
Turbulence remains one of the last great unsolved problems in the engineering sciences. Developing our understanding of these complex flows allows us to formulate more accurate and robust predictive tools, which may then have applications in areas ranging from aircraft design to weather forecasting, commercial agriculture and even diagnostic medicine.


Fundamental turbulence is a vibrant and growing area of research, encompassing a very broad mix of specialist fields including (amongst others) mathematics, nonlinear dynamics, electronics, acoustics, signal processing and high-power computing, alongside aerodynamics and thermodynamics.

Current work

Our current areas of work include:

  • Data-driven analysis and modelling of turbulent flows by Dr Giovanni Iacobello
  • Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows and transition by Dr Olaf Marxen
  • Investigating similarity characteristics within turbulent boundary layers and turbulent vortex flows by Dr David Birch
  • Pollutant dispersion modelling in the atmospheric environment by Professor Alan Robins.

Get in contact

If you have any queries or would like to get involved with our research then please contact our Research Centre Administrator:

Zilla Gardiner

Email: z.gardiner@surrey.ac.uk

Phone: +44 (0)1483 689677.

Student using wind tunnel


We have numerous wind tunnels including a meteorological wind tunnel and EnFlo tunnel which is one of few in the world which allow experiments to be carried out in controlled conditions simulating the Earth's atmosphere.

Meet the team

Academic staff

David Birch profile image

Dr David Birch

Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Head of Centre for Aerodynamics & Environmental Flow

Matteo Carpentieri profile image

Dr Matteo Carpentieri

Associate Professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Philip Hancock profile image

Dr Philip Hancock

Emeritus Reader in Fluid Mechanics

Nicholas Hills profile image

Professor Nicholas Hills

Professor of Computational Engineering, Faculty Associate Dean of the Doctoral College

Giovanni Iacobello profile image

Dr Giovanni Iacobello

Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Sciences

Olaf Marxen profile image

Dr Olaf Marxen

Senior Lecturer

Marco Placidi (he/him) profile image

Dr Marco Placidi

Senior Lecturer in Experimental Fluid Mechanics

Alan Robins profile image

Professor Alan Robins

Professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Associated staff

Michael J Pekris profile image

Dr Michael Pekris

Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Sciences

Rex Thorpe profile image

Professor Rex Thorpe

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Mark J. Whiting profile image

Dr Mark Whiting

Associate Professor of Materials Ageing and Performance / Director of the Centre for Engineering Materials / William Penney Fellow in Materials Ageing

Postgraduate research students

Cameron Southgate-Ash profile image

Cam Southgate-Ash

Postgraduate Research Student