Advanced Technology Institute

We are one of the University's world-leading research centres. We bring together researchers with an international outlook in quantum information, nanotechnology, energy and advanced materials.

ATI newsletter December 2023

(539.2 KB .PDF)

What we have to offer

We have a wide range of facilities here which our members use to work on cross-cutting themes, addressing the “grand challenges” in energy, healthcare, information technology, sustainable technology and more generally, technologies associated with “quality of life”.

A male student wearing red glasses using equipment

Study with us

Industry needs graduates with up-to-date skills and the ability to expand and develop their products. Industries engaged in nanotechnology and nanomaterials research and development are no different.

Meet our people

Professor Ravi Silva

Director, Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) Interim Director, Pan University Institute for Sustainability and Head of NanoElectronics Centre

Ravi Silva is a Distinguished Professor and the Director of the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) at the University of Surrey. He also Heads the Nano-Electronics Centre (NEC), which is an interdisciplinary research activity. The ATI has over 160 active researchers working on multidisciplinary programmes with the NEC being a major research group within the institute.Short ...
People in a seminar


Join us for an upcoming seminar and take a look at the past events we have held.