Reports and technical articles
Morawska, L., Kumar, P., & Noakes, C. 2024. Clean indoor air in public buildings: can this be achieved? | British Safety Council (britsafe.org)
Zieher, Th., Pfeiffer, J., Polderman, A., Xue, X., Ma, SH., Chen, Q., Finer, L., Ukonmaanaho, L., Preuschmann,S., Bowyer, P., Loupis, P., Panga, D., Spyrou, Ch., Charizopoulos, N., Arvanitis, P., Wang, Z., Yang, J., Basu, B., Menenti, M., Alfieri, S., Pulvirenti, B., Ruggieri, P., Sorolla, A., Löchner, A., Vierri, G., Gonzalez-Ollauri, A., Mickovski, S., Debele, S., Sahani, J., Kumar, P., 2021. A report on protocols of experiments on NBS. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D4.3).
Spyrou, Ch., Loupis, M., Apostolidou, E., Mentzafou, A., Charizopoulos, N., Arvanitis, P., Debele, S., Sahani, J., Kumar, P., Gonzalez Ollauri, A., Verri, G., Zieher, Th., Pfeiffer, J., Salmivaara, A., Leena, F., Korhonen, N., Tuomenvirta, H.,Ukonmaanaho, L., Gallotti, G., Rianna, G., Pinardi, N., Pillai, UPA., Alessandri, J., Unguendoli, S., Aguzzi,M., Valentini, A., Biolchi, LG., Federico, I., Causio, S., Basu, B., Sannigrahi, Sr., Basu, AS., Pilla, F., Nirathaille, A., Thomas, Jy., 2021. Multi-impacts assessment for OAL and NBS. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D5.5).
Spyrou, C., Apostolidou, E., Mentzafou, A., Loupis, M., Petratou, D., Korhonen, N., Salmivaara, A., Ukonmaanaho, L., Tuomenvirta, H., Finér, L., Bowyer, P., Preushmann, S., El-Zohbi, J., Pfeifer, S., Wuebbelmann, T., Pinardi, N., Zavatarelli, M., Pillai, U. P., Alessandri, J., Gallotti, G., Zieher, T., Rianna, G., Reder, A., Kurdistani, S., Unguendoli, S., Valentini, A., Cacciamani, C., Verri, G., Pulvirenti, B., Basu, B., Pilla, F., Basu, A. S., Santo, M. A., Debele. S., Sahani, J., Kumar. P., van Natijne, A., Ollauri, A., Thomson, C., Ommer, J., Kalas, M., Chen, Q., Jia, L., 2020. Multi-impacts assessment for OAL and NBS - Part A. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D5.2a).
Soini, K., Edoardo, B., Teresa, C., Debele, S., Panga, D., Polderman, A., Kumar, P., Basuni, B., Bowyer, P., Emmanuel, R., Munro, K., Omidvarborna, H., Pavlova, I., Pilla, F., Pröll, J., Robello, P., Sahani, J., Sarkar, A., Stefanopoulou, M., Tuomenvirta, H., 2020. Conceptual framework/protocols for co-design and co-development. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D1.3).
Debele, S., Leo, S. L., Ommer, J., Bucchignani, E., Vranić, S., Kalas, M., Amirzada, Z., Sahani, J., Pavlova, I., Di Sabatino, S., Omidvarborna, H., Shah, M. A. R., Bowyer., P., Kumar, P., 2020. Catalogue of NBS Including Location, Classification and Basic Information - First update. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D7.2).
Kumar, P., Omidvarborna, H., Barwise, Y., Tiwari, A., 2020. Mitigating Exposure to Traffic Pollution In and Around Schools: Guidance for Children, Schools and Local Communities. pp. 24, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3754131
Barwise, Y., Kumar, P., Abhijith, K.V., 2019. Implementing Green Infrastructure for Air Pollution Abatement: General Recommendations for Management and Plant Species Selection. figshare. Figure. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.8198261.v3
Kumar, P., Omidvarborna, H., Abhijith, K. V., Kalaiarasan, G., Ottosen, T. B., Barwise, Y., Tiwari, A., Hama, S., Debele, S., Mäkelä, A., Jylhä, K., Di Sabatino, S., Brattich, E., Pulvirenti, B., Othmer, F. J., Fuchs. M., Basu, B., Pilla, F., McNabola, A., 2019. Generalised Recommendations regarding Passive Control Systems for Improved Air Quality and Climate Change Mitigation. Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe (iSCAPE) Deliverable Report (D7.2).
Improving air quality and climate with green infrastructure, 2019. Policy Briefs from the iSCAPE project.
Debele, S., Kumar, P., Sahani, J., Bowyer, P., Pröll, J., Preuschmann S., Mickovski, S. B., Ukonmaanaho, L., Charizopoulos, N., Loupis, M., Zieher, T., Rutzinger, M., Gallotti, G., Aragão, L., Bagaglini, L., Stefanopoulou, M., Panga, D., Finér, L., Pouta, E., Santo, M. A., Korhonen, N., Pilla, F., Sarkar, A., Basu, B., 2019. Critical evaluation of risks and opportunities for OPERANDUM OALs. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D1.2).
Vranić, S., Kalas, M., Leo, L. S., Bertini, F., Sabbatini, T., Neupane, B., Debele, S., Barisani, S., Juch, S., 2019. GeoIKP Deployment and Maintenance. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D7.9).
Porcù, F., Aragão, L., Aguzzi, M., Botarelli, L., Debele, S., Domeneghetti, A., Zohbi, J. E., Finer, L., Ollauri, A. G., Kalas, M., Korhonen, N., Kumar, P., Li, Y., Loupis, M., Mercogliano, P., Morelli, M., Montesarchio, M., Panga, D., Pilla, F., Preuschmann, S., Pulvirenti, B., Sahani, J., Spyrou, C., Toth, E., Ukonmaanaho, L., Unguendoli, S., Valentini, A., Wang, Z., Xue, X., Zieher, T., 2019. Data record on extreme events by OAL and by hazard. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D4.2).
Kumar, P., Debele, S. E., Renaud, F., Shah, M. A. R., Preuschmann, S., Zohbi, J. E., Pavlova, I., Juch, S., Lochner, A., Carabba, L., Bucchignani, E., Pinardi, N., Vranić, S., Kalas, M., Sahani, J., Wild, A., Zavatarelli, M., Di Sabatino, S., 2019. Mapping, characterization and critical evaluation of existing NBS. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D1.1).
Renaud, F., Wild, A., Anderson, C., Shah, M. A., Loupis, M., Panga, D., Polderman, A., Thomson, C., Munro, K., Sahani, J., Pilla, F., Pouta, E., Zohbi, J. E., Preuschmann, S., Xue, X., Votsis, A., 2019. Review on vulnerability and risk assessment specific to NBS. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D6.1)
Greater London Authority, 2019. Using green infrastructure to protect people from air pollution. Guideline document from City Hall Mayor’s Office, London.
Leo, L.S., Debele, S., Kalas, M., Vranić, S., Juch, S.E., Sahani, J., Kliment, T., Bertini, F., Pavlova, I., Preuschmann, S., Zohbi, J.E., Bucchignani, E., Robello, P., Montesi, D., Di Sabatino, S., Kumar, P., 2018. Catalogue of NBS Including Location, Classification and Basic Information. OPERANDUM Deliverable Report (D7.1).
Gharbia, S.S., Abhijith, K.V., Skouloudis, A.N., Brattich, E., Votsis, A., Ottosen, T.B., Makela, A., Nurmi, V., Fortelius, C., Jylhä, K., Drebs, A., Papini, G., Matacchiera, F., Valmassoi, A., Brunetti, A., Barbano, F., Pilla, F., Di Sabatino, S., Pulvirenti, B., Kumar, P., Camprodon, G., 2018. Footprint of passive control systems. iSCAPE Deliverable Report.
Gharbia, S.S., Abhijith, K. V., Schmitt, H.C., Skouloudis, A.N., Gollmann, C., Weißer, B., Hurth, F., Kirstein, M., Pilla, F., Greiving, S., Kumar, P., 2018. Guidelines to Promote Passive Methods for Improving Urban Air Quality in Climate Change Scenarios. iSCAPE Deliverable Report.
Mägdefrau, N., Staufenbiel, J., Schmitt, H.C., Gollmann, C., Weißer, B., Hurth, F., Kirstein, M., Kumar, P., Greiving, S., 2017. Solutions at urban level. iSCAPE Deliverable Report.
Stibe, S., Pilla, F., Di Sabatino, S., Barbano, F., Pulvirenti, B., Brunetti, A.F., Mägdefrau, N., Staufenbiel, J., Rai, A.C., Kumar, P., Adnan, M., Drebs, A., 2017. Implementation plans for the iSCAPE living labs. iSCAPE Deliverable Report.
Rai, A.C., Kumar, P., Pilla, F., Skouloudis, A., Camprodon, G., 2016. Summary of air quality sensors and recommendations for application. iSCAPE Deliverable Report.
Kumar, P., 2016. Why Delhi is the most polluted city and what can be done about it?
Kumar, P., 2016. Que peut faire Delhi pour cesser d’être la ville la plus polluée au monde? (In French).
Kumar, P., 2015. DIY can be dangerous – but it’s the invisible dust that may harm you the most.
Kumar, P., 2015. Stopping at red lights could be slowly killing you.
Kumar, P., 2015. How smart phones can lead the fight against air pollution.
Kumar, P., 2014. City parks are good for people, but not so good for buildings.
Kumar, P., 2014. Green corridors protect cyclists and pedestrians from pollution.
Kumar, P., 2013. Explainer: Nanoparticles in air Pollution.
Kumar, P., 2012. Developing collaborative strategy for carrying out measurements, dispersion modelling and assessing heath impacts due to vehicle–induced airborne ultrafine particles and contributing to the development of wind tunnel capabilities in India. UKIERI Report.
Kumar, P., 2011. Understanding dispersion of nanoparticles in vehicle wake combining fast response measurements and wind tunnel simulations. EPSRC PROJECT (EP/H026290/1).
Kumar, P., 2010. Academic practices in higher education. PGCAP (Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practices) report. Centre for Education and Academic Development, University of Surrey (UK), pp 125.
Kumar, P., 2009. Application Note: Urban aerosol measurements with the DMS500. Cambustion Instruments, Cambridge (UK), pp 1–6.
Kumar, P., Britter, R., 2007. Particulate matter: Importance, regulations and historical perspective. Nirmaan, IIT–Delhi Civil Engineering Society, Issue II, pp 38–42. October 2007.
Kumar, P., 2006. Air Pollutants and Global Warming. Nirmaan, IIT–Delhi Civil Engineering Society, Inaugural Issue, pp 3–7. April 2006.
Kumar, P., 2006. Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement – An Emerging Eco–friendly Technology. Nirmaan, IIT–Delhi Civil Engineering Society, Inaugural Issue, pp 29–30, April 2006.
Kumar, P., 2006. Particulate Matter: Sources, Dispersion and Sinks in the urban environment. First Year PhD Report, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK.
Kumar, P., 2005. Mass and Number Concentration of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter on Selected Urban Corridors of Delhi City. M.Tech Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India.
Sharma, S.D., Kumar, P., 2000. Hindi Ke Madhyam Se Aam Janta Main Vyagyanic Chetna Ka Vikash–Ek Avlokan. Sadak Darpan, Ank–5, pp 20–23 (In Hindi).
Kumar, P., Muraleedharan, T., Sharma, S.D., Nanda, P.K., 1999. Antar–Parshvik Concrete Block Kuttim–Ek Paryavaran Mitra Technic. Sadak Darpan, pp 41–45, September 1999 (In Hindi).