Dr Yunlong Zhao
Academic and research departments
Advanced Technology Institute, Strategic partnership with the National Physical Laboratory.About
Dr Yunlong Zhao is an Associate Professor at the Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, leading the Electrochemical and Bioelectronic Interface Group. He also holds a joint appointment at the National Physical Laboratory (UK) as a Senior Scientist and a visiting academic position at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI), University of Surrey. Prior to this appointment, Dr Yunlong Zhao was a Senior Lecturer in Bioelectronics and Energy Storage at the ATI, University of Surrey.
Dr Zhao carried out his postdoctoral and doctoral research at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, where he conducted research in bioelectronic materials and devices, and nano-bio interface. He also received his undergraduate and postgraduate research training at the Wuhan University of Technology, with a focus on electrochemical energy storage and electrochemical probing.
Dr Zhao gained highly multidisciplinary research experience in material science, electrochemistry, electrophysiology, electronic engineering, biomedical engineering and nano-bio interface. His research philosophy is to identify key challenges/problems in complex electrochemical and biomedical systems by rational designing and engineering devices capable of simulating, monitoring and regulating complex electrochemical and physiological processes, performing root cause analysis and proposing innovative solutions/optimisation strategies for the applications in Sustainability and Healthcare.
Dr Zhao has developed a series of novel bioelectronics, sensors, energy storage devices, and their integration into 2D on-chip and 3D soft systems for the in-depth studies of electrophysiology and electrochemical energy storage, with over 90 publications published in peer-reviewed journals such as Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, PNAS, etc. with a total citation over 10K, and an H-index of 49. His work has attracted widespread attention from academics, media and industries. Due to his academic contributions, Dr Zhao has received numerous prestigious awards, e.g., the Second-Class Prize of State Natural Science Award, the Wiley-VCH Rising Stars, Top 5 finalist for the USERN prize, Vice-Chancellor's Award (Researcher of the Year), etc.
Research interests
- On-chip and implantable devices for in-situ/operando electrochemical and physiological interrogation
- Advanced electrochemical energy storage technologies for sustainability and net zero
- Bioelectronic scaffolds, implantable bioelectronics, bioelectronics and power sources integrated 3D soft system for healthcare and the human-machine interface.
Research projects (up to 2023)
- The Faraday Institute - 2022 Battery Study and Seed Research Projects, Rational design and manufacture of stacked Li–CO2 pouch cells, PI.
- EPSRC - New Investigator Award 2020 (EP/V002260/1): Scalable fabrication of on-chip Li-CO2 batteries for efficient electrocatalysts screening and energy storage mechanism study, PI.
- EPSRC Industrial CASE 2020 (2487409), Development of Scalable Nanoelectronic Probes for High-Resolution Interrogation of Living Cells and Cell Networks, PI.
- UK National Measurement System - NMS 2021 (127111) and 2022 (127111), Bioelectronics integrated multifunctional physiological measurement platform, PI.
- National Physical Laboratory - Measurement Fellowship, Advanced multimodal measurement platform for in-situ characterisation of nanoelectronics, PI.
- The Royal Society - International Exchanges 2021 Cost Share (NSFC) (IEC\NSFC\211074), In-situ thermal characterisation and interface optimisation technology for all-solid-state lithium battery, PI.
- UK National Measurement System - NMS 2021 and 2022: NMS Battery Metrology Cross Theme Project, CI.
- Innovate UK - Analysis for Innovators (A4I) Round 6: Electrophysiological monitoring of a neuron cardiomyocyte co-culture device, CI.
- The Royal Society - International Exchanges 2019: Development of nano-designed polyaniline/graphene composites-based supercapacitors with high-voltage electrolytes, CI.
Publication highlights (up to 2023)
- Manman Wang, Kai Yang *, Yuchen Ji, Xiaobin Liao, Guangpeng Zhang, Mateus G. Masteghin, Nianhua Peng, Filipe Richheimer, Huanxin Li, Jianan Wang, Xinhua Liu, Shichun Yang, Enrico Petrucco, Paul Shearing, Fernando A. Castro, S. Ravi P. Silva, Yan Zhao, Feng Pan * and Yunlong Zhao *, "Developing highly reversible Li-CO2 battery: from on-chip exploration to practical application". Energy & Environmental Science (2023), doi.org/10.1039/D3EE00794D.
(Note: Li-CO2 batteries (LCBs) have received extensive attention as a promising alternative to solve both energy crises and CO2 emission issues. In this work, we developed a versatile on-chip electrochemical testing platform to simultaneously achieve efficient catalyst screening and in-situ probing of product chemical composition and morphology evolution of reaction products in LCBs. Following the on-chip platform results, LCB pouch cells were fabricated, exhibiting the highest reported energy efficiency of 92%. These results demonstrate the practical competitive advantages of LCBs, and more generally, the demonstrated multimodal platform can be broadly applied to other systems, thereby opening up new opportunities for rapid catalyst screening, mechanism investigation, and the development of practical applications.) - Xuhui Yao, Xuekun Lu, Yundong Zhou, Tomáš Šamořil, Jinxin Bi, Mateus Gallucci Masteghin, Huixing Zhang, Leslie Askew, Jeong Won Kim, Fangyu Xiong, Jianan Wang, David Cox, Tan Sui, Ian Gilmore, S. Ravi P. Silva, Liqiang Mai, Gareth Hinds, Paul Shearing*, Juyeon Park* and Yunlong Zhao* "Rectifying Interphase for Preventing Li Dendrite Propagation in Solid-State Electrolytes", Energy & Environmental Science, 16, (2023) 2167-2176.
(Note: Solid-state lithium (Li) batteries are considered to be one of the most promising solutions for the future generation of batteries due to their excellent potential energy density and the nonflammability of solid-state electrolytes (SSEs), but the formation and propagation of Li dendrites seriously restrict their practical applications. In this work, we present a conceptual and experimental breakthrough to fundamentally overcome the inevitable dendrite propagation by introducing electronic rectifying interphase on the SSE without compromising the electrochemical reactions.) - Roey Elnathan*, Maria Grazia Barbato, Xiangfu Guo, Anna Mariano, Zixun Wang, Francesca Santoro*, Peng Shi*, Nicolas H. Voelcker*, Xi Xie*, Jennifer L. Young*, Yunlong Zhao*, Wenting Zhao* & Ciro Chiappini*, "Biointerface design for vertical nanoprobes" Nature Reviews Materials (2022), 7, 953–973.
(Note: Biointerfaces mediate safe and efficient cell manipulation, which is essential for biomedical innovations in advanced therapies and diagnostics. This Review discusses how the design of a vertical nanoprobe biointerface determines its ability to interrogate and control a cell. Selected as Cover for Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2022.) - Shiqi Guo, Kaijin Wu, Chengpan Li, Hao Wang, Zheng Sun, Dawei Xi, Sheng Zhang, Mona E. Zaghloul, Changning Wang, Fernando A. Castro, Dong Yang, Yunlong Zhao*. "Integrated contact lens sensor system based on multifunctional ultrathin MoS2 transistors." Matter 4,3, (2021): 969-985.
(Note: Unlike traditional sensors and circuit chips sandwiched in the lens substrate, this work demonstrates an ultrathin and flexible serpentine mesh sensor layer that could be directly mounted onto a contact lens and maintain direct contact with tears, showing easy assembly, high detection sensitivity, good biocompatibility and mechanical robustness, and not interfering with either blinking or sight of vision. This multifunctional contact lens with ultrathin field-effect transistors can provide diversified signals from the eyes, providing personalised and accurate medical analysis for users. This work attracted widespread attention from the media (BBC, The Times, Daily Mail, etc.) and many investment intentions from industries. - Yunlong Zhao, Siheng Sean You, Anqi Zhang, Jae-Hyun Lee, Jinlin Huang, Charles M Lieber* “Scalable ultrasmall nanowire 3D transistor probes for intracellular recording” Nature Nanotechnology 14,(2019) 783–790.
(Note: This work represents a major step towards scalable intracellular recording. This is the first example of semiconductor devices showing the capability to record full amplitude intracellular action from primary neurons and cardiomyocytes, with the advantage of the device being scalable, causing less discomfort and no fatal damage to the cell (cytosol dilation). This device design also allows for multiplexed recording from single cells and cell networks and could enable future investigations of dynamics in the brain and other tissues. CellPress comments this ultra-small nanoprobe could be a leap forward in high-resolution human-machine interfaces.) - Xiao Yang, Tao Zhou, Ted Zwang, Guosong Hong, Yunlong Zhao, Robert Viveros, Tianming Fu, Teng Gao and Charles M Lieber*, “Bioinspired neuron-like electronics,” Nature Materials 18, (2019): 510–517.
(Note: This work presents the first example of a bioinspired and biomimetic brain-machine interface designed such that the key building blocks mimic the subcellular structural features and mechanical properties of neurons. It is a conceptual and experimental breakthrough that, for the first time, literally blurs the ever-present and clear dissimilarities in critical structural and mechanical properties between man-made and living systems. Associated News & Views on Nature Materials comments that “this work will change the perception and power of using bioinspired design for development of integrated devices for next-generation brain-machine interfaces.) - Liqiang Mai, Mengyu Yan, Yunlong Zhao "Track batteries degrading in real-time." Nature 546.7659 (2017): 469.
- Yunlong Zhao, Jiangang Feng, Xue Liu, Fengchao Wang, Lifen Wang, Changwei Shi, Lei Huang, Xi Feng, Xiyuan Chen, Lin Xu, Mengyu Yan, Qingjie Zhang, Xuedong Bai, Hengan Wu, Liqiang Mai "Self-adaptive strain-relaxation optimization for high-energy lithium storage material through crumpling of graphene." Nature Communications 5 (2014): 4565.
- Yunlong Zhao, Jun Yao, Lin Xu, Max N Mankin, Yinbo Zhu, Hengan Wu, Liqiang Mai, Qingjie Zhang, Charles M Lieber "Shape-controlled deterministic assembly of nanowires." Nano Letters 16.4 (2016): 2644-2650.
- Yunlong Zhao, Chunhua Han, Junwei Yang, Jie Su, Xiaoming Xu, Shuo Li, Lin Xu, Ruopian Fang, Hong Jiang, Xiaodong Zou, Bo Song, Liqiang Mai, Qingjie Zhang "Stable alkali metal ion intercalation compounds as optimized metal oxide nanowire cathodes for lithium batteries." Nano Letters 15.3 (2015): 2180-2185.
- Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, Liqiang Mai, Chunhua Han, Qinyou An, Xu Xu, Xue Liu, Qingjie Zhang "Hierarchical mesoporous perovskite La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.91 nanowires with ultrahigh capacity for Li-air batteries." PNAS 109.48 (2012): 19569-19574.
Previous teaching roles at University of Surrey
- Battery and Electrical Systems (EEEM065), Module Leader;
- Laboratories, Design & Professional Studies II (EEE1028);
- Year 1-4 UG tutor
Previous university responsibilities
Faculty International Engagement Committee member
- 301B, 3rd Floor, Dyson Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London, London SW7 2DB, UK.
- Room G9-A10, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, TW11 0LW, UK.
- Room 15 ATI 01, Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK.
Email: yunlong.zhao@imperial.ac.uk, yunlong.zhao@npl.co.uk, yunlong.zhao@surrey.ac.uk.
The personal webpage at Imperial: www.imperial.ac.uk/people/yunlong.zhao
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
Detailed information can be found at the Electrochemical and Bioelectronic Interface Group.
Research Philosophy
Our research philosophy is to identify key challenges/problems in complex electrochemical and biomedical systems by rational designing and engineering microdevices and multifunctional testing/characterization platforms capable of simulating, monitoring and regulating complex electrochemical and physiological processes, performing root cause analysis and proposing innovative solutions/optimisation strategies for the applications in Sustainability, Future Electronics and Healthcare.
Research Interests
- Lab-on-a-chip and implantable devices for electrochemical and physiological interrogation.
- Advanced electrochemical energy storage technologies for Sustainability/Net Zero and Future Electronics.
- Wearable and implantable bioelectronics for Healthcare and the Human-Machine Interface.
- Micro-power sources and bioelectronics integrated 3D soft system.
Research Experience and Achievements
Electrochemical energy storage and electrochemical interrogation
The escalating concerns of environmental degradation and energy crises pose significant challenges to achieving a sustainable human society. In this context, the development of high-performance electrochemical energy storage devices has become crucial for the advancement of portable electronics, vehicle electrification, smart grids, and the future of electronic technologies. Central to these advancements is the innovative design of electrochemical interfaces, which play a pivotal role in enhancing the performance and efficiency of these devices. Meanwhile, innovations in techniques for electrochemical monitoring, especially those offering enhanced spatial and temporal resolution, are key to unlocking the new understanding of electrochemical interfaces and reaction kinetics and are essential for further advancement in novel energy storage technologies.1
To achieve this goal, we have rationally designed and engineered micro-devices for in situ/operando electrochemical characterisation and novel electrochemical energy storage technologies for Sustainability and Future Electronics: For example, we've developed a Li-CO2 electrochemical technology that uses CO2 for energy storage and recycling. Using our unique multimodal on-chip testing platform, we screen catalysts and study mechanisms, leading to practical Li-CO2 pouch cells.2,3 This on-chip platform can also be broadly applied to other systems, such as electrocatalysis, opening new avenues for rapid screening, mechanism investigation, and guiding macroscopic applications.4 Beyond these, we also work on the development of multifunctional implantable sensors for noninvasive monitoring of the internal states of batteries and next-generation batteries for electric vehicles, targeting holistic optimization of high safety, fast charging, and high energy density. 5-11 Another research area is the innovative design and engineering of flexible self-powered energy storage devices with long-term stability for wearable/implantable electronics and miniaturized electronics. 11,12
- L. Mai, M. Yan, Y. Zhao, Track batteries degrading in real-time. Nature 546 (2017), 469.
- M. Wang, K. Yang, Y. Ji, X. Liao, M. G. Masteghin, N. Peng, F. Richheimer, H. Li, F. A. Castro, E. Petrucco, R. Silva, F. Pan, Y. Zhao*, Developing highly reversible Li-CO2 battery: from on-chip exploration to practical application. Energy & Environmental Science 16 (2023), 3960-3967.
- S. Chen, K.Yang, H. Zhu, J. Wang, Y. Gong, Huanxin Li, Manman Wang, S. R. P. Silva, Y. Zhao*, L. Yang*, Rational catalyst structural design to facilitate reversible Li-CO2 batteries with boosted CO2 conversion kinetics." Nano Energy 117 (2023): 108872.
- X. Pan, M. Yan. Q. Liu, R. Smith, N. Peng, J. England, S. Chi Edman Tsang*, Y. Zhao*, L. Mai*, et al. Electric-field-assisted proton coupling enhanced oxygen evolution reaction. Nature Communications, (2024).
- Li, Y. Gong, K. Yang, H. Zhou, J. Li, B. Mao, J. Zhang, Z. Huang, S. Jiao, Y. Kuang, Y. Zhao*, S. Luo*, Ampere-hour-scale soft-package potassium-ion hybrid capacitors enabling 6-minute fast-charging. Nature Communications, 14 (2023), 6407.
- Yao, X. Lu, Y. Zhou, T. Šamoril, J. Bi, M. G. Masteghin, H Zhang, L. Askew, J. Kim, F. Xiong, J. Wang, D. C. Cox, T. Sui, I. Gilmore, S. R. P. Silva, L. Mai, G. Hinds, P. R. Shearing, J. Park and Y. Zhao*, Rectifying Interphases for Preventing Li Dendrite Propagation in Solid-State Electrolytes. Energy & Environmental Science (2023) 16, 2167.
- J. Wang, K. Yang, S. Sun, Q. Ma, G. Yi, X. Chen, X. Liu, X., Q. Cai*, and Y. Zhao*, Advances in thermal‐related analysis techniques for solid‐state lithium batteries. InfoMat, 5(2023), p.e12401.
- Yao, Y. Zhao*, F. Castro, L. Mai*, Rational design of pre-intercalated electrodes for rechargeable battery. ACS Energy Letters 4, (2019), 771-778.
- Y. Zhao, C. Han, J. Yang, etc.Stable alkali metal ion intercalation compounds as optimized metal oxide nanowire cathodes for lithium batteries." Nano Letters 15.3 (2015): 2180-2185.
- Y. Zhao, J. Feng, X. Liu, etc. Self-adaptive strain-relaxation optimization for high-energy lithium storage material through crumpling of graphene. Nature Communications 5.1 (2014), 4565.
- Bi, J. Zhang, P. Giannakou, M. Shkunov, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao*, An integrated wearable photo-rechargeable system based on stable ultrahigh-rate quasi-solid-state zinc-ion micro-batteries and flexible solar cells. Energy Storage Materials, (2022) 51, 239.
- Xu, Y Liu, K Yang, S Li, M Wang, R Silva, F Castro, Y. Zhao* Minimally Invasive Power Sources for Implantable Electronics. Exploration, (2023) 20220106.
Bioelectronics and physiological interrogation
Research at the interface between nanoscience and biology has the potential to produce breakthroughs in fundamental science and lead to revolutionary technologies for biology, medicine and healthcare, especially developing new tools that push the limits of spatial and temporal resolution while reducing invasiveness to electrogenic cells, which could open up new research directions and provide a deeper understanding of cell network/tissue functional connectivity, and signal processing between non-living materials and living systems. 1-3
To achieve this goal, we have rationally designed and developed a series of functional bioelectronics, sensors and electronic tissue scaffolds for physiological interrogation and healthcare. Specifically, we developed scalable ultrasmall nanowire 3D transistor probes for intracellular neural and cardiac recording and enabled investigations of intracellular electrophysiology of electrogenic cells and study of the connections from the subcellular to the network level, which was recognised as a leap forward for high-resolution human-machine interfaces.4-6 We designed and optimised bio-inspired injectable neuron-like mesh electronics: It is a conceptual and experimental breakthrough that, for the first time, literally blurs the ever-present and clear dissimilarities in critical structural and mechanical properties between man-made and living systems.7 Our team designed a multifunctional ultrathin transistors-based flexible mesh sensor system, which could be used as a non-invasive way to monitor diversified signals from the eyes, including diabetes, temperature, etc., providing personalised and accurate medical analysis for users.8 Inspired by the extracellular matrix, more recently, our team also designed and fabricated functional and mechanically stable bioelectronic scaffolds that can seamlessly integrate into a customised on–stage incubator chamber, combined with a fluorescence microscope, and electrical stimulation/recording system to allow for continuous and long–term monitoring and manipulation of cell behaviour, in turn, regulating tissue formation.9,10
- Elnathan*, M. Barbato, X. Guo, A. Mariano, Z. Wang, F. Santoro, P. Shi*, Y. Zhao*, etc., "Biointerface design for vertical nanoprobes" Nature Reviews Materials7, (2022), 7, 953.
- Wen, G. Li, T. Huang, W. Geng, H. Pei, J. Yang, M. Zhu, Y. Zhao*, N. Jiang*, C. Tian*, Z. Chen*, et al. "Single-cell technologies: From research to application." The Innovation (2022): 100342.
- Zhang, Y. Zhao, S. S. You, C. M. Lieber*, Nanowire probes drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces. Nano Today 31 (2020), 100821.
- Y. Zhao, S.S. You, A. Zhang, J. Lee, C. M. Lieber*, Scalable ultrasmall three-dimensional nanowire transistor probes for intracellular recording. Nature Nanotechnology 14 (2019), 783-790.
- Y. Zhao, J. Yao, L. Xu, M.N. Mankin, Y. Zhu, H. Wu, L. Mai, C. M. Lieber*, Shape-controlled deterministic assembly of nanowires, Nano Letters 16,4 (2016), 2644.
- H. Han, C. Qin, D. Xu, S. Kar, F.A. Castro, Z. Wang, J. Fang, Y. Zhao*, and N. Hu*, Elevating intracellular action potential recording in cardiomyocytes: A precision-enhanced and biosafe single-pulse electroporation system. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 246, (2024), p.115860.
- Yang, T. Zhou, G. Hong, Y. Zhao, R.D. Viveros, T. Fu, T. Gao, C. M. Lieber*, Bioinspired neuron-like electronics. Nature Materials 18, (2019): 510–517.
- Guo, K. Wu, C. Li, S. Zhang, M. E. Zaghloul, C. Wang, F. A. Castro, D Yang*, Y. Zhao*, Integrated contact lens sensor system based on multifunctional ultrathin MoS2 transistors. Matter 4.3 (2021): 969-985.
- Cox-Pridmore, F. A. Castro, P. Camelliti, Y. Zhao*, Emerging bioelectronic strategies for cardiovascular tissue engineering and implantation. Small, (2022): 202105281.
- D. Cox-Pridmore, B. Officer, I. Francescon, G. Thompson, R. Sharma, S. Sun, M. Xu, Y. Gong, S. R. P. Silva, F. A. Castro*, P. Camelliti*, Y. Zhao*, Submitted.
Micro-power sources and bioelectronics integrated 3D soft system
The rapid advancement and clinical deployment of bioelectronics systems for biological signal monitoring and therapy have led to an increased need for flexible and soft biomedical electronics. These electronics are specifically designed to seamlessly integrate with 3D dynamically curved biological interfaces. In this context, the development of micro-power sources, integral to these systems, is of paramount importance. These power sources must offer continuous energy supply, minimizing the need for frequent recharging or component replacement. Traditional microelectronics power units, often rigid or bulky, pose challenges such as immunological rejection and trauma, and typically fail to deliver sufficient output power for long-term applications. To effectively address these issues, there is a pressing demand for flexible, high-performance energy storage systems. These systems should not only be capable of conforming to curved bio-interfaces but also ensure long-term stability and reliability for the sustained operation of bioelectronics systems. The integration of such advanced micro-power sources into 3D soft system designs is crucial for the next generation of bioelectronics, offering enhanced compatibility and functionality for a wide range of biomedical applications.
- M. Xu, Y Liu, K Yang, S Li, M Wang, R Silva, F Castro, Y. Zhao*, Recent progress in minimally invasive power sources for implantable electronics. Exploration(2023), 20220106.
- J. Bi, J. Zhang, P. Giannakou, T. Wickramanayake, X. Yao, M. Wang, X. Liu, M. Shkunov, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao*, An integrated wearable photo-rechargeable system based on stable ultrahigh-rate quasi-solid-state zinc-ion micro-batteries and flexible solar cells. Energy Storage Materials, (2022) 51, 239.
- S. Guo, K. Wu, C. Li, S. Zhang, M. E. Zaghloul, C. Wang, F. A. Castro, D Yang, Y. Zhao*, Integrated contact lens sensor system based on multifunctional ultrathin MoS2 transistors. Matter 4.3 (2021): 969-985.
Research projects
The Faraday Institute - 2022 Battery Study and Seed Research Projects, Rational design and manufacture of stacked Li–CO2 pouch cells, £172k, PI.
EPSRC - New Investigator Award 2020 (EP/V002260/1): Scalable fabrication of on-chip Li-CO2 batteries for efficient electrocatalysts screening and energy storage mechanism study, £244k (80%fEC), PI.
EPSRC Industrial CASE 2020 (2487409), Development of Scalable Nanoelectronic Probes for High-Resolution Interrogation of Living Cells and Cell Networks, £181k, PI.
UK National Measurement System - NMS 2021 (127111) and 2022 (127111), Bioelectronics integrated multifunctional physiological measurement platform, £200k, PI.
National Physical Laboratory - Measurement Fellowship, Advanced multimodal measurement platform for in-situ characterisation of nanoelectronics, PI.
The Royal Society - International Exchanges 2021 Cost Share (NSFC) (IEC\NSFC\211074), In-situ thermal characterisation and interface optimisation technology for all-solid-state lithium battery, £12k, PI.
UK National Measurement System - NMS 2021 and 2022, NMS Battery Metrology Cross Theme Project, £985k, CI.
Innovate UK (A4I), Round 6 (2022), Electrophysiological monitoring of a neuron cardiomyocyte co-culture device. £50k, CI.
The Royal Society - International Exchanges, 2019, Development of nano-designed polyaniline/graphene composites-based supercapacitors with high-voltage electrolytes, CI.
Research experience and achievement 3:

Research experience and achievement 2:

Research experience and achievement 1:

Research interests
Detailed information can be found at the Electrochemical and Bioelectronic Interface Group.
Research Philosophy
Our research philosophy is to identify key challenges/problems in complex electrochemical and biomedical systems by rational designing and engineering microdevices and multifunctional testing/characterization platforms capable of simulating, monitoring and regulating complex electrochemical and physiological processes, performing root cause analysis and proposing innovative solutions/optimisation strategies for the applications in Sustainability, Future Electronics and Healthcare.
Research Interests
- Lab-on-a-chip and implantable devices for electrochemical and physiological interrogation.
- Advanced electrochemical energy storage technologies for Sustainability/Net Zero and Future Electronics.
- Wearable and implantable bioelectronics for Healthcare and the Human-Machine Interface.
- Micro-power sources and bioelectronics integrated 3D soft system.
Research Experience and Achievements
Electrochemical energy storage and electrochemical interrogation
The escalating concerns of environmental degradation and energy crises pose significant challenges to achieving a sustainable human society. In this context, the development of high-performance electrochemical energy storage devices has become crucial for the advancement of portable electronics, vehicle electrification, smart grids, and the future of electronic technologies. Central to these advancements is the innovative design of electrochemical interfaces, which play a pivotal role in enhancing the performance and efficiency of these devices. Meanwhile, innovations in techniques for electrochemical monitoring, especially those offering enhanced spatial and temporal resolution, are key to unlocking the new understanding of electrochemical interfaces and reaction kinetics and are essential for further advancement in novel energy storage technologies.1
To achieve this goal, we have rationally designed and engineered micro-devices for in situ/operando electrochemical characterisation and novel electrochemical energy storage technologies for Sustainability and Future Electronics: For example, we've developed a Li-CO2 electrochemical technology that uses CO2 for energy storage and recycling. Using our unique multimodal on-chip testing platform, we screen catalysts and study mechanisms, leading to practical Li-CO2 pouch cells.2,3 This on-chip platform can also be broadly applied to other systems, such as electrocatalysis, opening new avenues for rapid screening, mechanism investigation, and guiding macroscopic applications.4 Beyond these, we also work on the development of multifunctional implantable sensors for noninvasive monitoring of the internal states of batteries and next-generation batteries for electric vehicles, targeting holistic optimization of high safety, fast charging, and high energy density. 5-11 Another research area is the innovative design and engineering of flexible self-powered energy storage devices with long-term stability for wearable/implantable electronics and miniaturized electronics. 11,12
- L. Mai, M. Yan, Y. Zhao, Track batteries degrading in real-time. Nature 546 (2017), 469.
- M. Wang, K. Yang, Y. Ji, X. Liao, M. G. Masteghin, N. Peng, F. Richheimer, H. Li, F. A. Castro, E. Petrucco, R. Silva, F. Pan, Y. Zhao*, Developing highly reversible Li-CO2 battery: from on-chip exploration to practical application. Energy & Environmental Science 16 (2023), 3960-3967.
- S. Chen, K.Yang, H. Zhu, J. Wang, Y. Gong, Huanxin Li, Manman Wang, S. R. P. Silva, Y. Zhao*, L. Yang*, Rational catalyst structural design to facilitate reversible Li-CO2 batteries with boosted CO2 conversion kinetics." Nano Energy 117 (2023): 108872.
- X. Pan, M. Yan. Q. Liu, R. Smith, N. Peng, J. England, S. Chi Edman Tsang*, Y. Zhao*, L. Mai*, et al. Electric-field-assisted proton coupling enhanced oxygen evolution reaction. Nature Communications, (2024).
- Li, Y. Gong, K. Yang, H. Zhou, J. Li, B. Mao, J. Zhang, Z. Huang, S. Jiao, Y. Kuang, Y. Zhao*, S. Luo*, Ampere-hour-scale soft-package potassium-ion hybrid capacitors enabling 6-minute fast-charging. Nature Communications, 14 (2023), 6407.
- Yao, X. Lu, Y. Zhou, T. Šamoril, J. Bi, M. G. Masteghin, H Zhang, L. Askew, J. Kim, F. Xiong, J. Wang, D. C. Cox, T. Sui, I. Gilmore, S. R. P. Silva, L. Mai, G. Hinds, P. R. Shearing, J. Park and Y. Zhao*, Rectifying Interphases for Preventing Li Dendrite Propagation in Solid-State Electrolytes. Energy & Environmental Science (2023) 16, 2167.
- J. Wang, K. Yang, S. Sun, Q. Ma, G. Yi, X. Chen, X. Liu, X., Q. Cai*, and Y. Zhao*, Advances in thermal‐related analysis techniques for solid‐state lithium batteries. InfoMat, 5(2023), p.e12401.
- Yao, Y. Zhao*, F. Castro, L. Mai*, Rational design of pre-intercalated electrodes for rechargeable battery. ACS Energy Letters 4, (2019), 771-778.
- Y. Zhao, C. Han, J. Yang, etc.Stable alkali metal ion intercalation compounds as optimized metal oxide nanowire cathodes for lithium batteries." Nano Letters 15.3 (2015): 2180-2185.
- Y. Zhao, J. Feng, X. Liu, etc. Self-adaptive strain-relaxation optimization for high-energy lithium storage material through crumpling of graphene. Nature Communications 5.1 (2014), 4565.
- Bi, J. Zhang, P. Giannakou, M. Shkunov, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao*, An integrated wearable photo-rechargeable system based on stable ultrahigh-rate quasi-solid-state zinc-ion micro-batteries and flexible solar cells. Energy Storage Materials, (2022) 51, 239.
- Xu, Y Liu, K Yang, S Li, M Wang, R Silva, F Castro, Y. Zhao* Minimally Invasive Power Sources for Implantable Electronics. Exploration, (2023) 20220106.
Bioelectronics and physiological interrogation
Research at the interface between nanoscience and biology has the potential to produce breakthroughs in fundamental science and lead to revolutionary technologies for biology, medicine and healthcare, especially developing new tools that push the limits of spatial and temporal resolution while reducing invasiveness to electrogenic cells, which could open up new research directions and provide a deeper understanding of cell network/tissue functional connectivity, and signal processing between non-living materials and living systems. 1-3
To achieve this goal, we have rationally designed and developed a series of functional bioelectronics, sensors and electronic tissue scaffolds for physiological interrogation and healthcare. Specifically, we developed scalable ultrasmall nanowire 3D transistor probes for intracellular neural and cardiac recording and enabled investigations of intracellular electrophysiology of electrogenic cells and study of the connections from the subcellular to the network level, which was recognised as a leap forward for high-resolution human-machine interfaces.4-6 We designed and optimised bio-inspired injectable neuron-like mesh electronics: It is a conceptual and experimental breakthrough that, for the first time, literally blurs the ever-present and clear dissimilarities in critical structural and mechanical properties between man-made and living systems.7 Our team designed a multifunctional ultrathin transistors-based flexible mesh sensor system, which could be used as a non-invasive way to monitor diversified signals from the eyes, including diabetes, temperature, etc., providing personalised and accurate medical analysis for users.8 Inspired by the extracellular matrix, more recently, our team also designed and fabricated functional and mechanically stable bioelectronic scaffolds that can seamlessly integrate into a customised on–stage incubator chamber, combined with a fluorescence microscope, and electrical stimulation/recording system to allow for continuous and long–term monitoring and manipulation of cell behaviour, in turn, regulating tissue formation.9,10
- Elnathan*, M. Barbato, X. Guo, A. Mariano, Z. Wang, F. Santoro, P. Shi*, Y. Zhao*, etc., "Biointerface design for vertical nanoprobes" Nature Reviews Materials7, (2022), 7, 953.
- Wen, G. Li, T. Huang, W. Geng, H. Pei, J. Yang, M. Zhu, Y. Zhao*, N. Jiang*, C. Tian*, Z. Chen*, et al. "Single-cell technologies: From research to application." The Innovation (2022): 100342.
- Zhang, Y. Zhao, S. S. You, C. M. Lieber*, Nanowire probes drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces. Nano Today 31 (2020), 100821.
- Y. Zhao, S.S. You, A. Zhang, J. Lee, C. M. Lieber*, Scalable ultrasmall three-dimensional nanowire transistor probes for intracellular recording. Nature Nanotechnology 14 (2019), 783-790.
- Y. Zhao, J. Yao, L. Xu, M.N. Mankin, Y. Zhu, H. Wu, L. Mai, C. M. Lieber*, Shape-controlled deterministic assembly of nanowires, Nano Letters 16,4 (2016), 2644.
- H. Han, C. Qin, D. Xu, S. Kar, F.A. Castro, Z. Wang, J. Fang, Y. Zhao*, and N. Hu*, Elevating intracellular action potential recording in cardiomyocytes: A precision-enhanced and biosafe single-pulse electroporation system. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 246, (2024), p.115860.
- Yang, T. Zhou, G. Hong, Y. Zhao, R.D. Viveros, T. Fu, T. Gao, C. M. Lieber*, Bioinspired neuron-like electronics. Nature Materials 18, (2019): 510–517.
- Guo, K. Wu, C. Li, S. Zhang, M. E. Zaghloul, C. Wang, F. A. Castro, D Yang*, Y. Zhao*, Integrated contact lens sensor system based on multifunctional ultrathin MoS2 transistors. Matter 4.3 (2021): 969-985.
- Cox-Pridmore, F. A. Castro, P. Camelliti, Y. Zhao*, Emerging bioelectronic strategies for cardiovascular tissue engineering and implantation. Small, (2022): 202105281.
- D. Cox-Pridmore, B. Officer, I. Francescon, G. Thompson, R. Sharma, S. Sun, M. Xu, Y. Gong, S. R. P. Silva, F. A. Castro*, P. Camelliti*, Y. Zhao*, Submitted.
Micro-power sources and bioelectronics integrated 3D soft system
The rapid advancement and clinical deployment of bioelectronics systems for biological signal monitoring and therapy have led to an increased need for flexible and soft biomedical electronics. These electronics are specifically designed to seamlessly integrate with 3D dynamically curved biological interfaces. In this context, the development of micro-power sources, integral to these systems, is of paramount importance. These power sources must offer continuous energy supply, minimizing the need for frequent recharging or component replacement. Traditional microelectronics power units, often rigid or bulky, pose challenges such as immunological rejection and trauma, and typically fail to deliver sufficient output power for long-term applications. To effectively address these issues, there is a pressing demand for flexible, high-performance energy storage systems. These systems should not only be capable of conforming to curved bio-interfaces but also ensure long-term stability and reliability for the sustained operation of bioelectronics systems. The integration of such advanced micro-power sources into 3D soft system designs is crucial for the next generation of bioelectronics, offering enhanced compatibility and functionality for a wide range of biomedical applications.
- M. Xu, Y Liu, K Yang, S Li, M Wang, R Silva, F Castro, Y. Zhao*, Recent progress in minimally invasive power sources for implantable electronics. Exploration(2023), 20220106.
- J. Bi, J. Zhang, P. Giannakou, T. Wickramanayake, X. Yao, M. Wang, X. Liu, M. Shkunov, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao*, An integrated wearable photo-rechargeable system based on stable ultrahigh-rate quasi-solid-state zinc-ion micro-batteries and flexible solar cells. Energy Storage Materials, (2022) 51, 239.
- S. Guo, K. Wu, C. Li, S. Zhang, M. E. Zaghloul, C. Wang, F. A. Castro, D Yang, Y. Zhao*, Integrated contact lens sensor system based on multifunctional ultrathin MoS2 transistors. Matter 4.3 (2021): 969-985.
Research projects
The Faraday Institute - 2022 Battery Study and Seed Research Projects, Rational design and manufacture of stacked Li–CO2 pouch cells, £172k, PI.
EPSRC - New Investigator Award 2020 (EP/V002260/1): Scalable fabrication of on-chip Li-CO2 batteries for efficient electrocatalysts screening and energy storage mechanism study, £244k (80%fEC), PI.
EPSRC Industrial CASE 2020 (2487409), Development of Scalable Nanoelectronic Probes for High-Resolution Interrogation of Living Cells and Cell Networks, £181k, PI.
UK National Measurement System - NMS 2021 (127111) and 2022 (127111), Bioelectronics integrated multifunctional physiological measurement platform, £200k, PI.
National Physical Laboratory - Measurement Fellowship, Advanced multimodal measurement platform for in-situ characterisation of nanoelectronics, PI.
The Royal Society - International Exchanges 2021 Cost Share (NSFC) (IEC\NSFC\211074), In-situ thermal characterisation and interface optimisation technology for all-solid-state lithium battery, £12k, PI.
UK National Measurement System - NMS 2021 and 2022, NMS Battery Metrology Cross Theme Project, £985k, CI.
Innovate UK (A4I), Round 6 (2022), Electrophysiological monitoring of a neuron cardiomyocyte co-culture device. £50k, CI.
The Royal Society - International Exchanges, 2019, Development of nano-designed polyaniline/graphene composites-based supercapacitors with high-voltage electrolytes, CI.
Research experience and achievement 3:

Research experience and achievement 2:

Research experience and achievement 1:

Postgraduate research supervision
Up to 2023
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Kai Yang: Metal–CO2 battery for energy storage and recycled utilisation of CO2 (E-mail: kai.yang@surrey.ac.uk)
Dannielle Cox-Pridmore: Bioelectronics and tissue interface (E-mail: d.cox-pridmore@surrey.ac.uk)
PhD Students
Principal Supervisor
Mr Yi Gong: Development and integration of ultrathin flexible mesh sensors for multiparametric operando monitoring (E-mail: y.gong@surrey.ac.uk)
Miss Ming Xu: Injectable power devices for biomedical applications (E-mail: ming.xu@surrey.ac.uk)
Mr Surajit Kar: Nanoelectronic probes for high-resolution interrogation of living cells (E-mail: s.kar@surrey.ac.uk)
Mr Shaoyin Li: Patternable solid-state thin-film batteries for flexible electronic systems (E-mail: shaoyin.li@surrey.ac.uk)
Miss Ilaria Francescon: Bioelectronics and tissue interface (E-mail: if00222@surrey.ac.uk)
Mr Guangpeng Zhang: Li-CO2 batteries (E-mail: g.zhang@surrey.ac.uk)
Second Supervisor
Mr Jinxin Bi: Flexible micro-batteries for integrated photo-rechargeable systems (E-mail: j.bi@surrey.ac.uk)
Miss Yameng Fan (E-mail: y.fan@surrey.ac.uk)
Mr Berjaeu Officer: Bioelectronics and tissue interface (E-mail: b.officer@surrey.ac.uk)
Mr Yuheng Liu (Email: yuheng.liu@surrey.ac.uk)
Miss Ruizhi Zhang (Email: r.zhang@surrey.ac.uk)
Completed PhD Students
Principal Supervisor
Dr Xuhui Yao: All-solid-state batteries and advanced technology for electrochemical characterisation (E-mail: x.yao@surrey.ac.uk)
Dr Dannielle Cox-Pridmore: Bioelectronics and tissue interface (E-mail: d.cox-pridmore@surrey.ac.uk)
Dr Manman Wang: On-chip Li-CO2 batteries for efficient electrocatalysts screening and energy storage mechanism study (E-mail: manman.wang@surrey.ac.uk)
Second Supervisor
Dr Juyan Zhang (10/2018 - 10/2022): Development of novel rechargeable Al-ion batteries
- Battery and Electrical Systems (EEEM065), Module Leader;
- Laboratories, Design & Professional Studies II (EEE1028);
- Year 1-4 UG tutor
Publications (October 2018 - August 2023):
More recent publications can be found on Google Scholar.
77. Manman Wang, Kai Yang *, Yuchen Ji, Xiaobin Liao, Guangpeng Zhang, Mateus G. Masteghin, Nianhua Peng, Filipe Richheimer, Huanxin Li, Jianan Wang, Xinhua Liu, Shichun Yang, Enrico Petrucco, Paul Shearing, Fernando A. Castro, S. Ravi P. Silva, Yan Zhao, Feng Pan * and Yunlong Zhao *, "Developing highly reversible Li-CO2 battery: from on-chip exploration to practical application". Energy & Environmental Science (2023), doi.org/10.1039/D3EE00794D.
76. MING XU, Yuheng Liu, Kai Yang, Shaoyin Li, Jianan Wang, Dong Yang, Maxim Shkunov, Fernando A. Castro, S. Ravi P. Silva, and Yunlong Zhao* "Recent Progress in Minimally Invasive Power Sources for Implantable Electronics" Exploration (2023)
75. Jiashen Meng, Xuhui Yao, Xufeng Hong, Lujun Zhu, Zhitong Xiao, Yongfeng Jia, Fang Liu, Huimin Song, Yunlong Zhao, Quanquan Pang, "A solution-to-solid conversion chemistry enables ultrafast-charging and long-lived molten salt aluminium batteries". Nature Communications, 14, (2023): 3909
74. Xuhui Yao, Xuekun Lu, Yundong Zhou, Tomáš Šamořil, Jinxin Bi, Mateus Gallucci Masteghin, Huixing Zhang, Leslie Askew, Jeong Won Kim, Fangyu Xiong, Jianan Wang, David Cox, Tan Sui, Ian Gilmore, S. Ravi P. Silva, Liqiang Mai, Gareth Hinds, Paul Shearing*, Juyeon Park* and Yunlong Zhao* "Rectifying Interphase for Preventing Li Dendrite Propagation in Solid-State Electrolytes", Energy & Environmental Science, (2023) doi.org/10.1039/D2EE04006A.
73. Yameng Fan, Emilia Olsson, Gemeng Liang, Zhijie Wang, Anita M D'Angelo, Bernt Johannessen, Lars Thomsen, Bruce Cowie, Jingxi Li, Fangli Zhang, Yunlong Zhao, Wei Kong Pang, Qiong Cai*, Zaiping Guo* "Stabilizing Cobalt‐free Li‐rich Layered Oxide Cathodes through Oxygen Lattice Regulation by Two‐phase Ru Doping" Angewandte Chemie 135 (2023), e202213806
72. Guobin Zhang, Tengfei Xiong, Lixue Xia, Xuhui Yao, Yan Zhao, Lirong Zheng, Han Chen, Yunlong Zhao* , Mengyu Yan* "Operando Observation of Coupled Discontinuous-Continuous Transitions in Ion-Stabilized Intercalation Cathodes" Batteries 8 (2023), 252
71. Shiyi Sun, Jianan Wang* , Xin Chen, Qianyue Ma, Yanyao Wang, Kai Yang, Xuhui Yao, Zhipeng Yang, Jianwei Liu, Hao Xu, Qiong Cai, Yunlong Zhao, Wei Yan* "Thermally Stable and Dendrite-Resistant Separators toward Highly Robust Lithium Metal Batteries"Advanced Energy Materials 12,41 (2023), 2202206.
70. Lu Wen, Guoqiang Li, Tao Huang, Wei Geng, Hao Pei, Jialiang Yang, Miao Zhu, Yunlong Zhao* et al. "Single cell technologies: From research to application." The Innovation (2022): 100342.
69. Xinhua Liu, Lisheng Zhang, Hanqing Yu, Jianan Wang, Junfu Li, Kai Yang*, Yunlong Zhao, Huizhi Wang, Billy Wu, Nigel P. Brandon, Shichun Yang* et al. "Bridging multiscale characterization technologies and digital modeling to evaluate lithium battery full lifecycle." Advanced Energy Materials 12, no. 33 (2022): 2200889.
68. Roey Elnathan*, Maria Grazia Barbato, Xiangfu Guo, Anna Mariano, Zixun Wang, Francesca Santoro*, Peng Shi*, Nicolas H. Voelcker*, Xi Xie*, Jennifer L. Young*, Yunlong Zhao*, Wenting Zhao* & Ciro Chiappini*, "Biointerface design for vertical nanoprobes" Nature Reviews Materials (2022), 7, 953–973. (Selected as Cover for Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2022)
67.Jinxin Bi, Jing Zhang, Pavlos Giannakou, Toshan Wickramanayake, Xuhui Yao, Manman Wang, Xueping Liu, Maxim Shkunov, Wei Zhang*, Yunlong Zhao* "A Highly Integrated Flexible Photo-Rechargeable System Based on Stable Ultrahigh-Rate Quasi-Solid-State Zinc-Ion Micro-Batteries and Perovskite Solar Cells" Energy Storage Materials (2022) 51, 239-248.
66. Mengyu Yan, Peiyao Wang, Xuelei Pan, Qiulong Wei, Chunhua Han, Jefferson Zhe Liu, Yunlong Zhao, Kangning Zhao, Bruce Dunn, Jihui Yang, Liqiang Mai* "Quadrupling the stored charge by extending the accessible density of states" Chem (2022), 8, 1–9.
65. Xinhua Liu, Lisheng Zhang, Hanqing Yu, Jianan Wang, Junfu Li, Kai Yang*, Yunlong Zhao, Huizhi Wang, Billy Wu, Nigel P. Brandon, Shichun Yang*, "Bridging Multiscale Characterization Technologies and Digital Modeling to Evaluate Lithium Battery Full Lifecycle" Advanced Energy Materials, (2022),12, 2200889.
64. Xuhui Yao, Emilia Olsson, Manman Wang, Jianan Wang, Qiong Cai, Nianhua Peng*, Roger Webb, Yunlong Zhao* "Xenon Ion Implantation Induced Surface Compressive Stress for Preventing Dendrite Penetration in Solid-State Electrolytes" Small (2022), 18, 2108124. (Invited for Rising Stars series as worldwide recognized early career researchers)
63. Sailin Liu, Ruizhi Zhang, Jianfeng Mao, Yunlong Zhao, Qiong Cai*, Zaiping Guo* "From room temperature to harsh temperature applications: Fundamentals and perspectives on electrolytes in zinc metal batteries" Science Advances (2022), 8, eabn5097.
62. Dannielle M. Cox-Pridmore, Fernando A. Castro, S. Ravi P. Silva, Patrizia Camelliti, Yunlong Zhao* "Emerging Bioelectronic Strategies for Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering and Implantation" Small (2022), 2105281
61. Xuhui Yao, Emilia Olsson, Jun Zhao, Wencong Feng, Wen Luo, Shuangshuang Tan, Meng Huang, Yunlong Zhao, Jianyu Huang, Qiong Cai, Liqiang Mai*, "Voltage plateau variation in a bismuth-potassium battery" Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2022).10, 2917–2923.
60. Xuhui Yao, Tomáš Šamořil, Jiří Dluhoš, John F. Watts, Zhijia Du, Bohang Song, S. Ravi P. Silva, Tan Sui*, Yunlong Zhao*. "Degradation Diagnostics from the Subsurface of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes" Energy Environ. Mater. (2022): 5, 662–669.
59. Yameng Fan, Wenchao Zhang, Yunlong Zhao, Zaiping Guo, and Qiong Cai. "Fundamental Understanding and Practical Challenges of Lithium-Rich Oxide Cathode Materials: Layered and Disordered-Rocksalt Structure." Energy Storage Materials 40 (2021): 51-71.
58. Qiulong Wei, Qidong Li, Yalong Jiang, Yunlong Zhao, Shuangshuang Tan, Jun Dong, Liqiang Mai, and Dong-Liang Peng. "High-Energy and High-Power Pseudocapacitor–Battery Hybrid Sodium-Ion Capacitor with Na+ Intercalation Pseudocapacitance Anode." Nano-Micro Letters 13.1 (2021): 1-13.
57. Shiqi Guo, Kaijin Wu, Chengpan Li, Hao Wang, Zheng Sun, Dawei Xi, Sheng Zhang, Mona E. Zaghloul, Changning Wang, Fernando A. Castro, Dong Yang, Yunlong Zhao*. "Integrated contact lens sensor system based on multifunctional ultrathin MoS2 transistors." Matter 4,3, (2021): 969-985.
56. Xuelei Pan, Mengyu Yan, Congli Sun, Kangning Zhao, Wen Luo, Xufeng Hong, Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, and Liqiang Mai*. "Electrochemically Exfoliating MoS2 into Atomically Thin Planar‐Stacking Through a Selective Lateral Reaction Pathway." Advanced Functional Materials 31.8 (2021): 2007840.
55. Jiashen Meng, Jiantao Li, Jinshuai Liu, Xingcai Zhang, Gengping Jiang, Lu Ma, Zhi-Yi Hu, Yunlong Zhao, et al. "Universal Approach to Fabricating Graphene-Supported Single-Atom Catalysts from Doped ZnO Solid Solutions." ACS Central Science 6, 8, (2020): 1431–1440
54. Anqi Zhang, Yunlong Zhao, Siheng Sean You, Charles M.Lieber*. "Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces." Nano Today 31 (2020) 100821
53. Yao Wang, Xufeng Hong, Yaqing Guo, Yunlong Zhao, Xiaobin Liao, Xiong Liu, Qi Li, Liang He, and Liqiang Mai*. "Wearable Textile‐Based Co− Zn Alkaline Microbattery with High Energy Density and Excellent Reliability." Small (2020):10.1002/smll.202000293.
52. Gen He, Ning Hu, Alexander M. Xu, Xiangling Li, Yunlong Zhao, and Xi Xie. "Nanoneedle Platforms: The Many Ways to Pierce the Cell Membrane." Advanced Functional Materials (2020): 1909890.
51. Juyan Zhang, Xuhui Yao, Ravi K. Misra, Qiong Cai, and Yunlong Zhao*. "Progress in electrolytes for beyond-lithium-ion batteries." Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2020). (Invited Review)
50. Songge Zhang, Guohua Gao, Jiace Hao, Manman Wang, Han Zhu*, Mingliang Du, and Yunlong Zhao*. "Low-electronegativity vanadium substitution in cobalt carbide induced enhanced electron transfer for efficient overall water splitting." ACS applied materials & interfaces 11.46 (2019): 43261-43269.
49. RDIG Dharmasena, KDGI Jayawardena, Zakaria Saadi, Xuhui Yao, RMI Bandara, Yunlong Zhao, SRP Silva "Energy Scavenging and Powering E-Skin Functional Devices" Proceedings of the IEEE 107, (2019) 2118-2136.
48. Yunlong Zhao* "Linking brains to computers: how new implants are helping us achieve this goal" The Conversation 6, (2019) (Invited Perspective)
47. Yunlong Zhao, Siheng Sean You, Anqi Zhang, Jae-Hyun Lee, Jinlin Huang, Charles M Lieber* “Scalable ultrasmall nanowire 3D transistor probes for intracellular recording” Nature Nanotechnology 14,(2019) 783–790.
(News & Views: Curving neural nanobioelectronics, Nature Nanotechnology 1 July 2019; An array of ‘nano-hairpins’ probes the interior of cells, Nature Research Device and Materials Engineering 1 July 2019; Ultra-small nanoprobes could be a leap forward in high-resolution human-machine interfaces, ScienceDaily 3 July 2019; Nanowires Pin Neurons: a Nano ‘‘Moon Landing’’, Matter 1, (2019) 550–564)
46. Zechao Zhuang, Yong Li, Jiazhao Huang, Zilan Li, Kangning Zhao, Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, Liang Zhou, Lyudmila V. Moskaleva, and Liqiang Mai*. "Sisyphus effects in hydrogen electrochemistry on metal silicides enabled by silicene subunit edge." Science Bulletin 64, (2019): 617–624.
45. Guobin Zhang, Tengfei Xiong, Xuelei Pan, Yunlong Zhao*, Mengyu Yan, Haining Zhang, Buke Wu, Kangning Zhao, Liqiang Mai*, "Illumining phase transformation dynamics of vanadium oxide cathode by multimodal techniques under operando conditions." Nano Research (2019): 1–6.
44. Xiao Yang, Tao Zhou, Ted Zwang, Guosong Hong, Yunlong Zhao, Robert Viveros, Tianming Fu, Teng Gao and Charles M Lieber*, “Bioinspired neuron-like electronics.” Nature Materials 18, (2019): 510–517.
43. Liu, Zhenhui, Yunlong Zhao, Ruhan He, Wen Luo, Jiashen Meng, Qiang Yu, Dongyuan Zhao, Liang Zhou, and Liqiang Mai. "Yolk@ Shell SiOx/C microspheres with semi-graphitic carbon coating on the exterior and interior surfaces for durable lithium storage." Energy Storage Materials 19 (2019): 299-305.
42. Xuhui Yao, Yunlong Zhao*, Fernando Castro, and Liqiang Mai*. "Rational Design of Pre-Intercalated Electrodes for Rechargeable Battery." ACS Energy Letters 4, 3, (2019): 771–778.
41. Zhenhui Liu, Qiang Yu, Yunlong Zhao, Ruhan He, Ming Xu, Shihao Feng, Shidong Li, Liang Zhou, and Liqiang Mai*. "Silicon oxides: a promising family of anode materials for lithium-ion batteries." Chemical Society Reviews 48, 1, (2019): 285-309.
40. Yanhui Chu*, Siyi Jing, Da Liu, Jinchao Liu, and Yunlong Zhao*. "Morphological control and kinetics in three dimensions for hierarchical nanostructures growth by screw dislocations." Acta Materialia 162 (2019): 284-291.
39. Qi Li, Zhiquan Hu, Ziang Liu, Yunlong Zhao, Ming Li, Jiashen Meng, Xiaocong Tian, Xiaoming Xu, and Liqiang Mai*. "Recent Advances in Nanowire‐Based, Flexible, Freestanding Electrodes for Energy Storage." Chemistry–A European Journal 24, no. 69 (2018): 18307-18321.
Publications Prior to Surrey/NPL (October 2018):
38. Yanhui Chu*, Siyi Jing, Xiang Yu, and Yunlong Zhao*. "High-temperature Plateau–Rayleigh growth of beaded SiC/SiO2 nanochain heterostructures." Crystal Growth & Design 18.5 (2018): 2941–2947.
37. Zhenhui Liu, Yunlong Zhao, Ruhan He, Wen Luo, Jiashen Meng, Qiang Yu, Dongyuan Zhao, Liang Zhou, and Liqiang Mai. "Yolk@ Shell SiOx/C microspheres with semi-graphitic carbon coating on the exterior and interior surfaces for durable lithium storage." Energy Storage Materials (2018).
36. Lin Xu†, Yunlong Zhao†, Kwadwo Asare Owusu, Liqiang Mai. "Recent advances in nanowire–biosystem interface: from chemical conversion, energy production to electrophysiology." Chem, 4, (2018): 1538-1559.
35. Qiulong Wei, Qinqin Wang, Qidong Li, Qinyou An, Yunlong Zhao, Zhuo Peng, Yalong Jiang, Shuangshuang Tan, Mengyu Yan, and Liqiang Mai. "Pseudocapacitive Layered Iron Vanadate Nanosheets Cathode for Ultrahigh-Rate Lithium-Ion Storage." Nano Energy (2018).
34. Liqiang Mai, Mengyu Yan, Yunlong Zhao "Track batteries degrading in real time." Nature 546.7659 (2017): 469.
33. Xiaobin Liao, Yunlong Zhao, Junhui Wang, Wei Yang, Lin Xu, Xiaocong Tian, Yi Shuang, Kwadwo Asare Owusu, Mengyu Yan, and Liqiang Mai "MoS2/MnO2 heterostructured nanodevices for electrochemical energy storage.” Nano Research, 11.4 (2018): 2083-2092.
32. Jiashen Meng, Haichang Guo, Chaojiang Niu, Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, Qi Li, and Liqiang Mai "Advances in structure and property optimizations of battery electrode materials. " Joule 1 (2017), 522–547.
31. Yunlong Zhao, Jun Yao, Lin Xu, Max N Mankin, Yinbo Zhu, Hengan Wu, Liqiang Mai, Qingjie Zhang, Charles M Lieber "Shape-controlled deterministic assembly of nanowires." Nano Letters 16.4 (2016): 2644-2650.
30. Mengyu Yan, Guobin Zhang, Qiulong Wei, Xiaocong Tian, Kangning Zhao, Qinyou An, Liang Zhou, Yunlong Zhao, Chaojiang Niu, and Wenhao Ren "In operando observation of temperature-dependent phase evolution in lithium-incorporation olivine cathode. " Nano Energy 22, (2016), 406-413.
29. Longbing Qu, Yunlong Zhao, Aamir Minhas Khan, Chunhua Han, Kalele Mulonda Hercule, Mengyu Yan, Xingyu Liu, Wei Chen, Dandan Wang, Zhengyang Cai, Xiaolin Zheng, Liqiang Mai "Interwoven three-dimensional architecture of cobalt oxide Nanobrush-graphene@NiXCo2X(OH)6X for high-performance supercapacitors", Nano Letters, 15 (2015), 2037-44.
28. Chaojiang Niu, Jiashen Meng, Xuanpeng Wang, Chunhua Han, Mengyu Yan, Kangning Zhao, Xiaoming Xu, Wenhao Ren, Yunlong Zhao, and Lin Xu "General synthesis of complex nanotubes by gradient electrospinning and controlled pyrolysis. " Nature Communications 6, (2015).
27. Yunlong Zhao, Chunhua Han, Junwei Yang, Jie Su, Xiaoming Xu, Shuo Li, Lin Xu, Ruopian Fang, Hong Jiang, Xiaodong Zou, Bo Song, Liqiang Mai, Qingjie Zhang "Stable alkali metal ion intercalation compounds as optimized metal oxide nanowire cathodes for lithium batteries." Nano Letters 15.3 (2015): 2180-2185.
26. Qiulong Wei, Qinyou An, Dandan Chen, Liqiang Mai, Shiyu Chen, Yunlong Zhao, Kalele Mulonda Hercule, Lin Xu, Aamir Minhas-Khan, and Qingjie Zhang "One-pot synthesized bicontinuous hierarchical Li3V2(PO4)3/C mesoporous nanowires for high-rate and ultralong-life lithium-ion batteries." Nano Letters 14, (2014), 1042-1048.
25. Xiaocong Tian, Xu Xu, Liang He, Qiulong Wei, Mengyu Yan, Lin Xu, Yunlong Zhao, Chuchu Yang, and Liqiang Mai "Ultrathin pre-lithiated V6O13 nanosheet cathodes with enhanced electrical transport and cyclability. " Journal of Power Sources 255, (2014), 235-241.
24. Liqiang Mai, Qiulong Wei, Xiaocong Tian, Yunlong Zhao, and Qinyou An "Electrochemical nanowire devices for energy storage. " IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 13, (2014), 10-15.
23. Yunlong Zhao, Jiangang Feng, Xue Liu, Fengchao Wang, Lifen Wang, Changwei Shi, Lei Huang, Xi Feng, Xiyuan Chen, Lin Xu, Mengyu Yan, Qingjie Zhang, Xuedong Bai, Hengan Wu, Liqiang Mai "Self-adaptive strain-relaxation optimization for high-energy lithium storage material through crumpling of graphene." Nature Communications 5 (2014).
22. Liqiang Mai, Qinyou An, Qiulong Wei, Jiayang Fei, Pengfei Zhang, Xu Xu, Yunlong Zhao, Mengyu Yan, Wen Wen, and Lin Xu "Nanoflakes‐assembled three‐dimensional hollow‐porous v2o5 as lithium storage cathodes with high‐rate capacity. " Small 10, (2014), 3032-3037.
21. Yanzhu Luo, Xu Xu, Yuxiang Zhang, Yuqiang Pi, Yunlong Zhao, Xiaocong Tian, Qinyou An, Qiulong Wei, and Liqiang Mai "Hierarchical carbon decorated Li3V2(PO4)3 as a bicontinuous cathode with high‐rate capability and broad temperature adaptability. " Advanced Energy Materials 4, (2014), 16.
20. Dandan Wang†, Yunlong Zhao†, Xu Xu, Kalele Mulonda Hercule, Mengyu Yan, Qinyou An, Xiaocong Tian, Jiaming Xu, Longbing Qu, Liqiang Mai "Novel Li2MnO3 nanowire anode with internal Li-enrichment for use in a Li-ion battery." Nanoscale 6.14 (2014): 8124-8129.
19. Mengyu Yan, Fengchao Wang, Chunhua Han, Xinyu Ma, Xu Xu, Qinyou An, Lin Xu, Chaojiang Niu, Yunlong Zhao, and Xiaocong Tian "Nanowire templated semihollow bicontinuous graphene scrolls: designed construction, mechanism, and enhanced energy storage performance." Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, (2013), 18176-18182.
18. Liqiang Mai, Han Li, Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, Xu Xu, Yanzhu Luo, Zhengfei Zhang, Wang Ke, Chaojiang Niu, and Qingjie Zhang. "Fast ionic diffusion-enabled nanoflake electrode by spontaneous electrochemical pre-intercalation for high-performance supercapacitor." Scientific Reports 3 (2013): 1718.
17. Chaojiang Niu, Chunhua Han, Yunlong Zhao, Xiaocong Tian, Wanli Guo, Yanhui Gu, and Liqiang Mai "Synthesis and optical property of size-tunable vanadium oxide nano-dandelions. " Journal of Nanoscience Letters 3, (2013), 27-30.
16. Liqiang Mai, Aamir Minhas-Khan, Xiaocong Tian, Kalele Mulonda Hercule, Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, and Xu Xu "Synergistic interaction between redox-active electrolyte and binder-free functionalized carbon for ultrahigh supercapacitor performance. " Nature Communications 4, (2013), 2923.
15. Liqiang Mai, Qiulong Wei, Qinyou An, Xiaocong Tian, Yunlong Zhao, Xu Xu, Lin Xu, Liang Chang, and Qingjie Zhang Hybrid nanostructures: Nanoscroll buffered hybrid nanostructural VO2(b) cathodes for high‐rate and long‐life lithium storage. Advanced Materials 25, (2013), 2968-2968.
14. Liqiang Mai, Shuo Li, Yifan Dong, Yunlong Zhao, Yanzhu Luo, and Hongmei Xu "Long-life and high-rate Li3V2(PO4)3 nanosphere cathode materials with three-dimensional continuous electron pathways." Nanoscale 5, (2013), 4864-4869.
13. Liqiang Mai, Han Li, Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, Xu Xu, Yanzhu Luo, Zhengfei Zhang, Wang Ke, Chaojiang Niu, and Qingjie Zhang Fast ionic diffusion-enabled nanoflake electrode by spontaneous electrochemical pre-intercalation for high-performance supercapacitor. Scientific Reports 3, (2013).
12. Liqiang Mai, Fei Dong, Xu Xu, Yanzhu Luo, Qinyou An, Yunlong Zhao, Jie Pan, and Jingnan Yang "Cucumber-like V2O5/Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)&MnO2 nanowires with enhanced electrochemical cyclability." Nano Letters 13, (2013), 740-745.
11. Kalele Mulonda Hercule, Qiulong Wei, Aamir Minhas Khan, Yunlong Zhao, Xiaocong Tian, and Liqiang Mai Synergistic effect of hierarchical nanostructured MoO2/Co(OH)2 with largely enhanced pseudocapacitor cyclability. Nano Letters 13, (2013), 5685-5691.
10. Chunhua Han, Mengyu Yan, Liqiang Mai, Xiaocong Tian, Lin Xu, Xu Xu, Qinyou An, Yunlong Zhao, Xinyu Ma, and Junlin Xie "V2O5 quantum dots/graphene hybrid nanocomposite with stable cyclability for advanced lithium batteries. " Nano Energy 2, (2013), 916-922.
9. Liang Chang, Liqiang Mai, Xu Xu, Qinyou An, Yunlong Zhao, Dandan Wang, and Xi Feng Pore-controlled synthesis of Mn2O3 microspheres for ultralong-life lithium storage electrode. RSC Advances 3, (2013), 1947-1952.
8. Qinyou An, Qiulong Wei, Liqiang Mai, Jiayang Fei, Xu Xu, Yunlong Zhao, Mengyu Yan, Pengfei Zhang, and Shizhe Huang Supercritically exfoliated ultrathin vanadium pentoxide nanosheets with high rate capability for lithium batteries. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, (2013), 16828-16833.
7. Yunlong Zhao, Lin Xu, Liqiang Mai, Chunhua Han, Qinyou An, Xu Xu, Xue Liu, Qingjie Zhang "Hierarchical mesoporous perovskite La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.91 nanowires with ultrahigh capacity for Li-air batteries." PNAS 109.48 (2012): 19569-19574.
6. Xu Xu, Yanzhu Luo, Liqiang Mai, Yunlong Zhao, Qinyou An, Lin Xu, Fan Hu, Lei Zhang, and Qingjie Zhang "Topotactically synthesized ultralong LiV3O8 nanowire cathode materials for high-rate and long-life rechargeable lithium batteries. " NPG Asia Materials 4, (2012), e20.
5. Chunhua Han, Yuqiang Pi, Qinyou An, Liqiang Mai, Junlin Xie, Xu Xu, Lin Xu, Yunlong Zhao, Chaojiang Niu, and Aamir Minhas Khan "Substrate-assisted self-organization of radial β-agvo3 nanowire clusters for high rate rechargeable lithium batteries. " Nano letters 12, (2012), 4668-4673.
4. Liqiang Mai, Fan Yang, Yunlong Zhao, Xu Xu, Lin Xu, Yanzhu Luo "Hierarchical MnMoO4/CoMoO4 heterostructured nanowires with enhanced supercapacitor performance." Nature Communications 2 (2011): 381.
3. Liqiang Mai, Fan Yang, Yunlong Zhao, Xu Xu, Lin Xu, Bin Hu, Yanzhu Luo, and Hangyu Liu Molybdenum oxide nanowires: Synthesis & properties. Materials Today 14, (2011), 346-353.
2. Liqiang Mai, Xu Xu, Chunhua Han, Yanzhu Luo, Lin Xu, Yimin A Wu, and Yunlong Zhao "Rational synthesis of silver vanadium oxides/polyaniline triaxial nanowires with enhanced electrochemical property." Nano Letters 11, (2011), 4992-4996.
1. Liqiang Mai, Lin Xu, Chunhua Han, Xu Xu, Yanzhu Luo, Shiyong Zhao, and Yunlong Zhao "Electrospun ultralong hierarchical vanadium oxide nanowires with high performance for lithium ion batteries. " Nano Letters 10, (2010), 4750-4755.