Schwartz South

The project involves working with seven higher education institutions (HEIs) across Southern England to support them to implement and run Schwartz Rounds with their healthcare students and newly qualified staff.

Start date

01 March 2022

End date

31 October 2023


Schwartz Rounds are confidential facilitated group spaces that enable healthcare staff and/or students to hear and share stories of the emotional, ethical and social impact of work on them providing a group space for reflection. They were originally developed by the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Care in Boston, USA, and are named after a patient called Kenneth Schwartz who died of lung cancer in the mid-1990s. In the terminal phase of his cancer, he noted that the ‘smallest acts of kindness’ from staff made ‘the unbearable bearable’. He recognised that for staff to connect with and provide compassionate care for patients, they needed a space to reflect on and share the impact of this emotional work on them.  The Point of Care Foundation (PoCF) brought Rounds to the UK in 2009. They hold the licence to train and support Rounds, and organisations require a contract with the PoCF to do so.

In recent years Rounds have expanded into UK HEIs for healthcare students, and currently run in 21 HEIs. Following a national evaluation of Rounds in healthcare settings led by Prof Jill Maben, the University of Surrey began running Rounds in the School of Health Sciences in May 2019 for our students and we also run them separately for our staff. In total we have run 16  Student Rounds and 23 Staff Rounds (online since the start of the pandemic).

The #SchwartzSouth project aims to spread Rounds (using a “hub and spoke” model with University of Surrey as the hub, and HEIs new to running Rounds as the spokes) for healthcare students and where possible newly qualified non-medical staff (NQS) across Southern England. The University of Liverpool (UoL) and Point of Care Foundation (POCF) HEI Network are project partners and will be supporting throughout.

Aims and objectives

The project comprises two phases.

Phase one

Phase One kick-started with an engagement event at the University of Liverpool #SchwratzNorth conference on 22 March 2022. This provided an opportunity to introduce the project to staff from HEIs across Southern England, to find out about Schwartz Rounds and their impact and to know more about what is involved in running them with students and newly qualified staff. In this first phase, the University of Surrey will work with up to three HEIs in Southern England to enable them to start running Schwartz Rounds with healthcare students and where possible newly qualified staff by providing engagement, consultation and ongoing mentoring support from University of Surrey staff as well as funded pump priming packages for each HEI. At the same time, Rounds for students at the University of Surrey as well for academic staff will continue. We will be evaluating the Rounds in the new HEI sites (quantitative and qualitative evaluation) and continue a robust evaluation of the process and impact of the Rounds at the University of Surrey.

Phase two

Phase Two will start with another event where University of Surrey and the phase one HEIs will share the learning with other HEIs across Southern England. This event will allow new potential sites to find out about more about Schwartz Rounds and to know what is involved in running them with students and newly qualified staff. University of Surrey will work with a further four more HEIs in Southern England to enable them to start running Schwartz Rounds with healthcare students. We will also continue working with the three HEIs from phase one as well as run Rounds for students and academic staff at the University of Surrey. We will continue our evaluation of the process and impact of the Rounds at the University of Surrey and extend this protocol to the new sites as they are introduced.  

Funding amount




Project team

Maria Lambrianidou

Project Manager

Sarah Papadacis

Schwartz Rounds Surrey Administrator


Professor Jill Maben and Professor Cath Taylor led the NIHR-funded national evaluation of Schwartz Rounds, the largest and most robust evaluation of Rounds to-date, with findings showing the beneficial impact of attendance at Rounds on a range of outcomes, and a realist-evaluation leading to a depth understanding of how and why they work.

Our outputs including films and an organisational guide for implementing and sustaining Rounds can be found on our A Longitudinal National Evaluation of Schwartz Centre Rounds®.


Research themes

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