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Meet the team

Professor Emily Farran
Professor in Developmental Psychology
Professor Farran is a psychologist with expertise in children’s spatial abilities and how this relates to mathematics and science competence. Emily is leading the SPACE project and is based at the University of Surrey.

Professor Camilla Gilmore
Professor of Mathematical Cognition- Department of Mathematics Education, University of Loughborough
Professor Gilmore is a psychologist with expertise in how children’s skills in mathematics develop and in understanding children’s mathematics learning difficulties.

Dr Katie Gilligan-Lee
Lecturer/Assistant Professor - School of Psychology, University College Dublin
Dr Gilligan-Lee is a psychologist with expertise in the development of spatial ability through childhood and classroom interventions to improve spatial skills.

Professor Tim Jay
Professor of Psychology of Education - Department of Mathematics Education, University of Loughborough
Professor Jay has completed extensive research in the field of design research and large-scale evaluation in children.

Professor Denis Mareschal
Professor of Psychology - Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development School of Psychology, Birkbeck College
Prof Mareschal has completed extensive research in infant and child cognitive development, including a large-scale Randomised Control Trial of a maths and science primary school educational intervention.

Professor Derek Bell
Director - Learnus
Professor Bell is director of Learnus with extensive experience as a teacher and researcher in science education, nationally and internationally.

Dr Marija Živković
Dr Živković has completed extensive research in the field of maths in children and will be the main contact for schools who have chosen to participate in the study and on hand to support any questions that arise during the sessions.

Dr Anna Korzeniowska
Research Assistant
Dr Anna Korzeniowska is a Research Assistant on the SPACE project. She is supporting the implementation of the programme in participating schools in Portsmouth.