See a list of our alumni.
Previous staff (2005+)
Tautvydas Kuliesius
Phygital Literature
Sarah Campbell
Neighbourhood Natter, Storytelling games for older people
Phil Ely
Climate Doomsday Book, Interactive Newsprint
Haiyue Yuan
Climate Doomsday Book, Next Generation Paper, Com-Note
Tijs Duel
Sentimental Audio Memories.
Isabela Zaine
Visiting Researcher 2018. Media Parcels.
Paula Castro
Visiting Researcher 2016 on Mobile technology for older people. Also partner on Assistive media for health and wellbeing in ageing, Time Matters and Augmented paper in dementia care.
Kaihe Guo
Immersive audiophotography
Jane Vincent
Visiting Fellow 2007-16, Reading & writing with paper and screen, Teen use of mobiles, Social shaping of 3G
Risto Sarvas
Visiting Fellow 2009
Janko Calic
Deputy Director 2010-2015, Com-Note, Light Tags, Com-Cam, Storytelling for Development, Photo streams, Tabletop collaboration
Kristina Langhein
Centre Coordinator 2008-2014, Big Society Research, University of the Village, LUCID
Jo Hope
Light Tags
Tara Knights
Helen Moore
Interactive newsprint
Clare Sumpner
Interactive newsprint
Kristen Eglinton
Community generated media for the next billion
Chris Lim
Sarah Woods
Diogo Casanova
Tailoring Technology
Alicia Blum-Ross
Katie Smith
Dorothy Rachovides
Steve Wall
Forgotten images
Victoria Land
Cross-media communication
Gerard Oleksik
Sonic interventions
Postgraduate research graduates
Ye Ling
CVSSP | DWRC - Digital glasses for sight correction
Dora Filipovic
DWRC - Altered perceptions
Azlin Abdul Latef
DWRC | CVSSP - Creative M-Learning technology for rural Malaysia
Chris Baume
CVSSP | DWRC - Semantic audio tools for radio production
Sam Zargham
I-Lab CVSSP | DWRC - Photo streams
Jocelyn Spence
Arts | DWRC - Performative experience design
Connie Golsteijn
Sociology | DWRC - Materialising media
Philip Ely
Sociology | DWRC - Digital DIY
Ali Al-Azzawi
DWRC | Psychology - Personal construct approach to user experience
Abigail Durrant
Psychology | DWRC - Intergenerational home photo display
Christine Rivers
CCSR | DWRC - Tabletop collaboration
Sandeep Chandra Ashwath
Sociology | DWRC - Mythical storytelling in India