Increasing the hospitality sector's resilience through digital innovation
The masters in International Hospitality Management with Digital Innovation (IHMwDI) is a new cutting edge course that examines the massive digital innovation that is occurring in the hospitality sector which has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the legion challenges the industry currently needs to contend with.

We offer two ways that you can study this masters: either online or in-person so you can select the best pathway for you.
Digital innovations developed by the sector have turned the industry on its head with the introduction of technology to improve logistics, communication and performance. For example, we have seen the automation of service experience, service robots delivering food and drink to customers, and chatbots being used to deal with customer enquiries. For the sector to remain resilient, digital innovation will play a key role to ensure the survival of a thriving hospitality industry.
This programme has been designed by world leading Professor of Intelligent Automation in Service, Iis Tussyadiah, and her team of research active academics. They are all researching in the area of digital innovation in their sub-specialities whether that be operations, marketing, human resources, service design or sustainability.
Using a winning formula of research informed and practice-based teaching which also incorporates leading Industry players as guest speakers and contributors, students have the opportunity to apply their learning and their own research to real world issues during their degree.
"The masters in International Hospitality Management with Digital Innovation is a creative one and the programme helps industry practitioners overcome the hardest times as well as improve customer experience." - Siyu Lu, student
Director of Learning and Teaching, Mark Ashton, says: "In my teaching on this programme, I enjoy integrating digital learning platforms including a cloud-based hotel management simulation and a service design software platform and bringing my industry experience into both the in-person and virtual classroom to ensure students learn in an authentic and challenging way."