Published: 23 February 2021

How the identity of academics has changed as a result of Covid

Dr Christine Rivers and Anna Holland talk to Times Higher Education about the many new skills academics have had to adopt in order to successfully bring learning online, from acting to graphic design. 

As academics have had to swiftly adapt to online teaching, and have lost the conversations and interactions with students that come from giving live lectures, many new skills have had to be learnt.

Lessons may be pre-recorded and require supporting instructions, narratives and visuals (among many other considerations); all of which require a skill set not usually associated with teaching.  

"Now, our lectures are often pre-recorded, scripted, bite-size and accessible for students on demand. Scripting and recording lectures in such a format requires different skills and technical videography know-how for editing."

Find out how Christine and Anna have navigated these challenges, and how online teaching has transformed how many academics work. 

"We have evolved into something new, something more − a new kind of academic equipped to meet the challenges of a crisis and beyond".  

Read the full article here.

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