Professor Gerry Parke
This research is aimed at investigating the dynamic behaviour of, and to analyse the dynamic response and dynamic performance of steel frames strengthened with welded haunches subjected to a typical hydrocarbon blast loading. The structural dynamic analysis was carried out incorporating the selected blast load, the validated 3D model of the structures with different welded haunch configurations, steel dynamic material properties, and non-linear dynamic analysis of multiple degree of freedom (MDOF) structural systems. The dynamic responses and effectiveness of the reinforced connections were examined using ABAQUS finite element software. Results showed that the presence of the welded haunch reinforcement decreased the maximum frame ductility ratio. Based on the evaluation of the results, the haunch reinforcements strengthened the selected steel frame and improved the dynamic performance compared to the frame with unreinforced connections under blast loading, and the biggest haunch configuration is the "best" type.
This paper presents a new empirical-based model for nonlinear modelling of a steel beam using the concentrated hinge approach for the progressive collapse assessment. The new empirical-based model defines the momentrotation response of a steel beam considering the development of tensile catenary action. In the ASCE41-17, the nonlinear behaviour defining the backbone curve was derived purely based on the flexural behaviour of the structural member under cyclic loading without integrating the effect of high tensile catenary action build-up. Therefore, the backbone curve can further be improved. A comprehensive parametric study was first carried out to investigate the effect of the tensile catenary action on the flexural resistance of the beam under various structural parameters using ABAQUS software. Four variables were examined, which includes the span length, section size, material strength and ductility. A new empirical moment-rotation model was then derived based on the data obtained from the parametric study. A detailed comparison was made between the generated output results of the moment-rotation response predicted by the ASCE41-17 backbone curve and the new empirical moment-rotation model proposed in this paper. The moment-rotation response results generated by the ASCE41-17 model illustrates that the model tends to overestimate the ultimate chord rotation (theta u) of the beam member as the beam slenderness ratio (L/D) approaches 20. Meanwhile, the new empirical model consistently predicts the flexural behaviour of the beam up to ultimate moment resistance.
The reinforced bubble deck slab or BubbleDeck is a unique system that improves the building design and performance of structures. This slab structure is a reinforced concrete structure that contains high-density polyethene (HDPE) hollow spherical plastic bubble balls with less concrete volume compared to a normal reinforced concrete slab. The system can facilitate up to a 50% longer span compared to a conventional reinforced concrete solid slab. But, eliminating the deadweight concrete may affect the actual performance of the slab structure such as its flexural and shear capacity. Thus, this paper investigates the effect of area loading and punching shear loading on the reinforced bubble deck slab in terms of flexural performance. The square slabs with 1200mm by 1200mm for width and length with a thickness of 230mm were designed as a one-way supported slab. A total of 36 HDPE hollow spherical plastic bubble balls with a 180mm diameter were placed in each bubble deck slab specimen. The high yield steel DA6 BRC reinforcement steel bar meshes and Grade-30 concrete were used for the slabs. The experimental results of the flexural performance of the reinforced bubble deck slab that were subjected to the static area and punching shear loadings are presented. The effect of the load applied in the experiments on the slabs such as flexural strength, bending stiffness and load-deflection behaviour were discussed including the crack propagation and crack pattern.
The axial-shear-flexural interaction behavior of a double-span steel beam in a column-loss state is a complex phenomenon that demands more explanation. Nowadays, it is common practice to study the column loss scenario of a double-span steel beam using the pushdown method. Generally, two pushdown methods are commonly used: the Monotonic Pushdown Force (MPF) and the Distributed Pushdown Force (DPF) methods. Many current researchers adopted the MPF approach due to its practical and straightforward instrumentation for experimental testing compared to the DPF approach. However, the DPF approach would better approximate the actual collapse behavior of the structure in a column-loss event since it resembles the proper form of gravity loads. This paper aimed to demonstrate how these two approaches result in significantly different behavior in double-span steel beam collapse, particularly on the axial-shear-flexural interaction behavior. A finite element analysis using ABAQUS software was undertaken on a validated double-span steel beam model. In the MPF approach, the results have highlighted the importance of the tensile catenary action in the overall structural resistance of the double-span beam against collapse. The tensile catenary action dominated the load-resisting mechanism of the double-span beam at a large deformation state and interrupted the flexural resistance development. The stretching effect induced by the tensile catenary action has avoided the inelastic local buckling and allowed for greater rotation capacity on the beam assembly. However, under the DPF approach, the double-span beam has limited tensile catenary action build-up with high shear force development after the plastic hinge formation. The significant effects of the high shear force development on the double-span beam behavior were highlighted in this study.
Reinforced bubble deck slab is a structural slab that contains high-density polyethene (HDPE) hollow spherical plastic bubble balls forming a slab with less concrete volume compared to the normal reinforced concrete slab. Reducing certain volumes of concrete from 30 to 50% will affect the performance of the slab structure in particular the flexural and shear capacity. Thus, in this research the effect of area loading on the flexural performance of bubble deck slabs is investigated by considering the slabs to be one-way supported slabs. The square deck slabs used were 1200mm by 1200mm for the width and length with a thickness of 230mm. A total of 36 HDPE hollow spherical plastic bubble balls with a 180mm diameter were placed in the bubble deck slab specimens which reduce significantly the structural self-weight. In this paper, the experimental results of the flexural performance of the reinforced bubble deck slab, (BD slab) compared with a conventional reinforced concrete slab, simply supported, subjected to static area loadings, are presented. The effect of the load applied in the experiments on the flexural strength, bending stiffness and load-deflection behaviour of both types of slabs have been discussed including the crack propagation and crack pattern. In general, the conventionally reinforced solid slab, simply supported (SS) has a 60.6% higher resistance against bending deformation than the reinforced bubble deck slab.
This paper aims to provide a unified approach of the finite element analysis (FEA) modelling technique in validating experimental work related to progressive collapse study using ABAQUS software version 6.14. The Finite Element Model (FEM) in simulating the experimental study on the dynamic response of a flush end-plate connection under the effect of sudden support (column) removal is shown herein. The double-span beam and the end plate were modelled using the first-order shell element with reduced integration (S4R). The plastic hinge meshing scheme was utilized on the double-span beam geometry with finer mesh modelled for part of the beam with higher bending behavior and vice versa. A simplified modelling approach for the modelling of the flush endplate connection was introduced. The endplate, which was welded to the cross-section of the beam, was idealized via tie-constraint interaction. A translator-type connector element was used to represent the bolt behavior and the Coulomb friction model was enforced for the surface interaction between the endplate and the column flange. The Holzier material model was used to define the nonlinear properties of the hot-rolled steel sections. The nonlinear Dynamic, Explicit analysis procedure was adapted in simulating the loading scheme given in the experiment and the Rayleigh model was enforced in the analysis to introduce the effect of damping. The analysis output was successfully verified against the experimental results from previous research. It was concluded that the simplified FEA modelling method proposed in this work can simulate actual dynamic response of the flush-end connection. The proposed alternative finite element model able to predict the maximum dynamic displacement of the double-span beam with 0.83% error.
A vision-based approach has been employed in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of bridge infrastructure. The approach has many advantages: non-contact, non-destructive, long-distance, high precision, immunity from electromagnetic interference, and multiple-target monitoring. This review aims to summarise the vision- and Digital Image Correlation (DIC)-based SHM methods for bridge infrastructure because of their strategic significance and security concerns. Four different bridge types were studied: concrete, suspension, masonry, and steel bridge. DIC applications in SHM have recently garnered attention in aiding to assess the bridges' structural response mechanisms under loading. Different non-destructive diagnostics methods for SHM in civil infrastructure have been used; however, vision-based techniques like DIC were only developed over the last two decades, intending to facilitate damage detection in bridge systems with prompt and accurate data for efficient and sustainable operation of the bridge structure throughout its service life. Research works reviewed in this article demonstrated the DIC capability to detect damage such as cracks, spalling, and structural parameters such as deformation, strains, vibration, deflection, and rotation. In addition, the reviewed works indicated that the DIC as an efficient and reliable technique could provide sustainable monitoring solutions for different bridge infrastructures.
The aim of this paper is to propose a new failure criterion for thin-walled steel frame structures based on the sum of the structural exponential strain energy density (ESED) parameters, by analyzing the whole behavior of thin-walled steel frame structures under static and seismic loads. Firstly, the strain energy variation of the thin-walled steel member and structures before and after buckling failure is studied theoretically by introducing the thin-walled theory, after this the ESED failure criterion is proposed to estimate the seismic failure loads of thin-walled steel frame structures. Secondly, a one-story thin-walled steel framework, a five-story thin-walled steel framework and a single-layer spherical reticulated shell separately subjected to different waves were selected on which to carry out the nonlinear time-history response analysis to obtain the ESED model to verify the new failure criterion. Finally, some discussions, comparison between the numerical solution and the analytical solution, the distinction of the ESED between pre- and post-structural failure and failure modes corresponding to the failure load, on the new failure criterion are conducted to a certain extent to prove its rationality. The research on the new failure criterion will provide a new approach to carrying out the structure failure mechanism analysis and contribute to the structural design with more overall confidence. •We proposed a new failure criterion for thin-walled steel frame structures based on the sum of the structural exponential strain energy density (ESED) parameters, by analyzing the whole behavior of thin-walled steel frame structures under static and seismic loads.•When buckling occurs in the bending model, the membrane strain energy will be converted into strain energy of bending. In a thin-walled structure, membrane stiffness is typically orders of magnitude greater than bending stiffness. Accordingly, the strain energy of a thin-walled structure can increase sharply when buckling occurs with small membrane deformations.
In this paper a novel method is proposed to fabricate small single-layer shell models with a high similarity between the models and prototype structures, particularly in their topological configuration. The reasons are because the new shell model contains more hoops, a higher number of nodes and members as well as longer effective member lengths compared to the models fabricated by the existing method. In addition, the cost including material and labour costs are very low when conducting shaking table tests based on the new shell model, these being less than 1/20 of the costs associated with testing a shell model fabricated by the existing method. Therefore, these new models can then be used to conduct a series of shaking table experiments with limited funds to investigate systematically their dynamic behavior and failure mechanisms. Based on the new method, a small single-layer shell model was fabricated and a shaking table test was conducted to study its dynamic behavior as well as its collapse mechanism. In the experiment the dynamic performance of the shell model and its dynamic instability were observed, and a conclusion can be drawn from the shaking table test which is that the single-layer reticulated dome exhibited exceptional seismic load carrying capacity. •We develop a new method, which can be used to make a number of small scale and high-similarity single-layer shell models.•A shaking table test is conducted to study the dynamic behavior of the shell model and as well as its collapse mechanism.•The shell was basically in elastic state, the bending deformations for most tubes were more severe during instability.•The shell has an excellent load carrying capacity by investigating the relationships between dynamic strains and PGA.
The International Conference on Spatial Structures is an event that has taken place every nine years since 1966 and has been organised by the Spatial Structures Research Centre of the University of Surrey. The seventh conference of the series will be held in the summer of 2021 in Guildford, as a joint event with the Annual Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and after very careful consideration, the conference will be an entirely virtual event. The IASS symposia have been successfully held for over 50 years in various countries such as Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, South Korea, Spain and the USA.
Additional publications
1 Parke, G.A.R., 'The Dynamic Relaxation Method Applied to the Static Analysis of Cable Networks and Homogeneous, Isotropic, Elastic Membranes', MSc. Thesis, City University, 1981.
2 Parke, G.A.R., 'The Behaviour of Space Trusses Incorporating Novel Compression Members', PhD Thesis, University of Surrey, 1988.
Refereed journals
3 Hanaor, A., Marsh, C., Parke, G.A.R., 'Modification of Behaviour of Double-Layer Grids; Overview', ASCE, J.Struct. Div., 115, 1021-1037, 1989.
4 Abedi, K. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Progressive Collapse of Single-Layer Braced Domes', Int. J. Space Structures, Multi-Science, Vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 291 - 306, 1996. ISSN 0266-3511.
5 Zeinoddini, M., Harding, J.E. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Effect of Impact Damage on the Capacity of Tubular Steel Members of Offshore Structures', Journal of Marine Structures, Vol. 11, Nos. 4-5, pp. 141-158, 1998. ISSN 0951-8339.
6 Savory, E., Parke, G.A.R., Disney, P., Toy, N. and Zeinoddini, M., 'Field Measurements of Wind-Induced Transmission Tower Foundation Loads', Journal of Wind and Structures Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 183-199, 1998. ISSN 1226-6116.
7 Parke, G.A.R., Toy, N., Savory, E., Abedi, K., and Chenaghlou, R., 'Appraisal of Deployable Dome Structures Under Wind Loading', Journal of Wind and Structures Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 317-336, 1998. ISSN 1226-6116.
8 Garden, H.N., Quantrill, R.J., Hollaway, L.C., Thorne, A.M., Parke, G.A.R., 'An experimental study of the anchorage length of carbon fibre composite plates used to strengthen reinforced concrete beams' Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 12, pp. 203-219, 1998. ISSN 0950-0618.
9 Zeinoddini, M., Harding, J.E. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Dynamic Behaviour of Axially Pre-Loaded Tubular Steel Members of Offshore Structures Subjected to Impact Damage', Journal of Ocean Engineering Vol. 26, pp. 963-978, 1999. ISSN 0029-8018.
10 Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E, 'Contribution of Ring Resistance in the Behaviour of Steel Tubes Subjected to a Lateral Impact', Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol. 42(12), pp. 2303-2320, 2000.
11 Baverel, O., Nooshin, H., Kuroiwa, Y., and Parke, G.A.R., 'Nexorades' Int. J. Space Structures, Multi-Science, Vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 155 - 159, 2000. ISSN 0266-3511.
12 Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E, 'Quasi-Static and Dynamic Response of Tubular Frames to a Lateral Impact', Marine Structures, 2000.
- Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E, 'Axially Pre-Loaded Steel Tubes Subject to Lateral Impact', International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2000.
14 Savory, E., Parke, G.A.R., Zeinoddini, M., Toy, N. and Disney, P., 'Modelling of Tornado Microburst- Induced Wind Loading and Failure of a Lattice Transmission Tower', Journal of Engineering Structures, 23(4) pp. 366-375, 2001.
15 Sheidaii, M.R., Parke, G.A.R., Abedi, K. and Behravesh, A., 'Dynamic Snap-Through Buckling of Truss-Type Structures', International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 85-93, 2001.
16 Abedi, K., and Parke, G.A.R., 'Experimental Study Of Dynamic Propagation of Local Snap-Through in Single-Layer Braced Domes', International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 125-136, 2001.
17 Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E., ‘Axially Pre-Loaded Steel Tubes Subjected to Lateral Impacts - an Experimental Study’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 27 (6), pp. 669-690, 2002.
18 Lignos, X.A., Parke, G.A.R., Harding, J.E. and Kounadis, A.N. ‘A Comprehensive Catastrophe Theory for Non-linear Buckling of Simple Systems Exhibiting Fold and Cusp Catastrophes’. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 175-193, May 2002.
19 Steele, K., Cole, G., Parke, G.A.R., Clark, B., Harding, J.E., ‘Highway Bridges and Environment, Sustainable Perspectives’, Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, 156, pp. 176-182, 2003.
20 Steele, K., Cole, G., Parke, G.A.R., Clark, B., Harding, J.E., ‘ Environmental Impact of Brick Arch Bridge Management’, Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures and Buildings, 156, Issue SB3, pp. 273- 281, 2003.
21 Sheidaii, M.R., Abedi, K., Behravesh, A., and Parke, G.A.R., 'An Investigation into The Collapse Behaviour Of Double-Layer Space Trusses', Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions B, Vol. 27, No. B1, pp. 8-20, 2003.
22 Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R., and Disney, P., ‘The Stability Study of an Innovative Steel Dome’, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 109-125, 2004.
23 Fan, F., Shen, S, Z., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Theoretical and Experimental Study of Vibration Reduction in Braced Domes Using a Viscous Damper System’, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 195- 202, 2004.
- Fan, F., Shen, S, Z., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Study of the Dynamic Strength of Reticulated Domes under Severe Earthquake Loading’, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 235- 244, 2005.
25 Abedi, K., Parke, G A R., ‘The Large Deformation and Cyclic Behaviour of a Ductile Multi-Tubular Force Limiting Device’, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, technical note, 2006.
26 Overend, M., Parke, G.A.R., and Buhagiar, D., ‘A General Crack Growth Model Predicting Failure in Glass’, Journal of Structural Eng., ASCE. Vol. 133, Issue 8, pp. 1146-1155, 2007.
- Overend, M., Parke, G.A.R., ‘A Computer Algorithm for Determining the Strength of Glass’, (submitted for review to Computers & Structures, January 2007).
28 Savory, E., Parke, G.A.R., Disney, P., Toy, N., ‘Wind-Induced Transmission Tower Foundations Loads: A Field Study-Design Code Comparison’, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 96, pp. 1103-1110, 2008.
29 Blackett, G., Savory, E., Toy, N., Parke, G.A.R., Clark, M., Rabjohns, B., ‘An Evaluation of the Environmental Burdens of Present and Alternative Materials used for Electricity Transmission’, Building and Environment, Vol. 43, pp. 1326-1338, 2008.
30 Zeinoddini, M., Harding, J.E. and Parke, G.A.R., ‘Interface Forces in Laterally Impacted Steel Tubes’, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 48, pp. 265-280, 2008.
31 Zeinoddini, M., Harding, J.E. and Parke, G.A.R., ‘Axially Pre-Loaded Steel Tubes Subjected to Lateral Impacts - A Numerical Study’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 35, pp. 1267-1279, 2008.
32 Petrus, C., Abdul Hamid, H., Ibrahim, A., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Experimental Behaviour of Concrete Filled Thin Walled Steel Tubes with Tab Stiffeners’, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 66, pp. 915-922, 2010.
33 Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Elastic Shakedown and Adaption of the Response in Laterally Impacted Steel Tubes’, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol. 20, pp. 400 – 422, April 2011.
34 Zeinoddini, M., Parke, G.A.R., Sadrossadat S.M., ‘Free-Spanning Submarine Pipeline Response to Severe Ground Excitations: Water-Pipeline Interactions’, Journal Of Pipeline Systems Engineering And Practice, pp. 135-149, 2012, ISSN: 1949-1190, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)PS.1949-1204.0000098.
35 Zeinoddini M., Arabzadeh H., Ezzati M., Parke G.A.R., ‘Response of Submarine Pipelines To Impacts From Dropped Objects: Bed Flexibility Effects’, International Journal Of Impact Engineering, Vol. 62, pp. 129-141, 2013, ISSN: 0734-743X, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2013.06.010.
36 Sun, J., Li, H., Nooshin, H., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Dynamic Stability Behaviour of Lattice Domes with Substructures’, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 29, pp. 1-8, 2014, DOI 10.1260/0266-3511.29.1.1.
37 Parke, G.A.R., Behnejad, S.A., ‘Zygmunt Stanislaw Makowski: A Pioneer of space structures’, Architectus, Vol. 40, pp. 33-40, 2014.
38 Behnejad, S.A., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Half a Century with the Space Structures Research Centre of the University of Surrey’, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 29, pp. 205-214, 2014.
39 Parke, G.A.R., Behnejad, S.A., ‘Z S Makowski: A Pioneer of space structures’, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 30, pp. 191-201, 2014.
40 Zeinoddini, M, Ezzati M, Parke, G.A.R., ‘Plastic Buckling, Wrinkling and Collapse Behaviour of Dented X80 Steel Line Pipes Under Axial Compression’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol 38, pp 67-78, 2015.
41 Zeinoddini, M, Mo’tamedi, S, Asil Gharebaghi, Parke, G.A.R., ‘On the ratcheting response of circular steel pipes subject to cyclic inelastic bending: A closed-form Analytical Solution.’ International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol 117, pp 243-257, 2016.
42 Kamarudin, M. K, Disney, P. Parke, G. A. R., ‘Structural Performance of Single and Bundled Glass Columns’, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 11, NO. 3, pp 1593-1599, 2016.
43 Ying Xu, Qing-Hua Han, Parke G. A. R., Yi-Ming Liu, ‘Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of the Progressive Collapse Resistance of Single-layer Latticed Domes’ Vol 143, Issue 9, 2017.
44 Experimental and numerical investigation of the buckling performance of tubular glass columns under compression, Kamarudina, K Mustafasanie, M. Disney P, Parke G, Structures, DOI, 0.1016/j.istruc.2018.08.002, Vol 15c (2018) pp 355-369.
45 Assessment of the Progressive Collapse Resistance of Double-layer Grid Space Structures using implicit and explicit solvers., F Fu, G A R Parke, International Journal of Steel Structures, (2018) , Vol 18, Issue 3, pp 831-842. DOI, ISSN1598-2351.
46 The Dynamic Response And Seismic Damage Of Domes Subjected To Near-Fault Ground Motions, Zhang M, Parke G, Chang Z, (2018), Earthquakes And Structures, An International Journal ISSN: 2092-7614.
Refereed conference papers
47 Parke, G.A.R. and Walker, H.B., 'A Limit State Design of Double-Layer Grids'. Third International conference on Space Structures, Ed. Nooshin, H., Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, 528-532, 1984.
48 Parke, G.A.R., 'Design of Steel Double-Layer Grids', International Symposium on Structural Steel Design and Construction, Applied Technology, Singapore, 219-238, 1985.
49 Makowski, Z.S., Maranzano, D., and Parke, G.A.R., 'Influence of Boundary Conditions Upon Stress Distribution in Single-Layer Diagonal Grids', International Symposium of Shell and Spatial Structures, Leuven, Belgium, 159-172, 1986.
50 Doyle, W. S. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Using Cyclic Symmetry to Analyse Space Structures', Fourth International Conference on Space Structures, Ed. Parke, G.A.R. and Howard C.M., Thomas Telford Publications, London, pp. 674 - 682, 1993.
51 Yarza, A., Cavia, P. and Parke, G.A.R. 'An Introduction to the Fire Analysis of Double-Layer Grids', Fourth International Conference on Space Structures, Ed. Parke, G.A.R. and Howard C.M., Thomas Telford Publications, London, pp. 683 - 692, 1993.
52 Parke, G.A.R. 'A Novel Soft Member for Space Trusses', Fourth International Conference on Space Structures, Ed. Parke, G.A.R. and Howard C.M., Thomas Telford Publications, London, pp. 116 - 126, 1993.
53 Parke, G.A.R. and Howard C.M., 'Conference Report', Int. J. of Space Structures, Vol. 8, 4, pp. 280 - 283, 1993.
54 Parke, G.A.R. and Yarza, A., 'The Theoretical Collapse Behaviour of Steel Double-Layer Grids Exposed to Fire', Third International Kerensky Conference, Singapore, pp. 501 - 508, 1994.
55 Ryall, M. J., Harding, J. E., and Parke, G.A.R., 'An Overview of Current Repair and Strengthening Techniques in use in the UK', International Seminar On Failures Rehabilitation and Retrofitting Of Bridge and Aqueducts, Bombay pp. 51 - 75, 1994.
56 Garden, H.N., Hollaway, L.C., Thorne, A.M. and Parke, G.A.R., 'A Parameter Study of the Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bonded Composites', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Management, Guildford, 1996.
57 Rubakantha, S. and Parke, G.A.R., 'A Review of the Risk Analysis in Construction Management of Bridges', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Management, Guildford, 1996.
58 Abedi, K., and Parke, G.A.R., 'Dynamic Propagation of Local Instability in Single-Layer Braced Domes', Asia-Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures, Beijing. Pp. 556 - 563, 1996.
59 Tahouri, B., Disney, P., Parke, G.A.R., and Toy, N., 'Wind Loading on a Demountable Dome Canopy', Proceedings 3rd UK Conference on Wind Engineering, Exeter College, Oxford, pp. 105 - 108, 1996.
60 Disney, P., Savory, E., Parke, G.A.R., and Toy, N., 'Wind Induced Loads on a Full-Scale Transmission Tower', Proceedings 3rd UK Conference on Wind Engineering, Exeter College, Oxford, pp. 167 - 170, 1996.
61 Parke, G A R., Disney, P., Savory, E., and Toy, N., 'Full-Scale Investigation of the Wind-Induced Loads on Transmission Towers', Proc. 3rd Int. Coll. on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, July, pp. B XI 1 - B XI 4, 1996.
62 Parke, G A R., and Abedi, K., 'The Large Deformation and Cyclic Behaviour of a Ductile Multi-Tubular Force Limiting Device', IA96 Proc. of Int. Seminar on Quasi-Impulsive Analysis Ed. K Wakiyama, E. Tachibana, K. Imai, Osaka, Japan, November, pp. C 3-1 - C 3-15, 1996.
63 Abedi, K. and Parke, G A R., 'Effects of Initial Imperfections on the Propagation of Local Instabilities in Single Layer Braced Domes', SDSS’97, The 5th International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 449 - 457, 1997.
64 Disney, P., Savory, E., Parke, G A R., and Toy, N., 'Field Monitoring and Analysis of Wind Loads on a Transmission Tower', 2nd European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Genova, Italy, July, pp. 1391 - 1398, 1997.
65 Zeinoddini, M., Harding, J.E. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Structural Safety of Oil and Gas Platforms Subjected to a Ship Collision', Proceedings of 9th Annual Oil, Gas and Petro-Chemistry Conference, Tehran, Iran, Sept. Vol. 1, pp. 75-90, 1998.
66 Louca, L.A., Harding, J.E., Parke, G.A.R. and Disney, P., 'Numerical and Experimental Correlations of Stiffened Panels Loaded by Hydrocarbon Explosion', Second World Conference on Constructional Steel Design, San Sebastian, Spain, 1998.
67 Zeinoddini, M., Harding, J.E. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Dynamic Characteristics of axially Pre-Loaded Steel Tubes Subjected to Lateral Impacts', 2nd European Steel Design Conference, Prague, May 25-28, 1999.
68 Overend, M., Buhagiar, D., and Parke, G.A.R. 'Failure Prediction – What is the True Strength of Glass?' Proceedings, Glass In Buildings, ed. Ledbetter, S., and Harris, R., Bath, 1999. ISBN 1-874003-815.
69 Baverel, O., Nooshin, H., Kuroiwa, Y., and Parke G.A.R., 'Nexorades', IASS News Letter No 10., Structural Morphology Group, IASS Working Group No 15, 1999.
70 Steele, K.N.P., Cole, G., Parke, G.A.R., Clarke, B., Harding, J.E., ‘Life Cycle Assessment and Bridge Maintenance Strategy in the County of Surrey’, Proceedings of the Eng. Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Technology Annual Conference, Ed., S Robinson-Gayle, K. Steele, Brunell University, pp. 15-24, 1999.
71 Rubakantha, S., Parke, G.A.R. and Vassie, P., 'Whole Life Costing in Bridge Management – A Probabilistic Approach' Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bridge Management, Guildford, pp. 386 - 391, 2000.
72 Steele, K.N.P., Cole, G., Parke, G.A.R., Clarke, B. and Harding, J.E.H., 'Bridge Maintenance Strategy and Sustainability' Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bridge Management, Guildford, pp. 361 - 369, 2000.
73 Blackett, G., Toy, N., Parke, G.A.R., Savory, E., Ferguson, J., Rabjohns, B., ‘A Comparison of the Environmental Burdens of Current and Alternative Materials Used for Electricity Transmission’, Proceedings of the Eng. Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Technology Annual Conference, Ed., A. Oxley-Green, I. Delay, R. Broadhead, Brunell University, pp. 12-21, 2000.
74 Steele, K.N.P., Cole, G., Parke, G.A.R., Clarke, B., Harding, J.E., ‘Highway Bridge Maintenance Strategy for Application in Life Cycle Assessment’, Proceedings of the Eng. Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Technology Annual Conference, Ed., A. Oxley-Green, I. Delay, R. Broadhead, Brunell University, pp. 405-414, 2000.
75 Nooshin, H., and Parke, G.A.R., ‘Parametric Configuration Processing’, Proceedings IASS Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, Ed., H. Kunieda, Paper No. TP114 (6 Pages), October 2001.
76 Steele, K.N.P., Cole, G., Parke, G.A.R., Clarke, B., Harding, J.E., ‘Application of Life Cycle Assessment Techniques in the Investigation of Brick Arch Highway Bridges’, Proceedings of the Conference for the Eng. Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Technology, Ed., A. Wallen, J. Wood, Brunell University, pp. 77-86, 2002.
77 Blackett, G., Toy, N., Parke, G.A.R., Savory, E., Clark, M., Rabjohns, B., ‘An Accelerated Galvanic Corrosion Test for Bolted Aluminium/Steel Joints’, Proceedings of the Conference for the Eng. Doctorate in Environmental Engineering Technology, Ed., A. Wallen, J. Wood, Brunell University, pp. 195-204, 2002.
78 Parke, G.A.R., Toy, N., Disney, P., Savory, E., ‘Numerical Simulation of a transmission Tower Failure due to Microburst Wind Loads’, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, Poland, pp. 157 - 161, 2002.
79 Overend M., and Parke, G.A.R. ‘Glass Space Structures’, Fifth International Conference on Space Structures, Ed. Parke, G.A.R. and Disney P., Thomas Telford Publications, London, pp. 529 - 540, 2002.
80 Zeinoddini, M., and Parke, G.A.R., Keyvani, J., Disney, P., ‘Snap Through Study of the J W Marriot Hotel Space Structure Dome’, Fifth International Conference on Space Structures, Ed. Parke, G.A.R. and Disney P., Thomas Telford Publications, London, pp. 1535 - 1544, 2002.
81 Steele, K.N.P., Cole, G., Parke, G., Clarke, B., Harding, J.E., ‘The Application of Life Cycle Assessment Technique in the Investigation of Brick Arch Highway Bridges’, 6th International Masonry Conference, November 2002.
82 Hoxey, R., Robertson, A., Toy, N., Parke, G.A.R., & Disney, P., ‘Design of an experimental arrangement to study the wind loads on transmission towers due to downbursts’, 2nd Int Conf. On Fluid Structure Interaction, Cadiz, Spain, June, 2003.
83 Bridge C, Howells H, Toy N, Parke G A R, Woods R., ‘Full scale model tests of a catenary riser’, 2nd Int Conf. On Fluid Structure Interaction, Cadiz, Spain, June, 2003.
84 Farrugia, P., Nooshin H., Disney, P., Parke G.A.R., ‘Spatial Foldable Rings’, IASS Symposium on Space Structures, Montpellier, 2004.
85 El-lishani, S., Nooshin H., Disney, P., Parke G.A.R., ‘Genetic Algorithms and the Stability of Pin-Jointed Assemblies’, IASS Symposium on Space Structures, Montpellier, 2004.
86 Zeinoddini, M., Sadrossadat S. M., Parke G.A.R., ‘Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of free Spanning Submarine Piplines: Effects of Pipe-Water Interaction’, Proceedings ASME International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, OMAE2008, Portugal, 2008.
87 Zeinoddini, M., Saeidi, B., Parke G.A.R., ‘Feasibility of Suction Caisson Solutions for the Foundations of Offshore Jacket Platforms in the Persian Gulf’, ASME International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, OMAE2008, Portugal, 2008.
88 Sahol Hamid, Y., Disney, P., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Progressive Collapse of Double-Layer Space Trusses’, IABSE-IASS Symposium 2011, London.
89 Nooshin, H., Mohammadi, N., Parke, G.A.R., ‘Regularity of Geodesic Domes’, IABSE-IASS Symposium 2011, London.
90 Behnejad S.A., Parke, G.A.R, Nooshin, H., ‘Member Length Regularity of Lattice Domes’, 9th Interdisciplinary Symmetry Festival-Congress of ISIS-Symmetry, Ed. Makarova, V. and Nagy, D., pp. 54-57, Sep 2013.
91 Behnejad S.A., Parke, G.A.R, Nooshin, H., ‘Sphere Packing for Regularisation of Lattice Domes’, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 2013 Symposium, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, Poland, p. 231, Sep 2013.
92 Parke, G.A.R, Behnejad S.A., ‘Z S Makowski: A Pioneer’, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 2013 Symposium, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, Poland, p. 64, Sep 2013.
93 Behnejad, S.A., Parke, GAR., ‘Half a Century with the Space Structures Research Centre of the University of Surrey’, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS-SLTE 2014, Brasilia, Brazil, Sep 2014.
94 Olamigoke OA, Parke G.A.R., Imam M. ‘Effect of cable corrosion on the structural response of cable-stayed bridges Multi-Span Large Bridges’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Multi-Span Large Bridges, 2015. 927-936. 01 Jan 2015.
95 Khairussaleh N.A.M., Parke G.A.R, Imam M. ‘Fatigue analysis of cable anchorages on cable-stayed bridges Multi-Span Large Bridges - Proceedings of the International Conference on Multi-Span Large Bridges, 2015. 937-946. 01 Jan 2015.
96 Olamigoke O.A., Parke G.A.R, Imam M., ‘Structural Performance of Cable-stayed Footbridges to the Loss of Cable(s) Multi-Span Large Bridges’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Multi-Span Large Bridges, 2015. 967-973. 01 Jan 2015.
97 Behnejad S.A., Parke, G.A.R, Nooshin, H., ‘Teaching Spatial Structures: Who to Teach, What to Teach and How to Teach’, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 2015 Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug 2015.
98 Performance criterion for selecting columns to be removed in the Alternate Load Path (ALP) analysis for progressive collapse assessment, Mansor H., Disney P., Parke G. GLOBAL CIVIL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (GCEC2017).
Chapters in books
99 Parke, G.A.R., 'Comparison of the Structural Behaviour of Various Types of Braced Barrel Vaults', Ed. Z.S. Makowski, in Analysis, Design and Construction of Braced Barrel Vaults, Elsevier Applied Science, London, 90-120, 1984.
100 Parke, G.A.R., 'Collapse Analysis and Design of Double-Layer Grids', Studies in Space Structures, Ed. H. Nooshin, Multi-Science, London, 153-179, 1991.
101 Parke, G.A.R., 'Space Frames', in Steel Designers Manual, Ed. The Steel Construction Institute, London, pp. 167 - 174, 1992.
102 Quantrill, R.J., Hollaway, L.C., Thorne, A.M. and Parke, G.A.R., 'Preliminary Research on the Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using GFRP', Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures. Ed., Taerew L., E & FN Spon, London, pp. 541-550, 1995.
103 Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E.H., 'Steel Bridges' in Manual of Bridge Engineering, Thomas Telford, London, pp. 315 - 406, 2001.
104 Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E.H., 'Steel Bridges' in Manual of Bridge Engineering, Thomas Telford, Second edition, London, pp. 315 - 406, 2010.
Edited volumes
105 Harding, J.E.H., Parke, G.A.R. and Ryall, M.J., Editors Bridge Management. 'Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Bridge Management', Guildford, 1990.
106 Harding, J.E.H., Parke, G.A.R. and Ryall, M.J., Editors Bridge Management. 'Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bridge Management', Guildford, 1993.
107 Parke, G.A.R. and Howard C.M., Editors, Space Structures 1 & 2. 'Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Space Structures'. Thomas Telford Publications, London, 1993.
108 Harding, J.E.H., Parke, G.A.R. and Ryall, M.J., Editors Bridge Management. 'Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Management', Guildford, 1996.
109 Harding, J.E.H., Parke, G.A.R. and Ryall, M.J., Editors Bridge Management. 'Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bridge Management', Guildford, 2000.
110 Ryall, M.J., Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E.H., Editors, 'Manual of Bridge Engineering', Thomas Telford, London, 2001.
111 Parke, G.A.R. and Disney P., Editors, Space Structures 1 & 2. 'Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Space Structures'. Thomas Telford Publications, London, 2002.
112 Parke, G.A.R. and Disney, P., Editors, Bridge Management. 'Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Management', Guildford, 2005.
113 Ryall, M.J., Parke, G.A.R. and Harding, J.E.H., Editors, 'Manual of Bridge Engineering', 2nd Edition, Thomas Telford, London, 2010.
114 Cirulis, M., Wicks, P., Ed. Parke G A R, Collings D., Structural Analysis, ICE Publishing Thomas Telford ISBN 978-0-7277-5984-9, 2015.
115 Bhattacharys, S., et. al. Ed. Parke G A R, Collings D., ICE Publishing Thomas Telford, Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics, ISBN 978-0-7277-5841-5, 2015.
116 Wright, J., Ed. Parke G A R, Collings D., Transportation Engineering, ICE Publishing Thomas Telford ISBN 978-0-7277-5973-3, 2015.
117 Shukla, S. K., Ed. Parke G A R, Collings D., Core Concepts of Geotechnical Engineering, , ICE Publishing Thomas Telford ISBN 978-0-7277-5859-0, 2015.
118 Shukla, S. K., Ed. Parke G A R, Collings D., Core Principles of Solid Mechanics, ICE Publishing Thomas Telford ISBN 978-0-7277-5847-7, 2015.
119 Wynn, P., Ed. Parke G A R, Collings D., Hydraulics of Civil Engineers, ICE Publishing Thomas Telford ISBN 978-0-7277-5845-3, 2015.
Technical reports
120 Parke, G.A.R., 'Report on the Experimental Behaviour of Orona Space Structure Nodes', Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 106, April 1991.
121 Clayton, C.R.I., Parke, G.A.R., Woods, R.I. and Ali, I., 'The Design of Transmission Tower Foundations to Resist Uplift', Report No: CBGE9403/1, Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 27, 1994.
122 Harding, J.E., and Parke, G.A.R., 'Report on the Finite Element Analysis of Tubular Steel Piles for the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge', Internal Report, Dept. of Civil Engineering University of Surrey, pp. 1 -37, 1995.
123 Parke, G.A.R., Toy, N., Disney, P., Savory, E., Abedi, K., and Chenaghlou, R., 'Investigation into the Behaviour of Two Folding Dome Structures Under Wind Loading', Report No: cv/st/0296/1, Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 45, 1996.
124 Parke, G.A.R., Disney, P., Savory, E., and Toy, N., 'Monitoring of Wind Induced Loads on a Transmission Tower Foundations', Report No: cv/st/0697/2, Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 102, 1997.
125 Parke, G.A.R., and Disney, P., 'Behaviour of the Main Steelwork / Fabric Connection for the SEGA Structure', Report No: cv/st/0797/1, Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 54, 1997.
126 Parke, G.A.R. and Smith, A., 'Report on the Behaviour of Three Sprint 340 Hop-Up Brackets', Department of Civil Engineering, Report No. CV/ST/1198/1, pp. 1 - 5, November 1998.
127 Parke, G.A.R., 'Report on the Preliminary Testing of an Adjustable Steel Prop', Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 10, October 1998.
128 Nwaubani, S.O., Parke, G.A.R. and Toy. N., 'Report on the Grout Characterisation Tests for the Maureen Gravity Platform', Department of Civil Engineering, No. CV/MT/0598/01, pp. 1 - 9, May 1998.
129 Parke, G.A.R. and Disney, P., 'Appraisal of The Analysis and Design of The Structural Steel Roof for the J. W. Marriott Hotel, Dubai' Department of Civil Engineering, No. CV/ST/0798/1, pp. 1-188, July 1998.
130 Parke, G.A.R., and Disney, P., 'Appraisal of The Effect of Settlement on the Structural Steel Roof for the J. W. Marriott Hotel, Dubai' Department of Civil Engineering, No. CV/ST/0798/1, pp, 1-188, January 1999.
131 Parke, G.A.R., Disney, P., Savory, E., and Toy, N., 'Monitoring of Wind Induced Loads on a Transmission Tower Foundations – Final Report', Report No: CV/ST/1099/6, Department of Civil Engineering, pp. 1 - 18, November 1999.
132 Parke, G.A.R., and Smith, A., 'Report on the Testing of Tie Rods and Tie Rod Systems', Department of Civil Engineering, Report No. CV/ST/6/99/1, pp. 1 - 13, June 1999.
133 Nwaubani, S. O., and Parke, G.A.R., 'Second Report on the Grout Characterisation Tests for the Maureen Gravity Platform', Department of Civil Engineering, 1999.
134 Parke, G.A.R., Savory, E, and Disney, P., 'Behaviour of Telescopic Monitor Support Mast', Department of Civil Engineering, 2000.
TV and radio
Design of Space Structures, BBC Radio Surrey, June 1993.
Building The Impossible, BBC TV, 28th February 2002.
Team Investigates Freak Winds, BBC Radio 3, Cutting Edge, 14th January 2004.
Minnesota Bridge Collapse, BBC Radio 5, 3rd August 2007.