Strategic partnership with the National Physical Laboratory
In 2015 the University of Surrey, along with the University of Strathclyde, entered into a strategic partnership with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) with the aim of drawing on the expertise and knowledge from all of the organisations to address some of the major scientific challenges we face today.
About the partnership
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK's National Measurement Institute and is a world leader in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards in areas such as advanced manufacturing, aerospace, the digital world, energy and healthcare.
This partnership brings together academia with industry and government to address key challenges underpinned by measurement science and enables all parties to strengthen both the excellence of their science and their engagement with business. "The partnership will help to boost NPL's and the partners' scientific excellence, will strengthen engagement with business, and will make more of the facilities and the site. An important focus will be to develop activity to support postgraduate research and training at Teddington and across the UK." David Willets, Minister for Universities and Science (at the launch in 2014)
Current Projects
The PostGraduate Institute (PGI) for Measurement Science is a pioneering initiative to equip the UK with an exceptionally skilled workforce ready to tackle real life industrial challenges. This issue showcases the ground-breaking research that students have been engaged in and the critical contribution that metrology makes in areas such as meeting the digital challenge, advancing healthcare solutions and protecting the environment.
Through the work of our PGI ambassadors, we aim to inspire the next generation into STEM. If you are interested in joining the community, search PhD vacancies here.
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Surrey have developed a high-frequency beamforming wireless testbed to improve wireless communications in crowded settings such as shopping centres and sports arenas.
While 5G phones and networks are currently on the market, the technology is still improving its speed, connectivity and latency for the end-user. High frequency (mm-waves) is relatively untapped, and the new testbed will support research relating to the development and deployment of mm-wave 5G
Dr Melanie Bailey is a fellow of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) working with National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging at the National Physical Laboratory and Ionoptika Ltd.
Her team has identified differences between the fingerprints of people who touched cocaine compared with those who have ingested the drug, even if the hands are not washed. The science behind the advance is the mass spectrometry imaging tools applied to the detection of cocaine and its metabolites in fingerprints.
A research team led by Surrey colleagues has secured almost £3 million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and key industrial partners to drive innovation in perovskite solar cell design. This type of solar cell can be used to power wearable technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) devices – a rapidly growing market that the more established crystalline silicon solar cell technology cannot adequately serve.
Under project lead Professor Ravi Silva, the team includes colleagues at the Universities of Oxford, Sheffield and Cambridge, and partners including the National Physical Laboratory, NSG Group, Swift Solar, Ossila, Oxford PV, Coatema and QinetiQ.
PostGraduate Institute for Measurement Science

The PostGraduate Institute for Measurement Science (PGI) is delivering a PhD programme that addresses the need for measurement science to support the development of the UK’s economy and improve quality of life. Positioned at the interface between academia and industry, the PGI is a gateway for companies and research organisations looking to utilise measurement in order to perform research and innovate.
Over the next five years, the PGI aims to extend its international reach and partnerships, expanding the training offering to attract researchers and stakeholders alike and develop a sustainable cohort size with increased industry engagement.
PGI's five-year celebration
Students work on important challenges, with many uniquely placed to provide the resource and solutions needed to accelerate the translation of research and create impact on commerce and quality of life.
The PGI’s researchers are making significant contributions to the scientific community, collectively having published 349 papers, participated in key international conferences and been involved in many pioneering research projects.
One example of the extraordinary researchers supported through the PGI is Jasmine Bone, a joint PhD student funded by the University of Surrey, NPL and Element Materials Technology. Jasmine has been working with industry partners to ensure the safety of composite materials used in marine environments. She has actively sought opportunities to promote her research and secured additional funding in the form of a three-year Industrial Fellowship with the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.
Our students and alumni have achieved significant prizes and awards during their studies, including:
- Robert Shearman, who won the Institute of Physics Early Career Award for outstanding contributions to the field of nuclear physics
- Grigorio Rigas, who won the Institution of Engineering and Technology Postgraduate Scholarship for outstanding research on printed nanoelectronics
“It has been tremendously exciting and rewarding developing the PGI, being witness to the meaningful outcomes and impact that our postgraduate researchers have achieved. We are all incredibly proud of how they have developed and gone on to bigger and better things within NPL, in industry or academia, using their time at the PGI as a launch pad for a successful and productive career.”
Richard Burguete, PGI Director, NPL
Collaborative studentships

We have joint facilities with the NPL that drive quantum technology research and measurement and modelling of nonlinear RF and microwave technology research.
Get in contact
If you're interested in collaborating with us or have any questions then please email Rachel Hargreaves (Partnerships Manager) or Jayne Nutbeen (NPL Administrator, Research Support Office).