Disclosing a disability or medical condition

The information that you provide will help us to work with you to establish your support and reasonable adjustment requirements during your time at University.

The University values a diverse community of staff and disclosure about a disability will not prejudice your application.

If you are not sure whether your condition is considered a disability, it is best to still let the University know.

Why should I disclose a disability or medical condition?

Disclosing a disability or medical condition will help us to work with you to ensure you have the right advice about support and equipment while you are with us and to allow us to put the appropriate support in place in good time.

When should I disclose a disability or medical condition?

We do encourage you to disclose your disability as early as possible; but you can do this at any time during your employment.

If you have a newly diagnosed or an additional condition, please let us know.

How do I tell the University about my disability?

You can notify us via the pre-employment health questionnaire (for new staff), or by contacting your HR representative or line manager.

If you want us to make reasonable adjustments, you'll need to provide us with evidence to support your disclosure. This can be a GP letter confirming your diagnosis and/or a report confirming your specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia report.

Why do you need information and evidence about my disability?

The Equality Act (2010) requires us to take reasonable steps to find out about your disability and to encourage you to disclose so that we can work with you to determine and meet your requirements whilst employed.

What happens to my information and how is it used?

We store the information you give us regarding your disability electronically. We will keep it securely and confidentially within Human Resources and Wellbeing departments, and in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.

With your consent, we will use your information to ensure that we can put appropriate support in place for you by the relevant University staff. Your consent also allows us to liaise with relevant external providers of support e.g. organisations who provide non-medical helpers, funding bodies, charities and assessment centres, etc.

I don’t want anyone to know that I have a disability, do I have to tell you?

No. However, if you choose not to disclose your disability, you may not be able to access the full range of support available to you.