IT induction for new staff
Welcome to the IT induction for new staff at the University of Surrey.
About IT Services
IT Services provides support to staff and students via the IT Service Desk who review requests and either respond or assign to teams.
Our IT teams work with you to identify IT requirements and support the delivery of solutions.
In addition, IT Services supports the activity of the University through the management of a robust infrastructure and systems development. We also support teaching and research in collaboration with the Education Office, the Digital Learning team and the Research and Innovation team.
Activating your IT account
Your IT account username and password will give you access to a number of services including email, OneDrive and access to computers on campus.
To start using these services you will need to activate your IT account.
There are two steps to setting up and activating your account. Please complete both steps.
View the activating your IT account page.
IT regulations
Keeping data secure requires common sense: you must take steps to protect your computer and protect yourself, but you also need to consider the data that you and your colleagues use and how you use it. The following links provide information on University of Surrey data security and good practice:
- Cyber security and IT policies
- Information privacy and security
- Information Security Policy (PDF)
- Data Protection Policy (PDF).
Regulations for the use of IT facilities:
In addition, please see Information privacy and security.
Email, calendar and Office 365
Our University has a partnership called Surrey365 with Microsoft, to use Microsoft's Office 365 service.
Microsoft Office 365 offers the email service Outlook, with a 50GB mailbox, effective spam filtering and fast interface, as well as a calendar.
It also provides a suite of tools including Office applications such as Teams, OneDrive, Whiteboard, Planner and SharePoint to name but a few.
Please use MS Teams for virtual and blended meetings and collaborating.
Logging into Surrey365
Logging into Surrey365 for the first time:
- Go to surrey365.surrey.ac.uk
- When you log in for the first time you will be prompted to restart Outlook
- Once Outlook has restarted enter your IT account username and password. Your username must be followed by the suffix @surrey.ac.uk for example ta001@surrey.ac.uk.
To access all of your Microsoft web apps visit Office365.com and sign in using your university email (username@surrey.ac.uk).
Help and support
- The IT pages on SurreyNet and SharePoint provide a range of useful information for current staff
- The IT Status Page provides information about service status and upcoming IT maintenance and incidents.
IT Service Desk
The Service Desk is the first point of contact for any question, problem or requests related to IT services. Our dedicated team of staff have a broad knowledge and in many cases can deal directly with requests.
Information and contact details for the IT Service Desk is available on the contact us pages once you have activated your account.
IT learning and training
Please see the IT and digital skills page for details of training courses and to search for learning resources suitable for self-study.
Requesting a new service
If you are thinking about acquiring or developing a new IT service to help you improve your processes, enhance teaching and/or research, then contact the IT Project Management Office at itpmo@surrey.ac.uk as soon as you can.
Do you have any feedback on this induction information?
Please email your feedback to: itservicedesk@surrey.ac.uk