Frequently asked questions

Read through our frequently asked questions.

Invitation and eligibility


Unable to attend

Booking your graduation place

Live streaming

Academic dress

On the day


After you graduate

Award documentation

I need a transcript what do I do?

Transcripts are no longer issued by the University. All students, with the exception of PGR students, can access this information on HEAR.

I am not attending my graduation, what do I do?

Please email to request this. Please ensure you provide your student number, full name and degree programme in your e-mail.

You must also state whether you wish to collect your certificate or have it posted. If you wish your certificate to be collected by someone on your behalf, please state who that person will be and when they will collect it. If you would like the certificate posted, please provide your full postal address in your email. The University offers a courier service, which you can pay for at the online store.

How and when will I get my certificate and final exit paperwork sent to me? Who do I contact about this?

All graduating students, with the exception of postgraduate research students, are issued with a final HEAR, which replaces a transcript. Students can access this information on HEAR.

Postgraduate research students will be able to collect or request postage of their award certificate 14 days after the award date. For further information please go to certificates and transcripts.