Spatial Structures Research Centre
The Spatial Structures Research Centre was the first to be established in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Surrey. We were founded by Professor Zygmunt Stanislaw Makowski in 1963, with the core aim of conducting research in the design, analysis and construction of spatial structures. Educating the spatial structures practitioners of the future has also been at the centre of our activities.
Spatial structure leaders
The Centre was led by Professor Makowski from 1963-71, Professor Hoshyar Nooshin from 1971-98 and Professor Gerard Parke from 1998-2019. The current Director is Dr Alireza Behnejad.
Professor Hoshyar Nooshin was awarded the Torroja Medal in 2018 in recognition of his outstanding and distinguished contributions to research of spatial structures.
What we're researching
Our vision is to generate state-of-the-art research in the design and construction of spatial structures and to promote international educational collaborations.
DAD: Design, assemble and dismantle
This project is a hands-on educational scheme developed and implemented by Dr Alireza Behnejad to improve student learning at a tertiary level.
Start date:
End date: Ongoing
Seismic behaviour of spatial structures
Calculating the ultimate load of shell structures based on key structural design parameters achieved by analysing the relationship between the ultimate loads and structural design parameters.
Meet the team
Professor Gerard Parke
Former Director of the Centre
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