Professor Christine Rivers

Professor of Business Education and Mindfulness
PhD, National Teaching Fellow, Senior Fellow Advance HE
44 MS 02
Office hours Tues 11 am-1 pm & Thurs online on request 1.30-2.30 pm

Academic and research departments

Surrey Business School, People and Organisations.


Areas of specialism

People Development (Personal and Professional Development); Mindfulness & Contemplative Practice ; Management & Business Education; Technology & Artifical Intelligence

University roles and responsibilities

  • People Development Lead (Chair) for Surrey Business School

    Previous roles

    01 June 2015 - 01 June 2016
    Director for Post Graduate Studies including MBA and EMBA programmes
    Surrey Business School
    24 August 2020 - 31 July 2023
    Director for Learning & Teaching (Education)
    Surrey Business School

    Affiliations and memberships

    Academy of Management
    Management Education Development executive division member
    programme chair AoM 2024, Chicago
    Chartered Association of Business Schools
    CABS LTSE committee member (Sept 2020)


    Research interests

    Research projects


    Postgraduate research supervision




    Rivers, C. (2025). Mindfulness and Business Education, Developing self-aware future leaders - A practical guide. Routledge. 

    Mindfulness and Business Education: Developing self-aware future leaders is a practical guide for educators and academics with teaching responsibilities in business schools or colleges. Business schools have a responsibility to equip future leaders with the right knowledge and the right skills to make the right decisions, particularly in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. This responsibility can only be met if business schools change the way they teach and develop self-aware future leaders who are grounded in the foundations of mindfulness.

    The book is divided into three parts: Why, What, and How. Part One: Why introduces the foundations of mindfulness, draws on the history of business school development, and discusses leadership approaches presently taught in business schools. Part Two: What discusses ways of measuring mindfulness, the need for training business educators as mindfulness facilitators, and the contextualisation of mindfulness in contemporary business topics such as wellbeing, sustainability, diversity, and artificial intelligence. Part Three: How provides case studies and scripted resources for immediate use and implementation in extracurricular or co-curricular activities to design mindfulness-based modules and courses, to introduce mindfulness coaching as part of pastoral care and staff development, and to develop mindfulness-driven business education strategies.

    This is an ideal book for those in business education looking to use mindfulness to develop future managers and leaders.

    Available from Routledge or Amazon.



    Rivers, C. & Holland, A. (-2) Integrating Artificial Intelligence in management learning:
    towards personalized responsive management education, Martin Fellenz, Sabine Hoidn & Mairead Brady (eds) The Future of Management Education (forth coming, Dec 2021), Routledge.