Research courses

As a postgraduate research student, you’ll receive a structured training programme covering the practical aspects of being a researcher, including grant writing, publishing in journals, and applying for academic jobs.

What we are researching

Our research reflects the evolving nature of the discipline, encompassing new technologies, audio description, sociological perspectives on translation and innovative practices in interpreting.

  • Translation technologies including machine-assisted and corpus-based translation
  • Interpreting technologies including video-mediated interpreting and distance and remote interpreting
  • Translation process research
  • Bilingual lexicography
  • Audiovisual translation including subtitling, audio description, re-speaking and other modalities
  • Translation and interpreting as multimodal activities
  • Translation and interpreting in the context of migration
  • Dialogue interpreting
  • Legal and healthcare interpreting
  • Sociological approaches to translation
  • Humour in translation

Expert support

Our Doctoral College supports the academic and professional development of postgraduate researchers to ensure our world-leading research continues to grow. There is also an extensive Researcher Development Programme run at university level.

What our students say

Read our student profiles to discover first-hand what it's like to study with us.