Student profile
Image of Elizabeth


My course involves practical elements, such as the basics of crime scene management as well as lifting fingerprints in various ways. I enjoy this as I can apply what I've learnt in lectures and seminars which deepens my understanding of the topics covered.

What’s something you couldn’t live without at university?

I couldn’t live without my various lamps which give the room such a cosy atmosphere which is needed after a long day!

Describe your experience at Surrey in three words.

Challenging, supportive and exciting.

Why did you choose to come to Surrey? 

I chose Surrey as I loved the friendly atmosphere and all the greenery on campus. The High Street in Guildford also appealed to me as it has all the shops you could want in a city, but the vibes of a town. 

What was your first impression when you got here?

When I first got here, there was a thunderstorm. The roads were flooded, and it was all a bit hectic. Yet, the student ambassadors were braving the weather and still happy to help with any enquiries. I think this shows how welcoming and supportive Surrey is. 

Why are you passionate about your subject?

I am passionate about my subject because it's important to understand what crime is and how the justice system within society can impact lives dramatically. Through my course, I'm able to appreciate how criminology can affect real world policies. Once I've graduated, I believe that I will be able to contribute to society in a meaningful and substantial way.

What do you like about your course and why?

My course involves several practical elements, such as the basics of crime scene management as well as lifting fingerprints in various ways. I enjoy this as I can apply what I've learnt in lectures and seminars which deepens my understanding of the topics covered. 

What careers support have you received? 

I have yet to seek help, however the career centre is always there to give advice. They often hold seminars showing what help is available and put together career festivals for those looking for jobs. 

Are you part of any clubs or societies? 

Yes, I'm part of the Pole and Yoga society. It has allowed me to create a routine which important in student life, as well as staying active during my studies. I've also made great friends through the social events the societies organise. Joining clubs and societies has been the most valuable experience to me. 

What are the best things about life at Surrey? 

The best thing about life at Surrey is the mixture between campus, social life and Guildford itself. There are many events put on by the Students' Union around campus and, if you don’t fancy them, you can always take a short bus ride or walk into town.

What has been your best moment at Surrey so far? 

My best moment at Surrey so far has been meeting likeminded people on my course and in my outside interests. 

Do you know what you want to do when you graduate? 

I would like to pursue a career in the police force, specifically the detective unit. 


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