Chintalpati Umashankar Shastry
Academic and research departments
Quantum thermodynamics and open quantum systems, Open quantum systems in quantum biology.About
My research project
Open Quantum system approach to study the Thermodynamical properties of off-eqilibrium living cellsIn this project I am working as a Postgraduate Researcher under the supervision of Dr Andrea Rocco and Prof Alessandro Torrielli, in the department of physics at the University of Surrey. In this project we aim to investigate how life maintains its highly ordered, low-entropy, far-from-equilibrium dynamical state. We will adopt open quantum systems theory and quantum thermodynamics to make predictions that may be used to assess the underlying classical and quantum dynamics of physical and biological systems. We will focus on systems with memory effects and identify deviations from standard thermodynamics, which may require reformulations of entropy functions and fluctuation-dissipation relations. Analysis of these deviations is expected to shed light on the fundamental differences between living and non-living systems.
In this project I am working as a Postgraduate Researcher under the supervision of Dr Andrea Rocco and Prof Alessandro Torrielli, in the department of physics at the University of Surrey. In this project we aim to investigate how life maintains its highly ordered, low-entropy, far-from-equilibrium dynamical state. We will adopt open quantum systems theory and quantum thermodynamics to make predictions that may be used to assess the underlying classical and quantum dynamics of physical and biological systems. We will focus on systems with memory effects and identify deviations from standard thermodynamics, which may require reformulations of entropy functions and fluctuation-dissipation relations. Analysis of these deviations is expected to shed light on the fundamental differences between living and non-living systems.
My qualifications
ResearchResearch interests
My research interests lie at the intersection of statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and open quantum systems. I am particularly focused on understanding the origins of irreversibility in physical systems by exploring the connections between the molecular chaos hypothesis of classical statistical mechanics and the open quantum system framework. My work also delves into the application of Renormalization Group techniques to incorporate multi-particle correlations, investigate the scaling properties of irreversible dynamics, and characterize the quantum-to-classical transition as a critical phenomenon. By addressing foundational questions about the emergence of classical behavior and the role of decoherence, I aim to provide deeper insights into the interplay between quantum and classical physics.
Research projects
Non-perturbative Renormalization Group Approach in Open Quantum SystemHere I am undertaking the project, in the continuation of a project formulated during my internship, under the supervision of Dr Andrea Rocco. This research explores the Renormalization Group (RG) approach applied to open quantum systems, with a focus on incorporating both dissipation and decoherence phenomena. By extending the traditional Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group (NPRG) analysis, a generalized Wegner-Houghton equation is derived to describe the scale dependence of the effective action. The study builds on the Caldeira-Leggett model, which couples quantum systems to an environment approximated as a collection of harmonic oscillators. A novel ζ-function framework is introduced, allowing for the inclusion of off-diagonal density matrix elements, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of quantum-classical transitions. This approach addresses the limitations of earlier methods by integrating the effects of environmental interactions on both the diagonal and off-diagonal elements. The findings have implications for studying quantum tunneling, decoherence, and dissipation, offering insights into the interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations across scales. Future work will validate the proposed framework through model-based analysis and explore its applications under the Local Potential Approximation.
The Origin of Entropy in an Open Quantum SystemIn this project I am working under the supervision of Dr Andrea Rocco. This research investigates the origins of irreversibility in statistical mechanics, emphasizing the roles of particle correlations and the molecular chaos assumption within the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE). The work critically examines how the molecular chaos hypothesis introduces irreversible behavior in gas dynamics while neglecting particle correlations.
To address these limitations, the study explores alternative methods, including the incorporation of correlations through generalized entropy formulations, such as Tsallis entropy. Furthermore, it establishes a connection between irreversibility in statistical mechanics and the theory of open quantum systems. By integrating classical and quantum perspectives, this interdisciplinary approach aims to provide a deeper understanding of time irreversibility in molecular systems and proposes a robust theoretical framework to describe these phenomena.
Equilibrium in Non-Markovian SystemsThis project, undertaken in collaboration with Dr Andrea Rocco, seeks to investigate the mechanisms by which systems attain equilibrium when interacting with a Non-Markovian bath. Currently in its conceptualization phase, this research has not yet commenced but aims to provide foundational insights into the role of memory effects and non-Markovian dynamics in equilibrium processes.
Dirac equationFor my MSc dissertation, I investigated the Dirac equation for the hydrogen atom using finite basis expansion methods under the supervision of Dr Paul Stevenson. The project focused on obtaining a matrix representation of the Dirac Hamiltonian within a finite set of basis spinors. While any infinite basis set can theoretically represent the Hamiltonian, improper kinetic balancing of the basis functions leads to the emergence of spurious energy states in the spectrum.
Two distinct methodologies were developed and analyzed: the Basis Expansion Method and the Variational Method. In the Basis Expansion Method, the matrix elements were calculated by taking the inner product of kinetically balanced Dirac basis spinors with the Dirac Hamiltonian. In contrast, the Variational Method involved expanding the large component in terms of orthonormal basis functions and the small component using kinetically balanced basis functions.
Both methods were found to produce spurious energy states; however, the Variational Method resulted in fewer such states for a given number of basis functions (or spinors, in the case of the Basis Expansion Method). Despite this advantage, the Variational Method exhibited slower computational performance and a less rapid convergence of the largest positive energy eigenvalue to the theoretical ground-state energy compared to the Basis Expansion Method.
Research interests
My research interests lie at the intersection of statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and open quantum systems. I am particularly focused on understanding the origins of irreversibility in physical systems by exploring the connections between the molecular chaos hypothesis of classical statistical mechanics and the open quantum system framework. My work also delves into the application of Renormalization Group techniques to incorporate multi-particle correlations, investigate the scaling properties of irreversible dynamics, and characterize the quantum-to-classical transition as a critical phenomenon. By addressing foundational questions about the emergence of classical behavior and the role of decoherence, I aim to provide deeper insights into the interplay between quantum and classical physics.
Research projects
Here I am undertaking the project, in the continuation of a project formulated during my internship, under the supervision of Dr Andrea Rocco. This research explores the Renormalization Group (RG) approach applied to open quantum systems, with a focus on incorporating both dissipation and decoherence phenomena. By extending the traditional Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group (NPRG) analysis, a generalized Wegner-Houghton equation is derived to describe the scale dependence of the effective action. The study builds on the Caldeira-Leggett model, which couples quantum systems to an environment approximated as a collection of harmonic oscillators. A novel ζ-function framework is introduced, allowing for the inclusion of off-diagonal density matrix elements, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of quantum-classical transitions. This approach addresses the limitations of earlier methods by integrating the effects of environmental interactions on both the diagonal and off-diagonal elements. The findings have implications for studying quantum tunneling, decoherence, and dissipation, offering insights into the interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations across scales. Future work will validate the proposed framework through model-based analysis and explore its applications under the Local Potential Approximation.
In this project I am working under the supervision of Dr Andrea Rocco. This research investigates the origins of irreversibility in statistical mechanics, emphasizing the roles of particle correlations and the molecular chaos assumption within the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE). The work critically examines how the molecular chaos hypothesis introduces irreversible behavior in gas dynamics while neglecting particle correlations.
To address these limitations, the study explores alternative methods, including the incorporation of correlations through generalized entropy formulations, such as Tsallis entropy. Furthermore, it establishes a connection between irreversibility in statistical mechanics and the theory of open quantum systems. By integrating classical and quantum perspectives, this interdisciplinary approach aims to provide a deeper understanding of time irreversibility in molecular systems and proposes a robust theoretical framework to describe these phenomena.
This project, undertaken in collaboration with Dr Andrea Rocco, seeks to investigate the mechanisms by which systems attain equilibrium when interacting with a Non-Markovian bath. Currently in its conceptualization phase, this research has not yet commenced but aims to provide foundational insights into the role of memory effects and non-Markovian dynamics in equilibrium processes.
For my MSc dissertation, I investigated the Dirac equation for the hydrogen atom using finite basis expansion methods under the supervision of Dr Paul Stevenson. The project focused on obtaining a matrix representation of the Dirac Hamiltonian within a finite set of basis spinors. While any infinite basis set can theoretically represent the Hamiltonian, improper kinetic balancing of the basis functions leads to the emergence of spurious energy states in the spectrum.
Two distinct methodologies were developed and analyzed: the Basis Expansion Method and the Variational Method. In the Basis Expansion Method, the matrix elements were calculated by taking the inner product of kinetically balanced Dirac basis spinors with the Dirac Hamiltonian. In contrast, the Variational Method involved expanding the large component in terms of orthonormal basis functions and the small component using kinetically balanced basis functions.
Both methods were found to produce spurious energy states; however, the Variational Method resulted in fewer such states for a given number of basis functions (or spinors, in the case of the Basis Expansion Method). Despite this advantage, the Variational Method exhibited slower computational performance and a less rapid convergence of the largest positive energy eigenvalue to the theoretical ground-state energy compared to the Basis Expansion Method.
- Assistant lab demonstrator for Scientific Investigation Skills (PHY1035) - SEMR1 2023/4
- Assistant Tutorial demonstrator for Topics in Theoretical Physics (PHYM039) - SEMR2 2023/4
- Assistant lab demonstrator for General Relativity (PHYM053) - SEMR2 2023/4
Deriving an arrow of time from time-reversal symmetric microscopic dynamics is a fundamental open problem in many areas of physics, ranging from cosmology, to particle physics, to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Here we focus on the derivation of the arrow of time in open quantum systems and study precisely how time-reversal symmetry is broken. This derivation involves the Markov approximation applied to a system interacting with an infinite heat bath. We find that the Markov approximation does not imply a violation of time-reversal symmetry. Our results show instead that the time-reversal symmetry is maintained in the derived equations of motion. This imposes a time-symmetric formulation of quantum Brownian motion, Lindblad and Pauli master equations, which hence describe thermalisation that may occur into two opposing time directions. As a consequence, we argue that these dynamics are better described by a time-symmetric definition of Markovianity. Our results may reflect on the formulations of the arrow of time in thermodynamics, cosmology, and quantum mechanics.