Statistics advice
We provide a service for commercial organisations offering advice on how to solve research problems that have a quantitative or analytical element.
Statistics Advice Centre
Problems of a mathematical or statistical nature can arise in research undertaken in any discipline, not just in the traditional physical sciences. Advice can be provided to members from other universities or commercial organisations on a fee paying basis.
Consultancy charges
As of 1 December 2013, all statistical advice to:
- External medical researchers is charged at £60 per hour, or £450 per day plus VAT
- Companies are charged £600 per day plus VAT or £80 per hour plus VAT, with substantial discounts (up to 20 per cent) for projects requiring more than five days of work.
Additional charges are made for travelling time and expenses, should meetings be necessary outside of the University. At the first consultation the total number of hours will be estimated, according to the extent of the required data handling, statistical analyses and report format. An invoice is dispatched upon completion, with payment requested within four weeks.
Note however that assistance is subject to staff availability.