Books and book chapters
Editor: Air & Noise Pollution (Studium Press, USA); November 2016
Editor: Airborne Particles: Origin, Emissions and Health Impacts (Nova Publishers); January 2017
Book chapters
Kumar, P., Omidvarborna, H., Sekhara Rao Kolluru, S., Kuye, A., Guler, Y., Yoshiaki Kamigauti, L., Wu, H. 2025. Chapter 12 - Indoor air quality. In book: Air Quality: Science, Impacts, and Management (Publisher: Elsevier).
Omidvarborna, H., & Kumar, P. 2024. Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (Publisher: Elsevier).
Kumar, K., Debele, SE., Tiwari A., KV, Abhijith ., Sahani, J ., Khalili, S., 2022. Urban Green Infrastructure (Publisher: Springer).
Aghamohammadi, N., Ramakreshnan, L., Fong, C.S., Kumar, P., 2022. A Global Synthesis of Heat-Related Mortality in Overheated Cities. In book: Urban Overheating: Heat Mitigation and the Impact on Health. (Publisher: Springer,Singapore). Pages 21-38.
Sgrigna, G., López-Gunn, E., Dubovik, M., Di Sabatino, S., Kumar, P., Feliu, E., Ruangpan, L., San Jose, E., Sanchez, R., Van Cauwenbergh, N., Vojinovic, Z., Wendling, L., 2021. Why is it important to evaluate the impacts of NBS? Introduction In book: Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions: A handbook for practitioners (Publisher: European Union). Pages 16-39.
Dubovik, M., Dumitru, A., Wendling, L., Briega, P., Capobianco, V., Connop, S., Crespo, L., Fermoso, J., Giannico, V., Gómez, S., González, M., Kakoulaki, G., Kumar, P., Leppänen, S., Marijuan, R., Pablo, S., Pérez, J.A., Pilla, F., Rinta-Hiiro, V., Riquelme, H., Sánchez, E., Sánchez, I., Sánchez, J.C., Sánchez, R., San José, E., Sanz, J.M., Sanz, N., Serramia, J., Spano, G., Särkilahti, M., Tomé-Lourido, D., van de Sijpe, K., Verdugo, F., Villazán, A., Vos, P., Zulian, G., Allaert, K., Almenar, J.B., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Baldacchini, C., Basco, L., Beaujouan, V., Benoit, G., Bockarjova, M., Bonelli, S., Bouzouidja, R., Butlin, T., Calatrava, J., Calfapietra, C., Cannavo, P., Caroppi, G., Chancibault, K., Cioffi, M., Dadvand, P., de Bellis, Y., de Keijzer, C., de la Hera, A., Decker, S., Djordjevic, S., Dushkova, D., Faneca, M., Fatima, Z.,; Ferracini, C., Fleury, G., García, I., García‐Alcaraz, M., Gerundo, C., Gil-Roldán, E., Giordano, R., Giugni, M.,
Gonzalez-Ollauri, A., Guidolotti, G., Haase, D., Heredida, J., Hermawan, T., Herranz Pascual, K., Hölscher, K., Jermakka, J., Kiss, M., Kraus, F., Körmöndi, B., Laikari, A., Laille, P., Lemée, C., Llorente, M., Lodder, M., Lourido, D.T., Macsinga, I., Manzano, M., Martelli, F., Martins, R., Mayor, B., McKnight, U., Mendizabal, M., Mendonça, R., Mickovski, S.B., Nash, C., Nadim, F., Nolan, P., Oen, A., Olsson, P., Olver, C., Paradiso, F., Petucco, C., Pisani, N., Piton, G., Pugliese, F., Rasmussen, M., Munro, K., Reich, E., Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., Renaud, F., Rhodes, M.L., Robles, V., Rodriguez, F., Roebeling, P., Ruangpan, L., Rugani, B., Rödl, A., Sánchez Torres, A., Sanesi, G., Scharf, B., Silvestri, F., Skodra, J., Stanganelli, M., Szkordilisz, F., Tacnet, J.-M., Vay, L., Vella, S., Vercelli, M., Vojinovic, Z., Werner, A., Wheeler, B., Young, C., Zorita, S., zu-Castell Rüdenhausen, M., 2021. Application of the NBS impact evaluation framework: NBS performance and impact evaluation case studies. In book: Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions: A handbook for practitioners (Publisher: European Union). Pages 179-234.
Kalas, M., Leo, L.S., Baldacchini, C., Budau, O.E., Castellar, J., Comas, J., Connop, S., Corbane, C., Decker, S., Draghia, M., Dubovik, M., Dushkova, D., Haase, D., Ivits, E., Körmöndi, B., Kumar, P., Laikari, A., Leopa, S., Littkopf, A., Ommer, J., Rinta-Hiiro, V., Spano, G., Spinnato, P., Vranić, S., Teixeira da Silva, R., Zavarrone E., 2021. Data Requirements. In book: Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions: A handbook for practitioners (Publisher: European Union). Pages 279-369.
Nikitas, G., Bhattacharya, S., Vimalan, N., Demirci, H.E., Nikitas, N., Kumar, P., 2019. Wind power: A sustainable way to limit climate change. In book: Managing Global Warming: An Interface of Technology and Human Issues (Academic Press). Pages 333-364.
Di Sabatino, S., Buccolieri, R., Kumar, P., 2018. Spatial Distribution of Air Pollutants in Cities, In: Capello, F., Gaddi, A.V. (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Air Pollution-Related Diseases. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 75-95. [invited]
Conroy, K.M, Kumar, P., Hunt, W.F., 2016. An overview of the interactions between green infrastructure and particulate matter. In: Airborne Particles: Origin, Emissions and Health Impacts (Nova Publishers); Editor: Dr Prashant Kumar; January 2016 [invited]
Hassan, H., Abraham, M., Kumar, P., Kakosimos, K.E, 2016. Sources and emissions of fugitive particulate matter. In above-marked book. In: Airborne Particles: Origin, Emissions and Health Impacts (Nova Publishers); Editor: Dr Prashant Kumar; January 2016 [invited]
Nagpure, A., Sharma, K.R., Sharma, R., Gurjar, B.R., Kumar, P., 2016. Association of particulate matter emissions, air quality and health risks in South Asian cities. In above-marked book. In: Airborne Particles: Origin, Emissions and Health Impacts (Nova Publishers); Editor: Dr Prashant Kumar; January 2016 [invited]
Garcia, J., Rita Cerdeira, R., Coelho, L., Kumar, P., Carvalho, M.G., 2016. Important variables when studying the influence of particulate matter on health. In above-marked book. In: Airborne Particles: Origin, Emissions and Health Impacts (Nova Publishers); Editor: Dr Prashant Kumar; January 2016 [invited]
Kumar, P., Wiedensohler, A., Birmili, W., Quincey, P., Hallquist, M., 2016. Chapter 15 - Ultrafine particles pollution and measurements, In: de la Guardia, M., Armenta, S. (Eds.), Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Elsevier, pp. 369-390.. The Quality of Air. Elsevier Book. [invited]
Kumar, P., Wiedensohler, A., Birmili, W., Quincey, P., Hallquist, M., 2016. Ultrafine particles pollution and measurements. The Quality of Air. Elsevier Book. In Press [invited]
Kumar, P., Aldabbous, A., 2015. Emission, transformation and fate of nanoparticles in the atmosphere. In Vol. 4: Engineered Nanoparticles and the Environment: Biophysicochemical Processes and Biotoxicity (IUPAC-sponsored Wiley Book Series; Senesi, N. Eds.). In Press [invited].
Kumar, P., Azarmi, F., Mulheron, M., 2012. Enlightening and noxious shades of nanotechnology application in concrete. In: Nanotechnology: Volume 9 Civil / Construction Engineering. (Studium Press LLC, USA; Govil, J.N. Eds.). ISBN: 1-62699-009-3). pp. 255-287. [invited]
Kumar, P., Morawska, L., Harrison, R.M., 2012. Nanoparticles in European cities and associated health impacts. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry: Air Quality in Europe (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; Viana, M. Eds), pp. 1-27. [invited]