Workplace transformations, health and wellbeing
We are interested in exploring:
- How new forms of work such as digital platform work and remote working influence employees’ health and wellbeing?
- How organisational responses to market competitive pressures impact sustainability?
- How organisations can create the environment to support productive, happy and fulfilling working lives?
Research briefs
Identity re de-construction in work transitions from fishing to tourism
Downward Occupational Mobility and Job Satisfaction When Does it Hurt Less
A Study of New Labor Market Entrants’ Job Satisfaction Trajectories During a Series of Consecutive Job Changes
Constructing Identity in Marine Tourism Diversification
Based on interviews with current and former fishers in Cornwall, our research assessed how the transition to tourism work has affected people’s identity.
Buffering effect (PDF)
In search of the 'buffering' effect in the job demands-control model: the role of teamwork HRM practices and occupations.