Graduate profile

Emily Sampson

"My foundation year was so exciting and enjoyable. The workload was manageable, and it helped me massively to start living and studying independently."

Why I chose Surrey 

I got into Surrey through clearing on A-level results day and chose it over other options due to its location and the possibility of doing a foundation year. It also had really high student satisfaction ratings and I felt very drawn to it. 

My foundation year was so exciting and enjoyable. The workload was manageable, and it helped me massively to start living and studying independently. 

It was a great steppingstone from school to university. It gave me a head start going into my undergraduate degree as I'd already experienced a year of university life. It provided good knowledge on how to write essays, lab reports and other pieces of university work, which could be daunting straight from school. 

"Don’t be afraid to aim high and have confidence in yourself – you are where you are for a reason!"

My course 

With the foundation year being taught in the way it was, I met a lot of other students and therefore had a large circle of coursemates going into the undergraduate degree. The whole course was really enjoyable. Being able to choose from a wide variety of modules in years 2 and 3 meant that you could tailor the course to your interests.   

Life after Surrey 

I am studying for a PhD in the mechanisms of interactions between specific phytochemicals and their prevention/treatment of cancer. I really enjoy having the freedom to study what I want and do what I enjoy every day, as well as learn new skills in the lab! 

My advice 

Do what you enjoy and follow your instincts. If you pursue what you are passionate about then you will do great. Don’t be afraid to aim high and have confidence in yourself – you are where you are for a reason! 

Also, try to enjoy every moment of your undergraduate degree. The time will go much faster than you expect, and even during the stressful times it really is a once in a lifetime experience.  


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