Student profile
Image of James


I've always been passionate about the forensics side of policing. I used to watch crime documentaries when I was younger with my family, and being at the University of Surrey, doing exactly what I watched on the TV when I was younger, is truly amazing.

Is there a song that reminds you of Surrey?

‘Need 2’ by Pinegrove. I've heard this song a lot out with my friends by the lake at Surrey. I think that every time I listen to this song, even when I'm older, it will make me think of the good times I had at Surrey.

Describe your experience at Surrey in three words.

Freedom, exciting, accountability.

Why did you choose to come to Surrey? 

A variety of things led me to Surrey, including the unique course offered here, the distance from home, the green space on campus and the welcoming atmosphere. 

Before accepting my place, I also looked around the town, so that I would get a good understanding of the area I was moving to. I think the area around the university is extremely important. This is because you spend a big amount of time outside campus, so it is important to like the area around you too.

What was your first impression when you got here?

My first impression was being nervous. This is because I had already gone to a different university before coming here. I didn’t like various aspects of my previous university, and I was afraid it would be the same as my last experience. But it was the complete opposite. I loved everything about Surrey.

Why are you passionate about your subject?

I have always been passionate about the forensics side of policing. I used to watch many crime documentaries when I was younger with my family, and being at the University of Surrey, doing exactly what I watched on the TV when I was younger, is truly amazing and surreal. 

What do you like about your course and why?

I love the practical nature of this course. I haven’t had the chance to do much practical work in education so here at Surrey, being able to visit these crime scenes and wearing all the protective gear, really excites me. I also love the lab work, where we do a range of things like testing fingermarks.

How has your time at Surrey had an impact on you?

It's made me much more independent and has made me hold myself accountable for various things, whether it’s doing simple tasks, such as a weekly food shop, or less simple things, such as making sure I have completed my assignments in time. It's made me much more mature and taught me many things about myself that I didn’t know prior to coming here.


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