Sleep and recovery from addiction
Researchers from York, Surrey and Kings College London are investigating the everyday and night experiences of individuals in treatment for drug and alcohol dependence.
Past events
Meanings of recovery
A dialogue across the sociologies of mental health, physical illness, injury and addiction.
Key facts
- Principal investigator: Dr Rob Meadows
- Co-investigators: Dr Sarah Earthy, Prof Sarah Nettleton, Dr Ewen Speed and Prof Hillary Thomas
- Funding amount: £3,000
- Funder: Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
- Project start date: June 2016
- Project end date: June 2016
Meanings of recovery was held at the University of Surrey on the 11 and 12 July. The symposium brought together academics and postgraduate research students who have theoretical and empirical interest in ‘recovery’ in the context of mental health, physical illness or injury and addiction. Postgraduate students were invited to submit abstracts and present posters and there was a strong postgraduate presence across both days. Seven posters were displayed across the two days and bursaries of up to £50 towards travel and accommodation were awarded to the five postdoctoral students who submitted abstracts of posters.