We are keen to develop in all our students a broad range of generic skills to complement the core technical or scientific competencies of their chosen subject area.
Doctoral training centres

Education network
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Education Network brings together a diverse group of staff and students with an interest in education practice and development.
Study with us
Our modular programme format, coupled with increasing use of innovative teaching and learning strategies, such as e-learning and industrially focused short courses provides a flexible environment in which to learn, whilst maintaining the academic rigour and quality expected.
Development of time-temperature indicators to monitor food safety
Funding information:
Stipend £20,780 per annum, fees covered, research training support grants.Machine learning for establishing ecological networks in agricultural landscapes
Funding information:
Fully funded PhD studentship including all University fees, additional research training and travel funds plus stipend at UKRI standard rate (£20,780).Geological and geotechnical risk assessment of offshore wind farms
Funding information:
Tuition fees will be paid, and the successful candidate will receive a tax-free stipend set at the UKRI rate (£20,780 for 2025/26).
Research opportunities
We are keen to support fellowship applications for talented applicants so we have listed some current fellowships.