Student profile
Princess Chukwu, MSc Human Nutrition

Princess Chukwu

"My course has helped me critically analyse research, including the limitations surrounding food studies. Understanding the idea that nutrients don't exist as separate entities in food has been the greatest learning I’ve taken away."


Human Nutrition MSc

Entry year


Why I chose Surrey

When I was younger, I was always subconsciously interested in human nutrition. It was integrated into my active lifestyle and I knew that I had to consume the right foods to perform effectively. So, once I finished my undergraduate biomedical sciences degree, I knew it was the perfect field for me to specialise in.

I started looking for universities and heard about Surrey through a friend, who told me about the support on offer and employability prospects. I did some digging and was really impressed when I found out that Surrey was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize 2017-18 for Further and Higher Education, in recognition of their research excellence in the field of food and nutrition.

It was also important for me that I studied on an Association for Nutrition (AfN) accredited course, that would allow me to apply for direct entry into the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists. That’s when I found the MSc Human Nutrition course.

My course

One of the things I like most about my course is understanding the theoretical knowledge surrounding nutritional claims. It’s fascinating dissecting what behavioural changes I’m making based on my learning.

My course has helped me critically analyse research, including the limitations surrounding food studies. Understanding the idea that nutrients don't exist as separate entities in food has been the greatest learning I’ve taken away. I’ve also enjoyed applying my learning to a series of real-life case studies, which I know will be useful for future employment in the field.

My lecturers are all very welcoming and personable. Being a small cohort means we’re able to speak freely, ask questions and develop our knowledge. If I don’t understand something, I feel confident approaching them and asking for help. This is extremely useful for getting coursework feedback!

The facilities are state-of-the-art – there’s no other word that comes to mind! I remember the first time I went into the Innovation for Health Learning Laboratory and seeing all of the equipment – it still impresses me today. For the practical aspects of the course, I also get to use the sports labs.

I’ve had so many great memories so far, it’s hard to capture just one! Surrey has added to my life in many ways, but one of the best things has been networking and connecting with people who have similar interests to me.

"In the future, I’d like to specialise in performance and sports nutrition. The field is coming into its own and athletes alike are starting to understand the importance of choosing the right fuels for their sports and body compositions."

My life at Surrey

I decided to live off campus as I’m fond of a more homelike setting, but nonetheless, I’ve heard great things about halls! Wherever you decide to live, I would say Guildford is a safe place, which for me is the most important thing.

When I’m not in lectures or labs, you can usually find me weightlifting at Surrey Sports Park. I’ve been doing this for a few years and was excited to join the weightlifting club. The activity is a great way to release stress, but also a perfect opportunity to form new friendships. If I’m not exercising, you’ll see me in the Library. Completing a postgraduate degree means you must spend more time studying and I’ve found this to be the perfect environment for me.

My career and development

My time at Surrey has helped me cultivate the mindset needed for the workplace. I can now critically analyse information and write in a specific format, in addition to developing other skills such as working as part of a group. Outside of my course, I’ve also benefitted from the study support on offer, including the academic skills workshops and the exceptional careers advice.

Alongside my studies, I’m working as a student ambassador, which has helped me nurture my creative side and given me a chance to practise my professional skills. The added bonus is being paid!

In the future, I’d like to specialise in performance and sports nutrition. The field is coming into its own and athletes alike are starting to understand the importance of choosing the right fuels for their sports and body compositions. It will mean further study, but I know this is a long-term goal. Like many students, I’m quite flexible and I’m always willing to explore job opportunities too.

I’m glad I pursued nutrition as food plays a great role in how we function individually and collectively as a nation. I truly want to help people adopt a healthy mindset to what they’re consuming daily. 

My advice

Don't be afraid to ask questions and get yourself out there to network. These will help you develop soft skills and find job opportunities.

There’s a jump from BSc to MSc that can be overwhelming, but keep going and continue to seek help if you need it.


Discover more about our postgraduate food, nutrition and dietetics courses, including our MSc Human Nutrition course.