Graduate profile
BSc graduate, Amelia Lunnon

Amelia Lunnon

"I was really impressed by the flexibility of my degree, as I was able to do both a study abroad semester and a placement year."

Graduation year


Study abroad location

North Carolina State University, USA

Placement company

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

What attracted you to choose the University of Surrey and to study your course here?

I was really impressed by the flexibility of my degree, as I was able to do both a study abroad semester and a placement year. The support I received from staff and other students also encouraged me to pursue these opportunities.


Surrey University Netball Society

What is your strongest memory of your time at Surrey?

Some of my favourite memories at Surrey were spending time by the lake in the summer with my flatmates! I also thoroughly enjoyed being part of sport societies such as Netball, Squash and Food and Wine Society.

What were the best things about your course?

It was how passionate the lecturers are about their courses. I always found they were willing to help me if I had questions or wanted to improve my grade. I enjoyed final year the most as I was able to choose modules that I found the most interesting.

What do you do now and what do you find most enjoyable about your work? Have there been any highlights?

I am currently working as an audit associate alongside studying to obtain my ACA qualification. Although the job can be gruelling at times, I get to work with FTSE 100 companies and develop a network of likeminded professionals within the industry.

How did your time at Surrey help you choose what career to go into?

The Employability and Careers Centre is brilliant – make sure you use them! They helped me with my CV, prep for interviews and allowed me to practise example psychometric tests. I also spoke to several professors to ask for advice about potential careers because I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after university.

What is your advice for students aspiring to work in your profession?

Get as much work experience as you can to find out which jobs you do and don’t like. Applications for placement years or graduate jobs are time-consuming and competitive so make sure yours stands out from everyone else.

Finally, do you have any other comments you’d like to offer about your time at Surrey or life after university?

Enjoy the freedom of university while it lasts! Try new things and take advantage of all the opportunities on offer!


Discover more about the Business Management BSc (Hons) course at Surrey Business School.