Marialaura Di Domenico

Professor MariaLaura Di Domenico

Associate Head of School Research and Innovation & Professor (Chair) of Entrepreneurship, Work and Organization
PhD, MRes, PGCert HE, BA(Hons), MCIPD, FHEA
Student feedback & consultation hours: Please email me to arrange a meeting



MariaLaura Di Domenico is the Associate Head of School, Research and Innovation & Professor of Entrepreneurship, Work and Organization at Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. 

She is a member of the Research Committee of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS). She is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS). 

She has held various leadership positions at the University of Surrey including Deputy Head of Surrey Business School, Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Director of Research. She was also the University of Surrey's REF 2021 Lead for Business and Management Studies.

Previously she held academic positions at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, the Open University Business School, and the University of Westminster.

MariaLaura holds a PhD from the University of Strathclyde, is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), and a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (MCIPD).


MariaLaura is a leading international researcher known for her cutting edge research. Her research is focussed on entrepreneurship and new working practices in the digital age; social enterprise; the work-life interface; and the sociology of work and organizations.

Her research interests and expertise centre on the following key areas:

  • Entrepreneurship; new working practices in the digital age, mobile working and technological innovation; the work-life interface and the changing nature of work;
  • Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises;
  • Socio-theoretical approaches to entrepreneurship, work and organizations.

Her research is published in the leading management and social science journals including: Journal of Management Studies; Human Relations; Organization Studies; Organization; Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice; British Journal of Management; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Business ResearchInternational Small Business Journal; Journal of Management Inquiry; Regional Studies; Annals of Tourism Research; Tourism Management; Journal of Small Business ManagementNew Technology, Work and Employment; Journal of Travel Research; and Gender, Work and Organization. 

She is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Market Research and serves as a regular reviewer for many of the leading management and social science journals.

Her work has been funded by a range of bodies including the British Academy, RCUK, ESRC, EEUK, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, as well as Third Sector organizations. She is currently leading and researching a number of exciting and impactful research projects.


Experienced at teaching a range of subjects including entrepreneurship and research methods (qualitative) at Doctoral, PG (including MBA) and UG levels.

Experienced PhD Supervisor and PhD Examiner. MariaLaura is pleased to consider applications for potential PhD supervision. 

University roles and responsibilities 


- Deputy Head of Surrey Business School 

- Director of Research 

- Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation


- Associate Head of School Research and Innovation, Surrey Business School 

- Surrey Business School Senior Management Team member

- Faculty Research and Innovation Committee member 

- IAS (Institute of Advanced Studies) Advisory Board member

- PhD Supervisor

- PhD Examiner/ Viva Chair

- Personal Tutor 



Bullock, K., Di Domenico, M., Miller, G., Shirgholami, Z. and Wong, Y. (2024) Under the radar? Modern slavery and labour exploitation risks for the hotel industry. Tourism Management.
Lee, A., Di Domenico, M. and Saunders, M. (2014) Location independent working in academia. Journal of Workplace Rights. 17(4), 425-442
Nunan, D. and Di Domenico, M. (2015) Shamrock and tartan in New York: Celebrating the National Days
of Ireland and Scotland and building identities amongst diasporas. IN: Skinner, J. and D. Bryan (Eds.) (2015) Consuming St Patrick’s Day. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.71-93. ISBN 978-1-4438-7631-5 (Hardback)
Di Domenico, M. and Lynch, P. (2006) Commercial home enterprises: Identity, space and setting. IN: Lashley, C, Lynch, P. and Morrison, A. (Eds.) Hospitality: A Social Lens, London, Routledge. pp. 117-128.
Di Domenico, M. (2005) Producing hospitality, consuming lifestyles: Lifestyle entrepreneurship in urban Scotland. IN: Jones, E. and Haven-Tang, C. (Eds.) Tourism SMEs, Service Quality and Destination Competitiveness, CABI Publishing, pp. 109-122.