Dr Andrea Rocco
Academic and research departments
Quantum Sciences Group, School of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Mathematical and Computational Biology, School of Biosciences.About
Andrea Rocco (MInstP, FHEA, FRSB) graduated in Physics at the University of Pisa (Italy) in 1994, discussing a thesis in quantum field theory. In 1998 he obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of North Texas (USA), where he focused on the role of stochastic processes in classical and quantum mechanical systems.
Between 1998 and 2007 Andrea held postdoctoral positions at the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy), CWI (The Netherlands), and the University of Oxford (UK). During this period of time, his research spanned several areas, from the general fields of statistical mechanics and pattern formation to the modelling of biological systems. In 2007 he obtained a Lectureship in Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath (UK), where he taught mathematical biology modules at both MSc and undergraduate levels.
In 2009 Andrea joined the University of Surrey (UK), where he is now Associate Professor (Reader) in Physics and Mathematical Biology, with a shared appointment between the School of Biosciences and the School of Mathematics and Physics.
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
My current research activity covers several topics in the broad fields of theoretical physics and biological physics.
In theoretical physics my current focus is on fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. It concerns the theory of open quantum systems, and addresses questions regarding the emergence of decoherence, the quantum-classical transition, and the resulting quantum thermodynamics.
In biological physics my interest is in off-equilibrium stochastic dynamics and critical phenomena in living systems, and in particular in noise-induced transitions in gene networks and non-ergodic behaviours. My bio-inspired research aims to uncover general and fundamental properties of living matter.
This research relies on a strong and very active research group, counting over the years on a number of postdoctoral fellows and PhD students. It is funded by the John Templeton Foundation, UKRI (BBSRC and EPSRC), The Leverhulme Trust, and the University of Surrey, which I gratefully acknowledge.
I am always happy to consider applications for PhD positions. Interested candidates are welcome to enquire by email to discuss suitable topics. Given the theoretical aspects involved, a solid mathematical or theoretical physics background is required in all projects. I don't have openings at the postdoctoral level at the moment, but a number of grant applications are currently under evaluation, and openings may appear in the close future.
Research projects
Open quantum systems, the quantum to classical transition and the emergence of irreversibilityWhen a quantum system is coupled to its environment, a so-called open quantum system (OQS), it undergoes a very rapid decoherence process, one of the most fascinating and still poorly understood phenomena in fundamental physics.
Solving the dynamics of OQSs is challenging. It usually relies on a series of projection techniques and approximations, which aim to derive a quantum master equation for the reduced density matrix of the system. The resulting dynamics can be used to study dissipation and decoherence, the quantum-classical transition, and the emergence of irreversible behaviour, both at the quantum level and in the classical limit.
In my group we study non-Markovian dynamics, occurring when there is no time-scale separation between environment and system, and the reduced dynamics are described in terms of memory kernels. Recent results show that in this case the decoherence process is substantially modified, with the emergence of what we call 'lateral coherences' [Lally et al., Phys. Rev A (2022)]. We also study different types of environments, and their effects on the reduced dynamics obtained. We are now considering dissipative and fluctuating environments, and the implications of these on the decoherence process and the resulting thermodynamics.
We also investigate the quantum-classical (QC) transition as a critical phenomenon. We adopt a Renormalization Group (RG) approach, which we extend to the case of OQS, to identify the scaling properties of the reduced dynamics. Recent findings suggest that together with quantum dissipation, the low-frequency behaviour of the decoherence process too needs to be taken into account to characterize fully the QC transition. The obtained RG flow, driven by a generalized Wegner-Houghton equation, describes the progressive elimination of quantum fluctuations, and therefore should admit the classical case as a fixed point.
OQS can be used as well to study the breakdown of time-reversal symmetry in reduced dynamics. In my group, we have shown that a careful derivation of reduced OQS dynamics reproduces irreversible behaviour in terms of monotonically time-increasing classical and quantum entropies in the Markov limit, but – in contrast to expectations – the reduced macroscopic equations of motion for the system of interest still show time-reversal invariance. This happens with respect to time t = 0, at which the system is Markovianized: As a result, the system can thermalize in two opposing directions of time, emerging symmetrically from t = 0, and it shows irreversible behaviour both towards the future and towards the past [Guff et al., Scientific Reports, 2025].
Noise-induced transitions in biological systemsMolecular bio-systems, such as gene regulatory networks, are affected by stochastic fluctuations.
Fluctuations due to low copy numbers of proteins, or to gene expression bursts, define so-called 'intrinsic' noise, while fluctuations originating in the environment are usually referred to as 'extrinsic' noise. This part of my research concerns the study of both intrinsic and extrinsic noise, and of their interplay, by using Langevin and Fokker-Planck approaches. In particular, extrinsic noise can have highly non-trivial and counterintuitive effects, which may lead to noise-induced transitions [Rocco et al., Springer (2013)], well known in a variety of physical and chemical systems. These effects are related to the so-called Stratonovich drift, which arises when noise is gaussian and white, and may lead to a change of the stability and numbers of steady states of the corresponding deterministic system. Consideration of these effects has led to the introduction of the concept of stochastic control in metabolic networks [Rocco, Phys. Biol. (2009)], where noise itself is proven to be able to act as a control mechanism that tunes metabolic concentrations and fluxes.
In my group we are now developing a novel dynamical framework which describes bounded, non-gaussian, and nonlinear noise in the case of slow extrinsic fluctuations in gene expression [Aquino & Rocco, Math. Biosci. Eng. (2020)]. These fluctuations also lead to noise induced transitions, albeit in a different manner with respect to those emerging when the noise is gaussian and white. For instance, we have shown that they can account for the growth and drug tolerance heterogeneity observed in clonal populations of bacterial cells [Rocco et al., PLOS One (2103); Hingley-Wilson et al., PNAS (2020)].
Recently we have succeeded in developing a formalism which allows us to describe extrinsic fluctuations in gene expression which are slow, but not infinitely slower than transcriptional and translational dynamics [Aquino & Rocco, Phys. Rev. E (2023)].
Dynamics of stem cell differentiationA major problem in developmental biology is to explain the emergence of different cell types from multipotent stem cells.
The problem is exquisitely suitable for the mathematical framework of Dynamical Systems Theory, which naturally leads to description and understanding of cellular decision-making processes in terms of bifurcation analysis. In collaboration with experimentalists at the University of Bath, we have constructed the first core gene regulatory network describing stable differentiation of melanocytes in zebrafish [Greenhill et al., PLoS Genetics (2011)]. By using a combination of mathematical analysis and simulations, we could predict mathematically and validate experimentally several new features of this network. More recently we have refined that core network, to include an analysis of the role played by Wnt signaling in melanocyte differentiation [Vibert et al., Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research (2017)], and extended it to other neural crest derived pigment cells [Petratou et al., PLoS Genetics (2018)].
Currently we are investigating the relevance of cyclic dynamics in the differentiation process. We have introduced a new framework [Kelsh et al., Development (2021)] in which the multipotent cell is cycling through a series of metastable states, and while sojourning in any of them, may be exposed to external signals, which break the cycle and drive further differentiation [Farjami et al., J. Royal Soc. Interface (2021)]. Experimental evidence, obtained by analysing in detail direct vs progressive fate restriction models of pigment cells in zebrafish is consistent with this hypothesis [Subkhankulova et al., Nat. Comm. (2023)].
We are now investigating the relevance of stochastic fluctuations in this novel framework.
Research interests
My current research activity covers several topics in the broad fields of theoretical physics and biological physics.
In theoretical physics my current focus is on fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. It concerns the theory of open quantum systems, and addresses questions regarding the emergence of decoherence, the quantum-classical transition, and the resulting quantum thermodynamics.
In biological physics my interest is in off-equilibrium stochastic dynamics and critical phenomena in living systems, and in particular in noise-induced transitions in gene networks and non-ergodic behaviours. My bio-inspired research aims to uncover general and fundamental properties of living matter.
This research relies on a strong and very active research group, counting over the years on a number of postdoctoral fellows and PhD students. It is funded by the John Templeton Foundation, UKRI (BBSRC and EPSRC), The Leverhulme Trust, and the University of Surrey, which I gratefully acknowledge.
I am always happy to consider applications for PhD positions. Interested candidates are welcome to enquire by email to discuss suitable topics. Given the theoretical aspects involved, a solid mathematical or theoretical physics background is required in all projects. I don't have openings at the postdoctoral level at the moment, but a number of grant applications are currently under evaluation, and openings may appear in the close future.
Research projects
When a quantum system is coupled to its environment, a so-called open quantum system (OQS), it undergoes a very rapid decoherence process, one of the most fascinating and still poorly understood phenomena in fundamental physics.
Solving the dynamics of OQSs is challenging. It usually relies on a series of projection techniques and approximations, which aim to derive a quantum master equation for the reduced density matrix of the system. The resulting dynamics can be used to study dissipation and decoherence, the quantum-classical transition, and the emergence of irreversible behaviour, both at the quantum level and in the classical limit.
In my group we study non-Markovian dynamics, occurring when there is no time-scale separation between environment and system, and the reduced dynamics are described in terms of memory kernels. Recent results show that in this case the decoherence process is substantially modified, with the emergence of what we call 'lateral coherences' [Lally et al., Phys. Rev A (2022)]. We also study different types of environments, and their effects on the reduced dynamics obtained. We are now considering dissipative and fluctuating environments, and the implications of these on the decoherence process and the resulting thermodynamics.
We also investigate the quantum-classical (QC) transition as a critical phenomenon. We adopt a Renormalization Group (RG) approach, which we extend to the case of OQS, to identify the scaling properties of the reduced dynamics. Recent findings suggest that together with quantum dissipation, the low-frequency behaviour of the decoherence process too needs to be taken into account to characterize fully the QC transition. The obtained RG flow, driven by a generalized Wegner-Houghton equation, describes the progressive elimination of quantum fluctuations, and therefore should admit the classical case as a fixed point.
OQS can be used as well to study the breakdown of time-reversal symmetry in reduced dynamics. In my group, we have shown that a careful derivation of reduced OQS dynamics reproduces irreversible behaviour in terms of monotonically time-increasing classical and quantum entropies in the Markov limit, but – in contrast to expectations – the reduced macroscopic equations of motion for the system of interest still show time-reversal invariance. This happens with respect to time t = 0, at which the system is Markovianized: As a result, the system can thermalize in two opposing directions of time, emerging symmetrically from t = 0, and it shows irreversible behaviour both towards the future and towards the past [Guff et al., Scientific Reports, 2025].
Molecular bio-systems, such as gene regulatory networks, are affected by stochastic fluctuations.
Fluctuations due to low copy numbers of proteins, or to gene expression bursts, define so-called 'intrinsic' noise, while fluctuations originating in the environment are usually referred to as 'extrinsic' noise. This part of my research concerns the study of both intrinsic and extrinsic noise, and of their interplay, by using Langevin and Fokker-Planck approaches. In particular, extrinsic noise can have highly non-trivial and counterintuitive effects, which may lead to noise-induced transitions [Rocco et al., Springer (2013)], well known in a variety of physical and chemical systems. These effects are related to the so-called Stratonovich drift, which arises when noise is gaussian and white, and may lead to a change of the stability and numbers of steady states of the corresponding deterministic system. Consideration of these effects has led to the introduction of the concept of stochastic control in metabolic networks [Rocco, Phys. Biol. (2009)], where noise itself is proven to be able to act as a control mechanism that tunes metabolic concentrations and fluxes.
In my group we are now developing a novel dynamical framework which describes bounded, non-gaussian, and nonlinear noise in the case of slow extrinsic fluctuations in gene expression [Aquino & Rocco, Math. Biosci. Eng. (2020)]. These fluctuations also lead to noise induced transitions, albeit in a different manner with respect to those emerging when the noise is gaussian and white. For instance, we have shown that they can account for the growth and drug tolerance heterogeneity observed in clonal populations of bacterial cells [Rocco et al., PLOS One (2103); Hingley-Wilson et al., PNAS (2020)].
Recently we have succeeded in developing a formalism which allows us to describe extrinsic fluctuations in gene expression which are slow, but not infinitely slower than transcriptional and translational dynamics [Aquino & Rocco, Phys. Rev. E (2023)].
A major problem in developmental biology is to explain the emergence of different cell types from multipotent stem cells.
The problem is exquisitely suitable for the mathematical framework of Dynamical Systems Theory, which naturally leads to description and understanding of cellular decision-making processes in terms of bifurcation analysis. In collaboration with experimentalists at the University of Bath, we have constructed the first core gene regulatory network describing stable differentiation of melanocytes in zebrafish [Greenhill et al., PLoS Genetics (2011)]. By using a combination of mathematical analysis and simulations, we could predict mathematically and validate experimentally several new features of this network. More recently we have refined that core network, to include an analysis of the role played by Wnt signaling in melanocyte differentiation [Vibert et al., Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research (2017)], and extended it to other neural crest derived pigment cells [Petratou et al., PLoS Genetics (2018)].
Currently we are investigating the relevance of cyclic dynamics in the differentiation process. We have introduced a new framework [Kelsh et al., Development (2021)] in which the multipotent cell is cycling through a series of metastable states, and while sojourning in any of them, may be exposed to external signals, which break the cycle and drive further differentiation [Farjami et al., J. Royal Soc. Interface (2021)]. Experimental evidence, obtained by analysing in detail direct vs progressive fate restriction models of pigment cells in zebrafish is consistent with this hypothesis [Subkhankulova et al., Nat. Comm. (2023)].
We are now investigating the relevance of stochastic fluctuations in this novel framework.
Postgraduate research supervision
Current Group Members
Postdoctoral level
- Thomas Guff: Open Quantum Systems, Quantum Thermodynamics, Irreversibility
PhD students
- Chintalpati Umashankar Shastry: Renormalization Group approach and Quantum Thermodynamics of open quantum systems
- Marc-Thomas Russo: Emergence of macroscopic irreversibility in open classical and quantum systems
- Matthew Freed: Non-Markovian open quantum systems
- Joe Bryant: Evaluation and design of auto-regulatory feedback models for RNA-binding proteins (Principal supervisor: Andre Gerber, Surrey )
- Monica Hill: Mathematical modelling of herpes simplex virus transmission in 2- and 3- dimensions (Principal Supervisor: Gill Elliott, Surrey)
Past Group Members
Postdoctoral level
- Raneem Aizouk: Dynamical models of stem cell differentiation
- Saeed Farjami: Dynamical models of stem cell differentiation
- Gerardo Aquino: Stochastic fluctuations in cell differentiation
- Finn Gubay: Stochastic fluctuations in cell differentiation
- Hossein Nili: Mathematical modelling of biofilm formation and treatment in the upper respiratory tract.
PhD students
- Michael Clarke-Whittet: Noise and quantum decoherence in cellular systems (Principal Supervisor: A. Gerber - completed 2023)
- Sonal Dahale: Transcriptomic data-driven metabolic modelling of nematodes for biocontrol of agricoltural, domestic, and veterinary pests (Principal Supervisor: C. Avignone-Rossa - completed 2023).
- Lester Buxton: The role of noise in quantum decoherence (completed 2022)
- Sapphire Lally: Coherence Dynamics in non-Markovian Quantum Brownian Motion (Principal Supervisor: J. Al-Khalili - completed 2022)
- Nick Werren: Memory effects in open quantum systems, (completed 2020)
- Jake Reeves: A computational study of the role of nuclear receptor interactions in steatosis (Principal Supervisor: C. Avignone-Rossa - completed 2020)
- Winifred Nyinoh: Molecular investigation of drug synergy in mycobacteria, (Principal Supervisor: J. McFadden - completed 2018).
MSc students
- Ethan Wyke, MSc in Physics: Quantum tunnelling through a stochastically fluctuating barrier (completed 2017)
- Noah Mesfin, MSc in Systems Biology: A model for the expression dynamics of the nicotinic acid degradation pathway in pseudomonas putida KT2440 (Principal Supervisor: J. Jimenez - completed 2014).
Topics in Theoretical Physics (Level M - Module Lead, Module Descriptor)
This module introduces important topics and techniques in theoretical physics with a wide range of applications. Topics covered include functions of complex variable, calculus of variations, and Integral transforms. Both the mathematical techniques and their applications are covered at a level appropriate for Masters level students coming to the end of their degree and who should be able to pull many different ideas in theoretical physics together.
Introduction to Mathematical Biology (Level 3 - Module Lead, Module Descriptor)
This module aims at providing students with the problem-solving skills required to construct and solve simple mathematical models of molecular networks. Dynamical modelling, in terms of ordinary differential equations, is introduced, using gene regulatory networks as case studies (regulatory cascades, feedback loops, logic gates). The students are provided with the general techniques to analyse such models, and compute the solution numerically with the aid of dedicated software. Derivation of qualitative features, relating to steady states analysis, multistability, and oscillatory behaviours, is also discussed.
T. Guff, C.U. Shastry and A. Rocco, Emergence of opposing arrows of time in open quantum systems, Scientific Reports 15, 3658 (2025).
G. Aquino and A. Rocco, Noise-induced transitions in gene circuits: A perturbative approach for slow noise, Phys. Rev. E 107, 044401 (2023).
A. Rocco, On macroscopic irreversibility, in Paolo Grigolini and 50 Years of Statistical Physics, Eds. B.J. West & S. Bianco, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2023).
T. Subkhankulova, K. Camargo Sosa, L.A. Uroshlev, M. Nikaido, N. Shriever, A.S. Kasianov, X. Yang, F.S.L.M. Rodrigues, T.J. Carney, G. Bavister, H. Schwetlick, J.H.P. Dawes, A. Rocco, V.J. Makeev, R.N. Kelsh, Zebrafish pigment cells develop directly from persistent highly multipotent progenitors. Nat Commun 14, 1258 (2023).
M. Clarke‐Whittet, A. Rocco, A.P. Gerber, Parameterising Translational Feedback Models of Autoregulatory RNA‐Binding Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Microorganisms 10, 340 (2022).
S. Lally, N. Werren, J. Al-Khalili, and A. Rocco, Master equation for non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion: The emergence of lateral coherences, Phys. Rev. A 105, 012209 (2022).
R.N. Kelsh, K. Camargo Sosa, S. Farjami, M. Makeev, J.H.P. Dawes, and A. Rocco, Cyclical fate restriction: A new view of neural crest cell fate specification, Development 148, dev176057 (2021).
S. Farjami, K. Camargo Sosa, J.H.P. Dawes, R.N. Kelsh and A. Rocco, Novel generic models for differentiating stem cells reveal oscillatory mechanisms, J. R. Soc. Interface 18, 20210442 (2021)
G. Aquino and A. Rocco, Bimodality in gene expression without feedback: From Gaussian white noise to log-normal coloured noise, Math. Biosci. Eng. 17 (6), 6993 (2020)
S.M. Hingley-Wilson, N. Ma, Y. Hu, R. Casey, A. Bramming, R.J. Curry, H.L. Tang, H. Wu, R.E. Butler, W.R. Jacobs, A. Rocco*, J. McFadden*, Loss of phenotypic inheritance associated with ydcI mutation leads to increased frequency of small, slow persisters in Escherichia coli, PNAS 117 (8), 4152 (2020) [ * equal senior authorship]
K. Petratou, T. Subkhankulova, J.A. Lister, A. Rocco, H. Schwetlick, R.N. Kelsh, A systems biology approach uncovers the core gene regulatory network governing iridophore fate choice from the neural crest, PLoS genetics 14 (10), e1007402 (2018)
L. Vibert, G. Aquino, I. Gehring, T. Subkankulova, T.F. Schilling, A. Rocco, R.N. Kelsh, An ongoing role for Wnt signaling in differentiating melanocytes in vivo, Pigment cell & melanoma research 30 (2), 219 (2017)
Y. Hu, S. Wang, N. Ma, S.M. Hingley-Wilson, A. Rocco, J. McFadden, H. Tang, Trajectory energy minimization for cell growth tracking and genealogy analysis, Royal Society Open Science 4 (5), UNSP 170207 (2017)
A.A. Mannan, Y. Toya, K. Shimizu, J. McFadden, A.M. Kierzek*, A. Rocco*, Integrating kinetic model of E. coli with genome scale metabolic fluxes overcomes its open system problem and reveals bistability in central metabolism, PloS one 10 (10), e0139507 (2015) [ * equal senior authorship]
A. Rocco*, A. Kierzek, J. McFadden, Slow protein fluctuations explain the emergence of growth phenotypes and persistence in clonal bacterial populations, PloS one 8 (1), e54272 (2013) [ * corresponding author]
A. Rocco, A. Kierzek, J. McFadden, Stochastic Effects in Metabolic Networks, in Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Eds. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K.-H. Cho, H. Yokota, 1991, Springer (2013)
A. Rocco, A. Kierzek, J. McFadden, Stochastic gene expression in bacterial pathogens: A mechanism for persistence? In Systems Biology of Tuberculosis, Eds. J. McFadden, D.J.V. Beste, A.M. Kierzek, 157, Springer (2013)
E.R. Greenhill, A. Rocco, L. Vibert, M. Nikaido, R.N. Kelsh, An iterative genetic and dynamical modelling approach identifies novel features of the gene regulatory network underlying melanocyte development, PLoS genetics 7 (9), e1002265 (2011) [see also modelling supplementary material]
E. Greenhill, A. Rocco, M. Nikaido, R.N. Kelsh, Melanocytes, modeling and maths-do we really understand differentiation? Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 5 (22), 21 (2009)
L. Vibert, A. Rocco, M. Nikkaido, E.R. Greenhill, R.N. Kelsh, Testing in vivo the genetic regulatory network underlying melanocyte differentiation, Mechanisms of Development 126, S316 (2009)
A. Rocco, Stochastic control of metabolic pathways, Phys. Biol. 6, 016002 (2009)
G. Lunter, A. Rocco, N. Mimouni, A. Heger, A. Caldeira, J. Hein, Uncertainty in Homology Inferences: Assessing and Improving Genomic Sequence Alignment, Genome Res. 18, 298 (2008) [see also commentary paper]
U. Ebert, C. Montijn, T.M.P. Briels, W. Hundsdorfer, B. Meulenbroek, A. Rocco, E.M. van Veldhuizen, The multiscale nature of streamers, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15, S118 (2006)
B. Meulenbroek, A. Rocco, U. Ebert, Streamer branching rationalized by conformal mapping techniques, Phys Rev. E 69, 067402 (2004)
B. Coluzzi, A. Crisanti, E. Marinari, F. Ritort, A. Rocco, A New Method to Compute the Configurational Entropy in Spin Glasses, Eur. Phys. J. B 32, 495 (2003)
A. Rocco, U. Ebert and W. Hundsdorfer, Branching of Negative Streamers in free flight, Phys. Rev. E 66, 035102 (2002)
A. Crisanti, F. Ritort, A. Rocco, and M. Sellitto, Is the Stillinger and Weber decomposition relevant for coarsening models? J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 1523 (2002)
A. Rocco, L. Ramírez-Piscina, J. Casademunt, Kinematic reduction of reaction-diffusion fronts with multiplicative noise: Derivation of stochastic sharp-interface equations, Phys. Rev. E 65, 056116 (2002)
A. Torcini, A. Vulpiani, A. Rocco, Front propagation in chaotic and noisy reaction diffusion systems: A discrete-time map approach, Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 333 (2002)
A. Rocco, J. Casademunt, U. Ebert, and W. van Saarloos, Diffusion coefficient of propagating fronts with multiplicative noise, Phys. Rev. E 65, 012102 (2002)
G. Tripathy, A. Rocco, J. Casademunt, and W. van Saarloos, Universality class of fluctuating pulled fronts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5215 (2001)
A. Crisanti, F. Ritort, A. Rocco, and M. Sellitto, Inherent Structures and non-equilibrium dynamics of 1D constrained kinetic models: A comparison study, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 10615 (2000)
F.X. Magdaleno, A. Rocco, J. Casademunt, Interface dynamics in Hele-Shaw flows with centrifugal forces: Preventing cusp singularities with rotation, Phys. Rev. E 62, R5887 (2000)
A. Rocco, U. Ebert, and W. van Saarloos, Subdiffusive fluctuations of "pulled" fronts with multiplicative noise, Phys. Rev. E 62, R13 (2000)
P. Grigolini, A. Rocco and B.J. West, Fractional Calculus as a Macroscopic Manifestation of Randomness, Phys. Rev. E 59 2603 (1999)
A. Rocco and B.J. West, Fractional Calculus and the Evolution of Fractal Phenomena, Physica A 265, 535 (1999)
A. Rocco and P. Grigolini, The Markov approximation revisited: Inconsistency of the standard quantum Brownian motion model, Phys. Lett. A 252, 115 (1999)
P. Allegrini, P. Grigolini, A. Rocco, Slow motion as a thermal gradient effect, Phys. Lett. A 233, 309 (1997)