stages and screens across the world. I take great pride in having GSA as part of my story and feel grateful for my experience and the lifelong friends I made along the way.
What has been your best moment at Surrey so far?
It's tough to pick just one, but I will always look fondly on the performances that take place across the GSA academic year. These performances not only felt like celebrations that showcased the incredible talent across all GSA courses but also highlighted the incredible support that thrives within the GSA community.
Do you have any advice for students thinking about postgraduate study?
The beauty of this course is that it will take you down strange and interesting paths to unknown territories and you will most certainly have moments where you feel completely lost. But if you remain flexible, curious, brave and willing to take risks, the reward will be more than you could have hoped for. The safe environment at GSA is a gift where you can take up space, make mistakes and learn from them within a supportive cohort to discover your full potential. Don’t hold back, take advantage of the amazing network of support from your teachers and peers, and don't forget to enjoy yourself along the way!
Do you think you’ve changed since you started at Surrey? How?
"I feel incredibly lucky that I was able to enter into an environment that allowed me to be and to discover my authentic self as part of my degree.
My teachers worked hard to create a safe space where myself and my classmates could take risks and make mistakes in an environment without any barriers or judgement. They provided the soil, the sun, and the water for each of us to grow and ‘bloom’ into the best versions of ourselves."
What do you plan to do following your postgraduate course at Surrey?
Since graduating from GSA, I have been able to take on a portfolio career that includes performing and directing professionally across a wide range of projects, as well as teaching at various colleges and universities across the country.