Sociology of Sleep
The Department of Sociology has been carrying out research on sleep for over 20 years.
Our research
We provide a supportive and intellectually stimulating research environment, with a number of students currently undertaking their doctoral research within the group.
Social patterning of sleep
We are researching how we sleep, when we sleep, where we sleep, and with whom we sleep, and how these are all influenced by social, cultural and historical factors.
The Sociology of Sleep Group at the University of Surrey has shown the diverse ways in which the social context of everyday life has profound influences on sleep quality.University of Helsinki
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May also be of interest (also open access, I think)
Neale et al 2019
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Assembling a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ night's sleep: A multifactorial proposition
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Association between socioeconomic status and longitudinal sleep quality patterns mediated by depressive symptoms