People management, diversity and fairness
We are interested in exploring:
- How virtual organisation/hybrid workplace influences leadership, teamwork and value-creation?
- How increasing diversity affects performance, organisational fairness and employees’ experience of work?
- How institutions and public policies can mitigate inequality in labour market outcomes?
Research briefs
Dynamic Strategic Marketing Planning The paradox of concurrently reconfiguring and implementing strategic marketing planning
Religious Identity and Servant Leadership
Meh, whatever The effects of indifference expressions on cooperation in social conflict
Investigating the dimensions of students’ privacy concern in the collection, use, and sharing of data for learning analytics
How false feedback influences decision-makers’ risk preferences
How (in)congruence of leader–follower learning goal orientation influences leader–member exchange and employee innovation
Encouraging Intercultural Interaction by Cultural Specific Learning Design
Diversity and inclusion in hospitality and tourism bridging the gap between employee and customer perspectives
This paper aims to provide a critical reflection on diversity and inclusion research from the hospitality and tourism literature.
Black women’s experiences of workplace sexual harassment
Servant Leadership and Customer Service Performance: Testing Social Learning and Social Exchange-Informd Motivational Pathways
Understanding the negotiation and performance effects of idiosyncratic deals (PDF)
Intuition in business (PDF)
Is CSR achieved at the expense of internal organisational stability? (PDF)
Insights into the development of Employee Volunteering programmes in the UK.
Investigating variation in pay in adult social care (PDF)
Analyzing leadership attributes in faith-based organizations: Idealism versus reality (PDF)
This paper aims to contribute to the growing discussion about leadership in the contemporary Church of England.
Business schools and hubris: Cause or cure? (PDF)
We offer firstly the ‘Provocation’ that business schools may have been a cause of hubris in business and wider society, and secondly the ‘Proposal’ that business education is a vital means for tempering hubris and mitigating its negative effects.
Delighting the customer: Creativity-oriented high-performance work system, frontline employee creative performance, and customer satisfaction (PDF)
Anchored in self determination theory (SDT), this study proposes and tests a cross-level model of the processes through which perceived creativity-oriented HPWS relates to creative service performance that in turn, leads to unit-level customer satisfaction.
Employee involvement, work engagement and skill development (PDF)
This report seeks to assess the prevalence and trends over time in involvement practices at work and to examine empirically whether these are related positively not only to improved work conditions and work motivation but also to skill development practices.
Ethical leadership and ethical voice: The mediating mechanisms of value internalization and integrity identity (PDF)
We aim to extend prior research by focusing on employees’ self-concepts and personal identities as possible explanatory mechanisms of the relationship between ethical leadership and ethical voice.
Exploring the interplay between pay, career barriers and management support: An intersectional study of migrant doctors (PDF)
We examine how pay gaps stem from career barriers and management support in male and female International Medical Graduate, European Economic Area and UK doctors.
How perceptions of others’ work and impression management motives affect leader–member exchange development: A sixwave latent change score model (PDF)
As a new employee settles in, establishing a good relationship with his or her supervisor is always a priority. Such a relationship focuses on meeting each other’s expectations. However, does the rosy glow of early interpersonal interactions gradually change into a more mature relationship?
How does employee involvement in decision-making benefit organisations? (PDF)
This policy brief examines one key area where employers could initiate change in work organisation. The analysis will also inform policymakers in the aftermath of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of the steps they can take to guide that change.
Linguistic markers of intuition in human resource decisions (PDF)
Identifying ‘linguistic markers’ of intuitions in spoken/written communications could help to identify if/when/how intuition is being used in HR and also to improve HR practices in areas such as selection and creativity.
Preference reversals during risk elicitation (PDF)
This research article offers a new theoretical proposal regarding human decision-making, as well as a new experimental method for testing the predictions of the proposal.
Service-oriented high-performance work systems and service role performance: Applying an integrated extended self and psychological ownership framework (PDF)
Considering the recognition of service excellence as a source of sustained competitive advantage, the question of how organizations can build an internal capability or processes to implement a service excellence strategy is of much theoretical and practical importance.
The impact of authoritarian leadership on ethical voice: A moderated mediation model of felt uncertainty and leader benevolence (PDF)
The primary purpose of this study is to provide a framework to explain how and when authoritarian leadership influences employee ethical voice.
Uncovering the impact of triadic relationships within a team on job performance: An application of balance theory in predicting feedback-seeking behavior (PDF)
We explore how the interplay of leader-member exchange, team-member exchange, and peers’ leader-member exchange jointly impact employees’ feedback-seeking behaviour and subsequent job performance.
Unions defending and promoting nursing and midwifery: Workplace challenges, activity and strategies (PDF)
This research gives voice to nurses and midwives and provides an evidence base to assist RCN and RCM to improve their understanding of their members’ greatest concerns around careers and working conditions and to develop their equality and diversity work.