Pet donation programme
Your best friend's final contribution can be an infinite and lasting one.
Veterinary Educational Memorial Programme
Donating your pet’s body to the University of Surrey Veterinary Educational Memorial Programme is a chance to find meaning in the loss of your pet, and a way of honouring a wonderful life. We are very grateful for all donations for use in the education of our students - the veterinary professionals of the future. Donated animals are usually used in the teaching of anatomy and pathology, and also in research.
We understand that losing a pet is very difficult and we always handle donations with respect and dignity. Ultimately, your pet will be cremated and their ashes will be scattered in a memorial space. Please consider the possibility of taking part in the immensely worthwhile programme. Talk to your vet about how you can help.
Please note: the donation consent form must be completed in conjunction with your veterinary surgeon. We are unable to accept donations directly from owners without the signature of a vet, and cannot return any remains including ashes. Additionally, whilst all donations are gratefully received, we are regretfully unable to offer full cremation of horses, ponies or donkeys. If you would like to speak to us about this, please contact us using the contact details above.