Sensors and apps for health
Sensors and applications for health research at the University of Surrey includes measurement of human movement, dementia patient monitoring, sensors to examine ear nose and throat and much more.
Research in this area
Related research groups

Advanced Technology Institute
Bringing together researchers with an international outlook in quantum information, nanotechnology, energy and advanced materials.

Centre for Aerodynamics and Environmental Flow
Researching technology contributing to future sustainability in aerospace and environmental engineering.

Centre for Biomedical Engineering
Researching the application of engineering and technology to problems in medicine and biology.

Dr Daniel Abasolo
Head of Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering
About my research
Areas of specialism: Biomedical signal processing and machine learning for characterisation of healthy ageing, epilepsy and related disorders; early diagnosis of dementia, in particular Alzheimer's disease
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, epilepsy and related disorders, ageing, and diabetes; diagnosis and, potentially, prevention/treatment when early diagnosis is successful.
Associated research centres and groups: Centre for Biomedical Engineering.
Research funding and collaborators: St. George's Hospital, University of Warwick, University of Strathclyde, University of Edinburgh, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Khalifa University.

Dr David Birch
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Head of Centre for Aerodynamics & Environmental Flow
About my research
Areas of specialism: Low cost precision instruments for medical applications, respirometry, air quality monitoring.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Lung function, vitals monitoring. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Associated research centres and groups: Centre for Aerodynamics and Environmental Flow, Advanced Technology Institute, Surrey Sensors Ltd, King's College Hospital Chest Unit.
Research funding and collaborators: EPSRC, NERC, Innovate UK.

Dr Carol Crean
Reader in Physical and Materials Chemistry
About my research
Areas of specialism: Bioresorbable phosphate-based glasses for hard and soft tissue regeneration.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: At regeneration of hard tissues (e.g. bones, teeth).
Associated research centres and groups: Division of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering at University College London.
Research funding and collaborators: NBIC (BBSRC/Innovate UK), EPSRC, 3DbioNet (UKRI funded), IBIN (UKRI funded).

Professor Robert Dorey
Professor of Nanomaterials
About my research
Areas of specialism: Design and manufacture of smart surfaces and devices, sensors, ultrasound, actuators, and energy harvesters.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Sensing and quality of life for prevention, diagnosis, and recovery.
Associated research centres and groups: Sustainable Printing Applied Research Knowledge (SPARK) Hub, School of Biosciences and Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine.
Research funding and collaborators: Royal Society Fellowship.

Professor Prashant Kumar
Co-Director, Institute for Sustainability, Professor and Chair in Air Quality and Health; Founding Director, Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE)
About my research
Areas of specialism: Air quality and asthma, air pollution and green infrastructure implementation for reduced exposure, airborne particles exposure modelling, emissions, aerosols/bioaerosols and health.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Epidemiology, respirology, airborne transmission of Covid-19, facemasks efficacy. Prevention and diagnosis.
Associated research centres and groups: Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE).
Research funding and collaborators: UKRI (EPSRC, ESRC, NERC), Innovate UK, Horizon2020, QNRF, British Council, Industry. See all projects.

Professor Ravi Silva
Director, Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) Interim Director, Pan University Institute for Sustainability and Head of NanoElectronics Centre
About my research
Areas of specialism: Large area X-ray detectors for portable, flexible imaging, biosensors for autonomous sensing, 'internet of things' and wearables (incl. non-invasive), nano-biotechnology for cancer theranostics, MEAs for EEG, ECG and EMG probing.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Assisted living, ageing, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's, well-being and healthcare monitoring. Prevention, diagnosis, treatment or recovery.
Associated research centres and groups: Advanced Technology Institute and NanoElectronics Centre.
Facilities: Microbiology, nano-biotechnology, medical imaging, X-ray, proton beam.
Research funding and collaborators: EPSRC, UKRI, Innovate UK, NHS, NIHR, EU. NIBEC (Ulster), Dalian University of Technology, UCL, RSCH, Edinburgh University, NPL, SilverRay, Cheyney Design.

Professor Anne Skeldon
Professor of Mathematics
About my research
Areas of specialism: Mathematical modelling of sleep and circadian rhythms.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Sleep, (role of light in), dementia, schizophrenia, cancer. Prevention and diagnosis.
Associated research centres and groups: Centre of Mathematical and Computational Biology, Mathematics of Life and Social Sciences Group, Surrey Sleep Research Centre, School of Psychology.
Research funding and collaborators: EPSRC, MRC, AstraZeneca, GSK.

Professor Stephen Sweeney
Visiting Professor of Physics
About my research
Areas of specialism: Infrared photonic devices for healthcare monitoring and diagnosis.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Non-invasive early testing, e.g. for cancers, digestive disorders, underlying health conditions. Infrared devices for OCT in ophthalmology, skin tumour detection etc. Visible light sources for photodynamic therapy. Scintillator materials for ionising radiation measurement. Diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Associated research centres and groups: Advanced Technology Institute, Photonics and Quantum Sciences Group, Radiation and Medical Physics Group.

Professor Kevin Wells
Professor of AI in Human and Veterinary Healthcare
About my research
Areas of specialism: Diagnostic imaging, AI and computer vision for healthcare, digital pathology, PET/CT, mammography, non contact sleep monitoring, virtual clinical trials, veterinary imaging and veterinary healthcare, One Health.
Medical and health indications and disease stages: Cancer, dementia, sleep, neuromorphology and gestalt. Prevention, diagnosis, treatment or recovery.
Associated research centres and groups: Surrey Foundation Trust Hospital, NCCPM, Imperial-Surrey Dementia Research Institute, Fitzpatrick Referrals, School of Veterinary Medicine, FROST, National Physical Laboratory, Surrey Sleep Research Centre, vHive.

Research at Surrey
Research here at the University of Surrey seeks to answer global challenges, drive innovation and deliver real-world impact. We are working in various areas of research including lifelong health, sustainability and artificial intelligence.