Neil Rickman

Professor Neil Rickman

Professor of Economics
BA (Durham), PhD (McGill)
Mondays, 16.00-18.00


Neil graduated from the University of Durham (BA (Hons) Econ) in 1988, before moving to McGill University (Montreal) to read for a PhD in Economics, which was completed in 1995. From 1991 to 1995 he was a Research Officer in Economics at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford, and a lecturer in Economics at Pembroke College, Oxford. He moved to Surrey in 1995, and became Professor of Economics in 2004 (serving as Head of Department from 2004-2009).  Neil was a Visiting Professor at the Research Institute of Law and Economics (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) from 2011-2015.  Between 2007-2018, Neil was an Executive Committee member of the Royal Economic Society, serving as Chair of the Society's Conference of Heads of University Departments of Economics (CHUDE) from 2007-2012 and as Conference Secretary from 2012-2018. He is currently a member of the Economics and Econometrics sub-panel for REF 2020 (for both the Criteria and Assessment phases of the exercise) and an Associate Editor of the International Review of Law and Economics.


Research interests



N. Rickman & V. Zikos (2016) “Endogenous R&D networks when labour unions have preferences over wages and employment”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25(1), 1-13.