Dina Annzee
My research project
Women entrepreneurs' views and experiences of the influence of context on their entrepreneurial identities: A qualitative study into their lived realities of running businesses in the Arab Middle EastThis research endeavours to explore the lived experiences of Women Entrepreneurs in the Arab Middle East in terms of the various aspects of their life that influenced their Entrepreneurial Identity development, as well as the limitations and stimuli that the surrounding context imposed on their subsequent entrepreneurial self-realisation. In particular, the importance of context in relation to the formation and development of Entrepeneurial Identity through the eyes of the women themselves, taking into account the socioeconomic and cultural environment, as it ultimately affects entrepreneurial intentions and behaviours.
This research endeavours to explore the lived experiences of Women Entrepreneurs in the Arab Middle East in terms of the various aspects of their life that influenced their Entrepreneurial Identity development, as well as the limitations and stimuli that the surrounding context imposed on their subsequent entrepreneurial self-realisation. In particular, the importance of context in relation to the formation and development of Entrepeneurial Identity through the eyes of the women themselves, taking into account the socioeconomic and cultural environment, as it ultimately affects entrepreneurial intentions and behaviours.