Dr Andrea Rocco

Associate Professor in Physics and Mathematical Biology
Head of Quantum Sciences Research Group



Research interests

Research projects


Postgraduate research supervision



T. Guff, C.U. Shastry and A. Rocco, Emergence of opposing arrows of time in open quantum systems, Scientific Reports 15, 3658 (2025).

G. Aquino and A. Rocco, Noise-induced transitions in gene circuits: A perturbative approach for slow noise, Phys. Rev. E 107, 044401 (2023).

A. Rocco, On macroscopic irreversibility, in Paolo Grigolini and 50 Years of Statistical Physics, Eds. B.J. West & S. Bianco, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2023).

T. Subkhankulova, K. Camargo Sosa, L.A. Uroshlev, M. Nikaido, N. Shriever, A.S. Kasianov, X. Yang, F.S.L.M. Rodrigues, T.J. Carney, G. Bavister, H. Schwetlick, J.H.P. Dawes, A. Rocco, V.J. Makeev, R.N. Kelsh, Zebrafish pigment cells develop directly from persistent highly multipotent progenitors. Nat Commun 14, 1258 (2023).

M. Clarke‐Whittet, A. Rocco, A.P. Gerber, Parameterising Translational Feedback Models of Autoregulatory RNA‐Binding Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Microorganisms 10, 340 (2022).

S. Lally, N. Werren, J. Al-Khalili, and A. Rocco, Master equation for non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion: The emergence of lateral coherences, Phys. Rev. A 105, 012209 (2022).

R.N. Kelsh, K. Camargo Sosa, S. Farjami, M. Makeev, J.H.P. Dawes, and A. Rocco, Cyclical fate restriction: A new view of neural crest cell fate specification, Development 148, dev176057 (2021).

S. Farjami, K. Camargo Sosa, J.H.P. Dawes, R.N. Kelsh and A. Rocco, Novel generic models for differentiating stem cells reveal oscillatory mechanisms, J. R. Soc. Interface 18, 20210442 (2021)

G. Aquino and A. Rocco, Bimodality in gene expression without feedback: From Gaussian white noise to log-normal coloured noise, Math. Biosci. Eng. 17 (6), 6993 (2020)

S.M. Hingley-Wilson, N. Ma, Y. Hu, R. Casey, A. Bramming, R.J. Curry, H.L. Tang, H. Wu, R.E. Butler, W.R. Jacobs, A. Rocco*, J. McFadden*, Loss of phenotypic inheritance associated with ydcI mutation leads to increased frequency of small, slow persisters in Escherichia coli, PNAS 117 (8), 4152 (2020) [ * equal senior authorship]

K. Petratou, T. Subkhankulova, J.A. Lister, A. Rocco, H. Schwetlick, R.N. Kelsh, A systems biology approach uncovers the core gene regulatory network governing iridophore fate choice from the neural crest, PLoS genetics 14 (10), e1007402 (2018)

L. Vibert, G. Aquino, I. Gehring, T. Subkankulova, T.F. Schilling, A. Rocco, R.N. Kelsh, An ongoing role for Wnt signaling in differentiating melanocytes in vivo, Pigment cell & melanoma research 30 (2), 219 (2017)

Y. Hu, S. Wang, N. Ma, S.M. Hingley-Wilson, A. Rocco, J. McFadden, H. Tang, Trajectory energy minimization for cell growth tracking and genealogy analysis, Royal Society Open Science 4 (5), UNSP 170207 (2017)

A.A. Mannan, Y. Toya, K. Shimizu, J. McFadden, A.M. Kierzek*, A. Rocco*, Integrating kinetic model of E. coli with genome scale metabolic fluxes overcomes its open system problem and reveals bistability in central metabolism, PloS one 10 (10), e0139507 (2015) [ * equal senior authorship]

A. Rocco*, A. Kierzek, J. McFadden, Slow protein fluctuations explain the emergence of growth phenotypes and persistence in clonal bacterial populations, PloS one 8 (1), e54272 (2013) [ * corresponding author]

A. Rocco, A. Kierzek, J. McFadden, Stochastic Effects in Metabolic Networks, in Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Eds. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K.-H. Cho, H. Yokota, 1991, Springer (2013)

A. Rocco, A. Kierzek, J. McFadden, Stochastic gene expression in bacterial pathogens: A mechanism for persistence? In Systems Biology of Tuberculosis, Eds. J. McFadden, D.J.V. Beste, A.M. Kierzek, 157, Springer (2013)

E.R. Greenhill, A. Rocco, L. Vibert, M. Nikaido, R.N. Kelsh, An iterative genetic and dynamical modelling approach identifies novel features of the gene regulatory network underlying melanocyte development, PLoS genetics 7 (9), e1002265 (2011) [see also modelling supplementary material]

E. Greenhill, A. Rocco, M. Nikaido, R.N. Kelsh, Melanocytes, modeling and maths-do we really understand differentiation? Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 5 (22), 21 (2009)

L. Vibert, A. Rocco, M. Nikkaido, E.R. Greenhill, R.N. Kelsh, Testing in vivo the genetic regulatory network underlying melanocyte differentiation, Mechanisms of Development 126, S316 (2009)

A. Rocco, Stochastic control of metabolic pathways, Phys. Biol. 6, 016002 (2009)

G. Lunter, A. Rocco, N. Mimouni, A. Heger, A. Caldeira, J. Hein, Uncertainty in Homology Inferences: Assessing and Improving Genomic Sequence Alignment, Genome Res. 18, 298 (2008) [see also commentary paper]

U. Ebert, C. Montijn, T.M.P. Briels, W. Hundsdorfer, B. Meulenbroek, A. Rocco, E.M. van Veldhuizen, The multiscale nature of streamers, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15, S118 (2006)

B. Meulenbroek, A. Rocco, U. Ebert, Streamer branching rationalized by conformal mapping techniques, Phys Rev. E 69, 067402 (2004)

B. Coluzzi, A. Crisanti, E. Marinari, F. Ritort, A. Rocco, A New Method to Compute the Configurational Entropy in Spin Glasses, Eur. Phys. J. B 32, 495 (2003)

A. Rocco, U. Ebert and W. Hundsdorfer, Branching of Negative Streamers in free flight, Phys. Rev. E 66, 035102 (2002)

A. Crisanti, F. Ritort, A. Rocco, and M. Sellitto, Is the Stillinger and Weber decomposition relevant for coarsening models? J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 1523 (2002)

A. Rocco, L. Ramírez-Piscina, J. Casademunt, Kinematic reduction of reaction-diffusion fronts with multiplicative noise: Derivation of stochastic sharp-interface equations, Phys. Rev. E 65, 056116 (2002)

A. Torcini, A. Vulpiani, A. Rocco, Front propagation in chaotic and noisy reaction diffusion systems: A discrete-time map approach, Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 333 (2002)

A. Rocco, J. Casademunt, U. Ebert, and W. van Saarloos, Diffusion coefficient of propagating fronts with multiplicative noise, Phys. Rev. E 65, 012102 (2002)

G. Tripathy, A. Rocco, J. Casademunt, and W. van Saarloos, Universality class of fluctuating pulled fronts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5215 (2001)

A. Crisanti, F. Ritort, A. Rocco, and M. Sellitto, Inherent Structures and non-equilibrium dynamics of 1D constrained kinetic models: A comparison study, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 10615 (2000)

F.X. Magdaleno, A. Rocco, J. Casademunt, Interface dynamics in Hele-Shaw flows with centrifugal forces: Preventing cusp singularities with rotation, Phys. Rev. E 62, R5887 (2000)

A. Rocco, U. Ebert, and W. van Saarloos, Subdiffusive fluctuations of "pulled" fronts with multiplicative noise, Phys. Rev. E 62, R13 (2000)

P. Grigolini, A. Rocco and B.J. West, Fractional Calculus as a Macroscopic Manifestation of Randomness, Phys. Rev. E 59 2603 (1999)

A. Rocco and B.J. West, Fractional Calculus and the Evolution of Fractal Phenomena, Physica A 265, 535 (1999)

A. Rocco and P. Grigolini, The Markov approximation revisited: Inconsistency of the standard quantum Brownian motion model, Phys. Lett. A 252, 115 (1999)

P. Allegrini, P. Grigolini, A. Rocco, Slow motion as a thermal gradient effect, Phys. Lett. A 233, 309 (1997)