Information for children
If your school has agreed to be part of the SPACE study, find out more about what we will be asking you to do here.
What are we trying to find out in the SPACE programme?

The aim of our study is to better understand what skills you are using when you play with LEGO®, and how this might help you with maths. Your teacher will also you to take part in a number of activities including Lego activities, which we’ve made into fun games.
What will I do if I take part in the study?
Your teacher will ask you to build Lego models during your maths lessons over 6 weeks and to take some short quizzes at the start and end of the study to see if the Lego play has helped with some of your maths learning.
How long will the visit take?
You will complete two 30-minute sessions during your normal school maths lesson each week. The sessions will take place on different days over 6 weeks.