- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
BEng (Hons) or MEng — 2026 entry Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electrical and electronic engineers create electrical systems that transform our lives. On our Electrical and Electronic degrees, you'll unearth some of the most fascinating aspects of modern technology and engineering.
Why choose
this course?
We’re home to some of the world’s leading centres of research in electronic communication, power and control engineering, renewable energy and signal processing. These include:
- 5G/6G Innovation Centre
- Advanced Technology Institute
- Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing
- Surrey Space Centre.
This means you’ll learn about solving real-world problems from highly experienced academics who are experts in their fields.
Take the opportunity to get industry-ready with our award-winning Professional Training placements.
Our BEng and MEng electrical and electronic engineering courses produce engineers with the skills required to work at the forefront of electrical engineering, power and control.
Average starting salary for Surrey electrical and electronic engineering graduates (Graduate Outcomes 2024, HESA)
11th in the UK
The University of Surrey is ranked 11th for overall student satisfaction* in the National Student Survey 2024
*Measured by % positivity based on Q1-24 for all institutions listed in the Guardian University Guide league tables.

What you will study
- Discover the latest developments in electronic and electrical engineering through high-quality teaching and our laboratory, fabrication and 3D printing facilities.
- Following a common first year in electrical science and electronics, you’ll study specialist topics, including electrical machines, power electronics, power engineering, communication systems, renewable energy generation and control engineering.
Professional recognition
BEng (Hons) - Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer and partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.
MEng - Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer and partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.
Foundation year
If you don’t meet our entry requirements, you might still be able to apply for this degree with an Engineering and Physical Sciences Foundation Year. This is an extra year of study to develop your skills and make it easier for you to get started at university. On successful completion of your foundation year, you’ll be ready to progress to the first year of your BEng electrical and electronic engineering degree.
To see what modules you’ll be studying, refer to the foundation tab in the 'Course structure' section.
The academic year is divided into two semesters of 15 weeks each. Each semester consists of a period of teaching, revision/directed learning and assessment.
The structure of our programmes follow clear educational aims that are tailored to each programme. These are all outlined in the programme specifications which include further details such as the learning outcomes.
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) with placement
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) with foundation year
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) with foundation year and placement
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng with placement
Please note: The full module listing for the optional Professional Training placement part of your course is available in the relevant programme specification.
Modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication. Modules are subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps.
The University operates a credit framework for all taught programmes based on a 15-credit tariff.
Course options
Year 1 - BEng (Hons)
Semester 1
The module offers an introduction to circuit theory and analogue electronics.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical knowledge at the level of entry requirements for a degree programme in Engineering. Module purpose: Mathematics is the best tool we have for quantitative understanding of engineering systems. This course in pure mathematics is specifically designed for Electronic Engineering students and covers the fundamental techniques for many future engineering courses taught here.
View full module detailsThis course offers an introduction to the principles of digital logic covering both the theory (e.g. logical operators, their combination and simplification, and basic logic circuit arrangements such as counters & registers) and the practical implementation of logic flows within software. The latter serves also as an introduction to the principles of programming through the Python language.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: None. Module purpose: Working individually or in groups on engineering projects requires a wide range of professional and technical skills. This module helps first year students develop skills in research and technical presentation, along with the practical laboratory skills required by the professional engineer. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module. This module is the first module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules in Year 1 (EEE1027 in semester 1 and EEE1028 in semester 2), in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The ability to use mathematics with confidence underpins a successful engineering degree. This module provides students with some of the basic understanding and skills in mathematics needed to follow a degree programme in modern engineering. The content is specifically related to topics associated with electronic engineering.
View full module detailsTo understand the physics and engineering that underpins the operation of semiconductor devices and to use this to understand the operation of simple bipolar devices and MOS transistors. In addition to understand the effects electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter within the discipline of electronic engineering.
View full module detailsModule purpose: Programming is a key part of electronic engineering and the C programming language is at the heart of many embedded software systems. This module will provide the students with a solid practical knowledge of the C programming language, its relationship to the underlying hardware and aspects of both high level programming and low level manipulation of memory.
View full module detailsCore
This module is the second module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules. In builds upon EEE1027 in semester 1 and sees the introduction of project work alongside experiment. In subsequent years students building on their labs, design and professional studies work in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3. Working individually or in groups on technical engineering projects requires a wide range of professional skills. Linking the laboratory work closely with professional development stresses the importance of developing an integrated portfolio of project skills. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 1 - FHEQ Level 4
No optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Year 2 - BEng (Hons)
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE Programmes. Module purpose: This module is divided into two parts (Circuit & Control Systems and Communication Systems) each of which build on the concepts and tools introduced in Year 1.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical experience equivalent to Year 1 of EE programmes or equivalent. Module purpose: This module builds on the fundamental tools and concepts introduced in the mathematics modules in Year 1 (EEE1031 and EEE1032) and applies them to further engineering examples. A broad range of mathematics topics is covered, and their applications are always borne in mind.
View full module detailsModule purpose: this module is organized into two parts that run concurrently. Part A introduces the students to microprocessors. This covers the key concepts in microprocessor organization and design; specifically for the instruction set, performance analysis, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the processor control and data paths. Additionally, we explore common memory hierarchies and caching problems. In class problems are given as examples in design. Part B covers the analysis, design and implementation of computer algorithms. It presents concepts and methods for the analysis of algorithms. Classic programming techniques and data-structures needed to develop efficient algorithms in C for solving logical and data-handling problems are introduced, and students will attend programming lab sessions where they have the opportunity to implement in C the algorithms that have been covered. This module has strong connections with a number of modules within the curriculum. The module directly builds on the Year 1 modules which establish a foundation in programming (EEE1033 and EEE1035). This module uses C as the main programming language, thus providing continuity with the first year where it was introduced. The module also prepares students for subsequent modules. This includes the Year 2 Semester 2 modules concerned with object-oriented programming (EEE2047) and computer vision & graphics (EEE2041) as well as specialist modules in Year 3 such as Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EEE3032), Digital Design with VHDL (EEE3027), Robotics (EEE3243), etc.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE UG Programmes or equivalent Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or teamwork.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 and Year 2, Semester 1, of EE Programmes. Module purpose: Using lectures, problems classes, worked examples and tutorial sheets this module will provide the fundamentals needed to understand the operation of key electronic and photonic devices as determined by their fundamental semiconducting properties. The module builds upon prior study of electrical science (EEE1034) delivered in Year 1 of the undergraduate programme (or equivalent elsewhere). This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices. The module will also provide a brief introduction to more advanced topics covered in the Year 3 modules (EEE3041).
View full module detailsAll modern electronic devices make use of transistor technology and their future developments, via Moore’s Law and beyond, are fundamentally linked to device architecture. This module will introduce modern CMOS transistor structures and link to the operation for integrated circuits and modern memory devices. The module will also show how electric and magnetic fields can be unified within Maxwell’s equations to produce electromagnetic theory and solve common problems.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Participation in module EEE2036 "Laboratories, Design & Professional Studies III" Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or team work.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: A good working knowledge of procedural programming, preferably in the C programming language. [Surrey EEE students should have achieved this in their Year 1 studies. Module purpose: Object orientated programming (OOP) is a popular programming methodology for large application programming. C++ is a powerful programming language which, being backwards compatible with C, provides efficient access to low level components of a system. This makes it important for Electronic Engineering yet it is also a fully functioning industrially recognized language for large scale application programming. The module will provide students with the fundamentals of Object Orientated Design and Programming, with specific emphasis on its implementation in the C++ language.
View full module detailsComputer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 2 - FHEQ Level 5
No optional modules in Semester 1.
Select one optional module in semester 2.
Year 3 - BEng (Hons)
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: This module is a follow-up to some of the core professional development activities in Year 2. Module purpose: This module is a professional development module that is compulsory on all undergraduate programmes. The module builds from the team projects performed as part of the professional studies components of the Year 1 and 2 Labs, Design and Professional Studies modules (EEE1026, EEE1027, EEE2036 and EEE2037). The module provides students with competences and hands-on experience of an extended project and professional practice in modern electrical, electronic and computer engineering. The module’s focus is a student-driven team-based product-design project that applies skills and practices addressed in the syllabus. In addition, it provides a skillset for successful management of individual projects, in particular the Year 3 project, and future group projects, such as the multi-disciplinary design project in MEng Year 4.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: It is helpful, but not essential, to have taken module EEE2040 – Communications Networks (EEE2040), or to have equivalent learning. Module purpose: This module deals with the three important processing stages of modern digital communication systems which are source coding for signal compression, channel error control coding for robust transmission and modulation for efficient digital interface with the available channel. The module is designed to provide basic-to-intermediate scale introduction of the subject at the UG level and the learning developed in this module can be enhanced further at relevant MEng / MSc level modules (EEEM017, EEEM030, EEEM031)
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Knowledge of basic properties of signals and related methods, including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and convolution. BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through study of module EEE2035 Engineering Mathematics III and/or module EEE2033 Circuits, Control and Communications. MSc students might have acquired this through study of an undergraduate module on “Signals and Systems” or through independent study. Module purpose: This introductory course in Digital Signal Processing explores mathematical tools used to represent, analyse and design basic DSP systems. This module underpins many key areas of digital systems, including audio-visual technology, digital communications, control systems, and computer vision. This topic is therefore of paramount importance to any electronic engineer. This module EEE3008 provides the expected prior learning for the following module EEEM030 Speech & Audio Processing and Recognition Taking module EEE3008 may also contribute to a deeper understanding of the following modules EEE3032 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EEE3042 Audio and Video Processing and EEEM071 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
View full module detailsRadio frequency (RF) and microwave engineers require proficiency in a specific set of skills to in electronic circuitry that does not exist for other typical applications. Therefore, a good grounding in the electronics associated with RF and microwave devices and important underlying essential fundamentals are delivered for any form of RF or microwave engineering. The module will be important for other RF related modules such as EEEM044 RF System and Circuit Design and EEEM064 Microwave Design Techniques
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Students should have an interest in materials and devices Module purpose: Nanotechnology promises new strong and light materials, faster electronic devices which consume less energy and have enhanced functionality. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials are everywhere; it is on the nanometer scale that many of the well-known descriptions and properties of materials breakdown and where an understanding of quantum effects becomes vital. New materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes with outstanding physical and electronic properties have emerged. This module will introduce quantum engineering and new nanomaterials as well as showing how developments have led to unprecedented ability to see and manipulate atoms and materials on the nanoscale. The module builds upon prior study of electronic materials delivered in Year 2 of the undergraduate programme such as EEE2040 Electronic and Photonics Devices, EEE2045 Electrical Science II. This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices such as in module EEEM022 Nanoelectronics and Devices.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Good background in physics including forces and motion, heat and light, and electricity and magnetism as might have been acquired at A/AS level or International Baccalaureate Physics. It is also useful to have some knowledge of typical space missions: BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through the EEE2043 – Space Engineering & Mission Design module. Module purpose: This is a key module for students interested in becoming space systems engineers, or in working in a related field. It introduces the student to the key principles and techniques of spacecraft systems design, through real-world examples. The student journey: For those students on the undergraduate “space” pathways, the compulsory Level 6 modules: EEE3040 Space Engineering and EEE3039 Space Dynamics and Missions, build upon the Level 5 Module EEE2043 Space Engineering and Mission Design, but provide a more detailed examination of the material. For students coming in on the MSc space pathway, EE3040 provides a first introduction to space systems design – therefore no prior knowledge of space is expected, however, a good understanding of basic physics and mathematics (to “A” level or first year undergraduate level or equivalent) is assumed. These modules, together, provide the background and context for the detailed individual Level 7 modules concerning different aspects, systems and applications of spacecraft: e.g. EEEM044 RF Systems and Circuit Design; EEM031 Satellite Communications Fundamentals; EEEM033 Satellite Remote Sensing; EEEM059 Space Avionics;.EEEM009 Advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control; EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communications Techniques; EEEM012 Launch Vehicles and Propulsion; EEEM M057 Space Environment and Protection and EEEM049 Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms. Students may choose their own selection from these advanced Level 7 modules, according to their interests or future career choices.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2033 – Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Control Engineering covers classical control theory as well as more modern methods. Students have the opportunity in this module to evaluate and apply various control techniques. This module builds on basic concepts previously introduced in Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications EEE2033, or equivalent learning and builds the fundamentals for a subsequent career as a control engineer or systems engineer.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Modules EEE2033 – Circuits, Control and Communications, or equivalent learning. Knowledge of linear systems and of the basics of control engineering is particularly helpful. Module purpose: This module aims to develop a better understanding of transistor amplifiers, power semiconductor switching devices and various power converters. A detailed analysis of power converters like AC to DC phase controlled rectifiers, AC to AC, DC to DC converter & Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverters will be provided. In order to develop a broader understanding of this subject, a few domestic & industrial applications will be taught in this module.
View full module detailsThis module aims to introduce the operating principles of electrical machines used in the power stations. Further this module will cover to a greater depth the concept of power transmission using interconnected grid systems, overhead and underground power transmission and distribution systems. This module is primarily intended for students on an Electrical engineering pathway but is widely available to students on other pathways so that they may get some exposure to the engineering achievement and challenges of large-scale electrical machines (generators, motors and transformers) and the operation of the power grid. Module EEE3038 Electrical Machines and Power module builds upon the electromagnetic theory covered in Level 5 module EEE2045 Electrical Science II. It shows how this leads to the design and understanding of the operation of large electrical (AC) machines – motors, generators and transformers. The module is complementary to the Level 6 module EEE3026 Power Electronics, which deals primarily with circuit level devices. Together, these modules provide a good understanding of AC electricity for students who wish to embark on a career in the electrical power industry. For students on the MEng electrical pathways, the material covered in these modules provides the fundamental knowledge required for the compulsory Level 7 modules: EEEM058 Renewable Energy Technologies and ENGM246 Wind Energy Technology. Students graduating from these programmes are well set up for careers in the burgeoning “green” industries.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
Expected prior/parallel learning: Appropriate background knowledge related to the project topic. Module purpose: The purpose of the Year 3 Individual Project is to prepare students for independent problem solving and independent work in engineering (or other professional environment). The module builds from the shorter projects undertaken in Year 1 (EEE1027 and EEE1028) and Year 2 (EEE2036 and EEE2037) labs, design and professional studies modules. Students undertake an extended piece of research and development work on a particular topic over two semesters, and then present the outcomes of this work via a written Final Project Report and an oral presentation, in the form of a viva-voce examination. This module will further develop a student’s skills in planning, problem-solving and analysis, formal writing and presenting their work. For students staying on to MEng programme, this individual module feeds into the group Multidisciplinary Design project.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 3 - FHEQ Level 6
Two optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Year 1 - BEng (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
The module offers an introduction to circuit theory and analogue electronics.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical knowledge at the level of entry requirements for a degree programme in Engineering. Module purpose: Mathematics is the best tool we have for quantitative understanding of engineering systems. This course in pure mathematics is specifically designed for Electronic Engineering students and covers the fundamental techniques for many future engineering courses taught here.
View full module detailsThis course offers an introduction to the principles of digital logic covering both the theory (e.g. logical operators, their combination and simplification, and basic logic circuit arrangements such as counters & registers) and the practical implementation of logic flows within software. The latter serves also as an introduction to the principles of programming through the Python language.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: None. Module purpose: Working individually or in groups on engineering projects requires a wide range of professional and technical skills. This module helps first year students develop skills in research and technical presentation, along with the practical laboratory skills required by the professional engineer. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module. This module is the first module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules in Year 1 (EEE1027 in semester 1 and EEE1028 in semester 2), in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The ability to use mathematics with confidence underpins a successful engineering degree. This module provides students with some of the basic understanding and skills in mathematics needed to follow a degree programme in modern engineering. The content is specifically related to topics associated with electronic engineering.
View full module detailsTo understand the physics and engineering that underpins the operation of semiconductor devices and to use this to understand the operation of simple bipolar devices and MOS transistors. In addition to understand the effects electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter within the discipline of electronic engineering.
View full module detailsModule purpose: Programming is a key part of electronic engineering and the C programming language is at the heart of many embedded software systems. This module will provide the students with a solid practical knowledge of the C programming language, its relationship to the underlying hardware and aspects of both high level programming and low level manipulation of memory.
View full module detailsCore
This module is the second module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules. In builds upon EEE1027 in semester 1 and sees the introduction of project work alongside experiment. In subsequent years students building on their labs, design and professional studies work in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3. Working individually or in groups on technical engineering projects requires a wide range of professional skills. Linking the laboratory work closely with professional development stresses the importance of developing an integrated portfolio of project skills. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 1 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 4
No optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Year 2 - BEng (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE Programmes. Module purpose: This module is divided into two parts (Circuit & Control Systems and Communication Systems) each of which build on the concepts and tools introduced in Year 1.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical experience equivalent to Year 1 of EE programmes or equivalent. Module purpose: This module builds on the fundamental tools and concepts introduced in the mathematics modules in Year 1 (EEE1031 and EEE1032) and applies them to further engineering examples. A broad range of mathematics topics is covered, and their applications are always borne in mind.
View full module detailsModule purpose: this module is organized into two parts that run concurrently. Part A introduces the students to microprocessors. This covers the key concepts in microprocessor organization and design; specifically for the instruction set, performance analysis, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the processor control and data paths. Additionally, we explore common memory hierarchies and caching problems. In class problems are given as examples in design. Part B covers the analysis, design and implementation of computer algorithms. It presents concepts and methods for the analysis of algorithms. Classic programming techniques and data-structures needed to develop efficient algorithms in C for solving logical and data-handling problems are introduced, and students will attend programming lab sessions where they have the opportunity to implement in C the algorithms that have been covered. This module has strong connections with a number of modules within the curriculum. The module directly builds on the Year 1 modules which establish a foundation in programming (EEE1033 and EEE1035). This module uses C as the main programming language, thus providing continuity with the first year where it was introduced. The module also prepares students for subsequent modules. This includes the Year 2 Semester 2 modules concerned with object-oriented programming (EEE2047) and computer vision & graphics (EEE2041) as well as specialist modules in Year 3 such as Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EEE3032), Digital Design with VHDL (EEE3027), Robotics (EEE3243), etc.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE UG Programmes or equivalent Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or teamwork.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 and Year 2, Semester 1, of EE Programmes. Module purpose: Using lectures, problems classes, worked examples and tutorial sheets this module will provide the fundamentals needed to understand the operation of key electronic and photonic devices as determined by their fundamental semiconducting properties. The module builds upon prior study of electrical science (EEE1034) delivered in Year 1 of the undergraduate programme (or equivalent elsewhere). This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices. The module will also provide a brief introduction to more advanced topics covered in the Year 3 modules (EEE3041).
View full module detailsAll modern electronic devices make use of transistor technology and their future developments, via Moore’s Law and beyond, are fundamentally linked to device architecture. This module will introduce modern CMOS transistor structures and link to the operation for integrated circuits and modern memory devices. The module will also show how electric and magnetic fields can be unified within Maxwell’s equations to produce electromagnetic theory and solve common problems.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Participation in module EEE2036 "Laboratories, Design & Professional Studies III" Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or team work.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: A good working knowledge of procedural programming, preferably in the C programming language. [Surrey EEE students should have achieved this in their Year 1 studies. Module purpose: Object orientated programming (OOP) is a popular programming methodology for large application programming. C++ is a powerful programming language which, being backwards compatible with C, provides efficient access to low level components of a system. This makes it important for Electronic Engineering yet it is also a fully functioning industrially recognized language for large scale application programming. The module will provide students with the fundamentals of Object Orientated Design and Programming, with specific emphasis on its implementation in the C++ language.
View full module detailsComputer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 2 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 5
No optional modules in Semester 1.
Select one optional module in semester 2.
Year 3 - BEng (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: This module is a follow-up to some of the core professional development activities in Year 2. Module purpose: This module is a professional development module that is compulsory on all undergraduate programmes. The module builds from the team projects performed as part of the professional studies components of the Year 1 and 2 Labs, Design and Professional Studies modules (EEE1026, EEE1027, EEE2036 and EEE2037). The module provides students with competences and hands-on experience of an extended project and professional practice in modern electrical, electronic and computer engineering. The module’s focus is a student-driven team-based product-design project that applies skills and practices addressed in the syllabus. In addition, it provides a skillset for successful management of individual projects, in particular the Year 3 project, and future group projects, such as the multi-disciplinary design project in MEng Year 4.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: It is helpful, but not essential, to have taken module EEE2040 – Communications Networks (EEE2040), or to have equivalent learning. Module purpose: This module deals with the three important processing stages of modern digital communication systems which are source coding for signal compression, channel error control coding for robust transmission and modulation for efficient digital interface with the available channel. The module is designed to provide basic-to-intermediate scale introduction of the subject at the UG level and the learning developed in this module can be enhanced further at relevant MEng / MSc level modules (EEEM017, EEEM030, EEEM031)
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Knowledge of basic properties of signals and related methods, including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and convolution. BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through study of module EEE2035 Engineering Mathematics III and/or module EEE2033 Circuits, Control and Communications. MSc students might have acquired this through study of an undergraduate module on “Signals and Systems” or through independent study. Module purpose: This introductory course in Digital Signal Processing explores mathematical tools used to represent, analyse and design basic DSP systems. This module underpins many key areas of digital systems, including audio-visual technology, digital communications, control systems, and computer vision. This topic is therefore of paramount importance to any electronic engineer. This module EEE3008 provides the expected prior learning for the following module EEEM030 Speech & Audio Processing and Recognition Taking module EEE3008 may also contribute to a deeper understanding of the following modules EEE3032 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EEE3042 Audio and Video Processing and EEEM071 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
View full module detailsRadio frequency (RF) and microwave engineers require proficiency in a specific set of skills to in electronic circuitry that does not exist for other typical applications. Therefore, a good grounding in the electronics associated with RF and microwave devices and important underlying essential fundamentals are delivered for any form of RF or microwave engineering. The module will be important for other RF related modules such as EEEM044 RF System and Circuit Design and EEEM064 Microwave Design Techniques
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Students should have an interest in materials and devices Module purpose: Nanotechnology promises new strong and light materials, faster electronic devices which consume less energy and have enhanced functionality. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials are everywhere; it is on the nanometer scale that many of the well-known descriptions and properties of materials breakdown and where an understanding of quantum effects becomes vital. New materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes with outstanding physical and electronic properties have emerged. This module will introduce quantum engineering and new nanomaterials as well as showing how developments have led to unprecedented ability to see and manipulate atoms and materials on the nanoscale. The module builds upon prior study of electronic materials delivered in Year 2 of the undergraduate programme such as EEE2040 Electronic and Photonics Devices, EEE2045 Electrical Science II. This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices such as in module EEEM022 Nanoelectronics and Devices.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Good background in physics including forces and motion, heat and light, and electricity and magnetism as might have been acquired at A/AS level or International Baccalaureate Physics. It is also useful to have some knowledge of typical space missions: BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through the EEE2043 – Space Engineering & Mission Design module. Module purpose: This is a key module for students interested in becoming space systems engineers, or in working in a related field. It introduces the student to the key principles and techniques of spacecraft systems design, through real-world examples. The student journey: For those students on the undergraduate “space” pathways, the compulsory Level 6 modules: EEE3040 Space Engineering and EEE3039 Space Dynamics and Missions, build upon the Level 5 Module EEE2043 Space Engineering and Mission Design, but provide a more detailed examination of the material. For students coming in on the MSc space pathway, EE3040 provides a first introduction to space systems design – therefore no prior knowledge of space is expected, however, a good understanding of basic physics and mathematics (to “A” level or first year undergraduate level or equivalent) is assumed. These modules, together, provide the background and context for the detailed individual Level 7 modules concerning different aspects, systems and applications of spacecraft: e.g. EEEM044 RF Systems and Circuit Design; EEM031 Satellite Communications Fundamentals; EEEM033 Satellite Remote Sensing; EEEM059 Space Avionics;.EEEM009 Advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control; EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communications Techniques; EEEM012 Launch Vehicles and Propulsion; EEEM M057 Space Environment and Protection and EEEM049 Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms. Students may choose their own selection from these advanced Level 7 modules, according to their interests or future career choices.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2033 – Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Control Engineering covers classical control theory as well as more modern methods. Students have the opportunity in this module to evaluate and apply various control techniques. This module builds on basic concepts previously introduced in Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications EEE2033, or equivalent learning and builds the fundamentals for a subsequent career as a control engineer or systems engineer.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Modules EEE2033 – Circuits, Control and Communications, or equivalent learning. Knowledge of linear systems and of the basics of control engineering is particularly helpful. Module purpose: This module aims to develop a better understanding of transistor amplifiers, power semiconductor switching devices and various power converters. A detailed analysis of power converters like AC to DC phase controlled rectifiers, AC to AC, DC to DC converter & Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverters will be provided. In order to develop a broader understanding of this subject, a few domestic & industrial applications will be taught in this module.
View full module detailsThis module aims to introduce the operating principles of electrical machines used in the power stations. Further this module will cover to a greater depth the concept of power transmission using interconnected grid systems, overhead and underground power transmission and distribution systems. This module is primarily intended for students on an Electrical engineering pathway but is widely available to students on other pathways so that they may get some exposure to the engineering achievement and challenges of large-scale electrical machines (generators, motors and transformers) and the operation of the power grid. Module EEE3038 Electrical Machines and Power module builds upon the electromagnetic theory covered in Level 5 module EEE2045 Electrical Science II. It shows how this leads to the design and understanding of the operation of large electrical (AC) machines – motors, generators and transformers. The module is complementary to the Level 6 module EEE3026 Power Electronics, which deals primarily with circuit level devices. Together, these modules provide a good understanding of AC electricity for students who wish to embark on a career in the electrical power industry. For students on the MEng electrical pathways, the material covered in these modules provides the fundamental knowledge required for the compulsory Level 7 modules: EEEM058 Renewable Energy Technologies and ENGM246 Wind Energy Technology. Students graduating from these programmes are well set up for careers in the burgeoning “green” industries.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
Expected prior/parallel learning: Appropriate background knowledge related to the project topic. Module purpose: The purpose of the Year 3 Individual Project is to prepare students for independent problem solving and independent work in engineering (or other professional environment). The module builds from the shorter projects undertaken in Year 1 (EEE1027 and EEE1028) and Year 2 (EEE2036 and EEE2037) labs, design and professional studies modules. Students undertake an extended piece of research and development work on a particular topic over two semesters, and then present the outcomes of this work via a written Final Project Report and an oral presentation, in the form of a viva-voce examination. This module will further develop a student’s skills in planning, problem-solving and analysis, formal writing and presenting their work. For students staying on to MEng programme, this individual module feeds into the group Multidisciplinary Design project.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6
Two optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Professional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
View full module detailsThis module supports students' development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Professional Training Year (PTY) - Professional Training Year
No optional modules on PTY.
BEng (Hons) with foundation year
Semester 1
This mathematics module is designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level mathematics material, develop problem solving skills and prepare students for the more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving scenarios in the semester 2 modules.The priority is to develop the students’ ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical around us. This is vital as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate choices.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include S.I. units and measurement theory, electric and magnetic fields and their interactions, the properties of ideal gases, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics, and engineering instrumentation and measurement. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsThe emphasis of this module is on the development of digital capabilities, academic skills and problem-solving skills. The module will facilitate the development of competency in working with software commonly used to support calculations, analysis and presentation. Microsoft Excel will be used for spreadsheet-based calculations and experimental data analysis. MATLAB will be used as a platform for developing elementary programming skills and applying various processes to novel problem-solving scenarios. The breadth and depth of digital capabilities will be further enhanced by working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the GitHub environment to develop a webpage, presenting the student's research project narrative. The project provides students with an opportunity to carry out guided research and prepare an online article on one of many discipline-specific topic choices. Students will develop a wide range of writing, referencing and other important academic skills and learn how to use embedded and/or interactive online content to support the presentation of their online article.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module builds on ENG0011 Mathematics A and is designed to reinforce and broaden A-Level Calculus, Vectors, Matrices and Complex Numbers. The students will continue to develop their ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical world around us. This is vital, as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate courses. On completion of the module students are prepared for the more advanced Mathematical concepts and problem solving scenarios in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include vectors and scalars, equations of motion under constant acceleration, momentum conservation, simple harmonic motion and wave theory. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsA foundation level physics module designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level Physics material in electricity and electronics, nuclear physics, develop practical skills, and prepare students for the more advanced concepts and applications in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported using the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
During this year-long module, students develop a range of laboratory and transferable skills through both individual laboratory work and group project work. The content of this module is designed to consolidate knowledge gained in ENG0013 (semester 1) and ENG0015/16/17 (semester 2) modules. Semester 1 focuses on core Engineering and Physical Sciences laboratory work and guides students through the basic skills of laboratory work, recording work in a lab diary, and lab report writing. Alongside this individual laboratory work, students participate in a group project; this involves working in a small group (5-8 students) to design an experiment, collect data, present their experimental findings as an academic poster, and report their findings to peers via a group oral presentation. Students are guided through the development of teamworking, project management, presentation, and digital skills (e.g., in using MS Teams as a group communication platform) whilst working on this project. Semester 2 provides an opportunity for subject-stream specific practical work (individual) where students will build on the laboratory and lab report writing skills developed in semester 1 to produce a full lab report. Students participate in a further group project in semester 2 where they build upon the skills developed in semester 1. Students work as a team to find and develop an engineering / physical sciences idea into a potentially viable business case. Student groups produce a written business case report and pitch their ideas to a panel including University Student Enterprise experts.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Foundation - FHEQ Level 3
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 please view the programme specification for the full-time BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme.
BEng (Hons) with foundation year and placement
Semester 1
This mathematics module is designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level mathematics material, develop problem solving skills and prepare students for the more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving scenarios in the semester 2 modules.The priority is to develop the students’ ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical around us. This is vital as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate choices.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include S.I. units and measurement theory, electric and magnetic fields and their interactions, the properties of ideal gases, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid statics and dynamics, and engineering instrumentation and measurement. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsThe emphasis of this module is on the development of digital capabilities, academic skills and problem-solving skills. The module will facilitate the development of competency in working with software commonly used to support calculations, analysis and presentation. Microsoft Excel will be used for spreadsheet-based calculations and experimental data analysis. MATLAB will be used as a platform for developing elementary programming skills and applying various processes to novel problem-solving scenarios. The breadth and depth of digital capabilities will be further enhanced by working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the GitHub environment to develop a webpage, presenting the student's research project narrative. The project provides students with an opportunity to carry out guided research and prepare an online article on one of many discipline-specific topic choices. Students will develop a wide range of writing, referencing and other important academic skills and learn how to use embedded and/or interactive online content to support the presentation of their online article.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module builds on ENG0011 Mathematics A and is designed to reinforce and broaden A-Level Calculus, Vectors, Matrices and Complex Numbers. The students will continue to develop their ability to solve real- world problems in a confident manner. The concepts delivered on this module reflect the skills and knowledge required to understand the physical world around us. This is vital, as mathematics plays a critical role in the students’ future employability and achievement on their respective undergraduate courses. On completion of the module students are prepared for the more advanced Mathematical concepts and problem solving scenarios in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree.
View full module detailsThis module introduces several principles and processes which underpin most physical science and engineering disciplines, which you are likely to study beyond the Foundation Year. Specifically, you will study topics that include vectors and scalars, equations of motion under constant acceleration, momentum conservation, simple harmonic motion and wave theory. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported by the use of the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsA foundation level physics module designed to reinforce and broaden basic A-Level Physics material in electricity and electronics, nuclear physics, develop practical skills, and prepare students for the more advanced concepts and applications in the first year of their Engineering or Physical Sciences degree. You will attend several lectures and a tutorial each teaching week alongside guided independent study opportunities to develop your understanding of topics more deeply, supported using the university’s virtual learning platform.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
During this year-long module, students develop a range of laboratory and transferable skills through both individual laboratory work and group project work. The content of this module is designed to consolidate knowledge gained in ENG0013 (semester 1) and ENG0015/16/17 (semester 2) modules. Semester 1 focuses on core Engineering and Physical Sciences laboratory work and guides students through the basic skills of laboratory work, recording work in a lab diary, and lab report writing. Alongside this individual laboratory work, students participate in a group project; this involves working in a small group (5-8 students) to design an experiment, collect data, present their experimental findings as an academic poster, and report their findings to peers via a group oral presentation. Students are guided through the development of teamworking, project management, presentation, and digital skills (e.g., in using MS Teams as a group communication platform) whilst working on this project. Semester 2 provides an opportunity for subject-stream specific practical work (individual) where students will build on the laboratory and lab report writing skills developed in semester 1 to produce a full lab report. Students participate in a further group project in semester 2 where they build upon the skills developed in semester 1. Students work as a team to find and develop an engineering / physical sciences idea into a potentially viable business case. Student groups produce a written business case report and pitch their ideas to a panel including University Student Enterprise experts.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Foundation (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 3
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 and professional training year please view the programme specification for the full-time with PTY BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme.
Year 1 - MEng
Semester 1
The module offers an introduction to circuit theory and analogue electronics.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical knowledge at the level of entry requirements for a degree programme in Engineering. Module purpose: Mathematics is the best tool we have for quantitative understanding of engineering systems. This course in pure mathematics is specifically designed for Electronic Engineering students and covers the fundamental techniques for many future engineering courses taught here.
View full module detailsThis course offers an introduction to the principles of digital logic covering both the theory (e.g. logical operators, their combination and simplification, and basic logic circuit arrangements such as counters & registers) and the practical implementation of logic flows within software. The latter serves also as an introduction to the principles of programming through the Python language.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: None. Module purpose: Working individually or in groups on engineering projects requires a wide range of professional and technical skills. This module helps first year students develop skills in research and technical presentation, along with the practical laboratory skills required by the professional engineer. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module. This module is the first module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules in Year 1 (EEE1027 in semester 1 and EEE1028 in semester 2), in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The ability to use mathematics with confidence underpins a successful engineering degree. This module provides students with some of the basic understanding and skills in mathematics needed to follow a degree programme in modern engineering. The content is specifically related to topics associated with electronic engineering.
View full module detailsTo understand the physics and engineering that underpins the operation of semiconductor devices and to use this to understand the operation of simple bipolar devices and MOS transistors. In addition to understand the effects electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter within the discipline of electronic engineering.
View full module detailsModule purpose: Programming is a key part of electronic engineering and the C programming language is at the heart of many embedded software systems. This module will provide the students with a solid practical knowledge of the C programming language, its relationship to the underlying hardware and aspects of both high level programming and low level manipulation of memory.
View full module detailsCore
This module is the second module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules. In builds upon EEE1027 in semester 1 and sees the introduction of project work alongside experiment. In subsequent years students building on their labs, design and professional studies work in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3. Working individually or in groups on technical engineering projects requires a wide range of professional skills. Linking the laboratory work closely with professional development stresses the importance of developing an integrated portfolio of project skills. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 1 - FHEQ Level 4
No optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Year 2 - MEng
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE Programmes. Module purpose: This module is divided into two parts (Circuit & Control Systems and Communication Systems) each of which build on the concepts and tools introduced in Year 1.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical experience equivalent to Year 1 of EE programmes or equivalent. Module purpose: This module builds on the fundamental tools and concepts introduced in the mathematics modules in Year 1 (EEE1031 and EEE1032) and applies them to further engineering examples. A broad range of mathematics topics is covered, and their applications are always borne in mind.
View full module detailsModule purpose: this module is organized into two parts that run concurrently. Part A introduces the students to microprocessors. This covers the key concepts in microprocessor organization and design; specifically for the instruction set, performance analysis, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the processor control and data paths. Additionally, we explore common memory hierarchies and caching problems. In class problems are given as examples in design. Part B covers the analysis, design and implementation of computer algorithms. It presents concepts and methods for the analysis of algorithms. Classic programming techniques and data-structures needed to develop efficient algorithms in C for solving logical and data-handling problems are introduced, and students will attend programming lab sessions where they have the opportunity to implement in C the algorithms that have been covered. This module has strong connections with a number of modules within the curriculum. The module directly builds on the Year 1 modules which establish a foundation in programming (EEE1033 and EEE1035). This module uses C as the main programming language, thus providing continuity with the first year where it was introduced. The module also prepares students for subsequent modules. This includes the Year 2 Semester 2 modules concerned with object-oriented programming (EEE2047) and computer vision & graphics (EEE2041) as well as specialist modules in Year 3 such as Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EEE3032), Digital Design with VHDL (EEE3027), Robotics (EEE3243), etc.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE UG Programmes or equivalent Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or teamwork.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 and Year 2, Semester 1, of EE Programmes. Module purpose: Using lectures, problems classes, worked examples and tutorial sheets this module will provide the fundamentals needed to understand the operation of key electronic and photonic devices as determined by their fundamental semiconducting properties. The module builds upon prior study of electrical science (EEE1034) delivered in Year 1 of the undergraduate programme (or equivalent elsewhere). This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices. The module will also provide a brief introduction to more advanced topics covered in the Year 3 modules (EEE3041).
View full module detailsAll modern electronic devices make use of transistor technology and their future developments, via Moore’s Law and beyond, are fundamentally linked to device architecture. This module will introduce modern CMOS transistor structures and link to the operation for integrated circuits and modern memory devices. The module will also show how electric and magnetic fields can be unified within Maxwell’s equations to produce electromagnetic theory and solve common problems.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Participation in module EEE2036 "Laboratories, Design & Professional Studies III" Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or team work.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: A good working knowledge of procedural programming, preferably in the C programming language. [Surrey EEE students should have achieved this in their Year 1 studies. Module purpose: Object orientated programming (OOP) is a popular programming methodology for large application programming. C++ is a powerful programming language which, being backwards compatible with C, provides efficient access to low level components of a system. This makes it important for Electronic Engineering yet it is also a fully functioning industrially recognized language for large scale application programming. The module will provide students with the fundamentals of Object Orientated Design and Programming, with specific emphasis on its implementation in the C++ language.
View full module detailsComputer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 2 - FHEQ Level 5
No optional modules in Semester 1.
Select one optional module in semester 2.
Year 3 - MEng
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: This module is a follow-up to some of the core professional development activities in Year 2. Module purpose: This module is a professional development module that is compulsory on all undergraduate programmes. The module builds from the team projects performed as part of the professional studies components of the Year 1 and 2 Labs, Design and Professional Studies modules (EEE1026, EEE1027, EEE2036 and EEE2037). The module provides students with competences and hands-on experience of an extended project and professional practice in modern electrical, electronic and computer engineering. The module’s focus is a student-driven team-based product-design project that applies skills and practices addressed in the syllabus. In addition, it provides a skillset for successful management of individual projects, in particular the Year 3 project, and future group projects, such as the multi-disciplinary design project in MEng Year 4.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: It is helpful, but not essential, to have taken module EEE2040 – Communications Networks (EEE2040), or to have equivalent learning. Module purpose: This module deals with the three important processing stages of modern digital communication systems which are source coding for signal compression, channel error control coding for robust transmission and modulation for efficient digital interface with the available channel. The module is designed to provide basic-to-intermediate scale introduction of the subject at the UG level and the learning developed in this module can be enhanced further at relevant MEng / MSc level modules (EEEM017, EEEM030, EEEM031)
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Knowledge of basic properties of signals and related methods, including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and convolution. BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through study of module EEE2035 Engineering Mathematics III and/or module EEE2033 Circuits, Control and Communications. MSc students might have acquired this through study of an undergraduate module on “Signals and Systems” or through independent study. Module purpose: This introductory course in Digital Signal Processing explores mathematical tools used to represent, analyse and design basic DSP systems. This module underpins many key areas of digital systems, including audio-visual technology, digital communications, control systems, and computer vision. This topic is therefore of paramount importance to any electronic engineer. This module EEE3008 provides the expected prior learning for the following module EEEM030 Speech & Audio Processing and Recognition Taking module EEE3008 may also contribute to a deeper understanding of the following modules EEE3032 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EEE3042 Audio and Video Processing and EEEM071 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
View full module detailsRadio frequency (RF) and microwave engineers require proficiency in a specific set of skills to in electronic circuitry that does not exist for other typical applications. Therefore, a good grounding in the electronics associated with RF and microwave devices and important underlying essential fundamentals are delivered for any form of RF or microwave engineering. The module will be important for other RF related modules such as EEEM044 RF System and Circuit Design and EEEM064 Microwave Design Techniques
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Students should have an interest in materials and devices Module purpose: Nanotechnology promises new strong and light materials, faster electronic devices which consume less energy and have enhanced functionality. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials are everywhere; it is on the nanometer scale that many of the well-known descriptions and properties of materials breakdown and where an understanding of quantum effects becomes vital. New materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes with outstanding physical and electronic properties have emerged. This module will introduce quantum engineering and new nanomaterials as well as showing how developments have led to unprecedented ability to see and manipulate atoms and materials on the nanoscale. The module builds upon prior study of electronic materials delivered in Year 2 of the undergraduate programme such as EEE2040 Electronic and Photonics Devices, EEE2045 Electrical Science II. This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices such as in module EEEM022 Nanoelectronics and Devices.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Good background in physics including forces and motion, heat and light, and electricity and magnetism as might have been acquired at A/AS level or International Baccalaureate Physics. It is also useful to have some knowledge of typical space missions: BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through the EEE2043 – Space Engineering & Mission Design module. Module purpose: This is a key module for students interested in becoming space systems engineers, or in working in a related field. It introduces the student to the key principles and techniques of spacecraft systems design, through real-world examples. The student journey: For those students on the undergraduate “space” pathways, the compulsory Level 6 modules: EEE3040 Space Engineering and EEE3039 Space Dynamics and Missions, build upon the Level 5 Module EEE2043 Space Engineering and Mission Design, but provide a more detailed examination of the material. For students coming in on the MSc space pathway, EE3040 provides a first introduction to space systems design – therefore no prior knowledge of space is expected, however, a good understanding of basic physics and mathematics (to “A” level or first year undergraduate level or equivalent) is assumed. These modules, together, provide the background and context for the detailed individual Level 7 modules concerning different aspects, systems and applications of spacecraft: e.g. EEEM044 RF Systems and Circuit Design; EEM031 Satellite Communications Fundamentals; EEEM033 Satellite Remote Sensing; EEEM059 Space Avionics;.EEEM009 Advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control; EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communications Techniques; EEEM012 Launch Vehicles and Propulsion; EEEM M057 Space Environment and Protection and EEEM049 Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms. Students may choose their own selection from these advanced Level 7 modules, according to their interests or future career choices.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2033 – Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Control Engineering covers classical control theory as well as more modern methods. Students have the opportunity in this module to evaluate and apply various control techniques. This module builds on basic concepts previously introduced in Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications EEE2033, or equivalent learning and builds the fundamentals for a subsequent career as a control engineer or systems engineer.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Modules EEE2033 – Circuits, Control and Communications, or equivalent learning. Knowledge of linear systems and of the basics of control engineering is particularly helpful. Module purpose: This module aims to develop a better understanding of transistor amplifiers, power semiconductor switching devices and various power converters. A detailed analysis of power converters like AC to DC phase controlled rectifiers, AC to AC, DC to DC converter & Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverters will be provided. In order to develop a broader understanding of this subject, a few domestic & industrial applications will be taught in this module.
View full module detailsThis module aims to introduce the operating principles of electrical machines used in the power stations. Further this module will cover to a greater depth the concept of power transmission using interconnected grid systems, overhead and underground power transmission and distribution systems. This module is primarily intended for students on an Electrical engineering pathway but is widely available to students on other pathways so that they may get some exposure to the engineering achievement and challenges of large-scale electrical machines (generators, motors and transformers) and the operation of the power grid. Module EEE3038 Electrical Machines and Power module builds upon the electromagnetic theory covered in Level 5 module EEE2045 Electrical Science II. It shows how this leads to the design and understanding of the operation of large electrical (AC) machines – motors, generators and transformers. The module is complementary to the Level 6 module EEE3026 Power Electronics, which deals primarily with circuit level devices. Together, these modules provide a good understanding of AC electricity for students who wish to embark on a career in the electrical power industry. For students on the MEng electrical pathways, the material covered in these modules provides the fundamental knowledge required for the compulsory Level 7 modules: EEEM058 Renewable Energy Technologies and ENGM246 Wind Energy Technology. Students graduating from these programmes are well set up for careers in the burgeoning “green” industries.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
Expected prior/parallel learning: Appropriate background knowledge related to the project topic. Module purpose: The purpose of the Year 3 Individual Project is to prepare students for independent problem solving and independent work in engineering (or other professional environment). The module builds from the shorter projects undertaken in Year 1 (EEE1027 and EEE1028) and Year 2 (EEE2036 and EEE2037) labs, design and professional studies modules. Students undertake an extended piece of research and development work on a particular topic over two semesters, and then present the outcomes of this work via a written Final Project Report and an oral presentation, in the form of a viva-voce examination. This module will further develop a student’s skills in planning, problem-solving and analysis, formal writing and presenting their work. For students staying on to MEng programme, this individual module feeds into the group Multidisciplinary Design project.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 3 - FHEQ Level 6
Two optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Year 4 - MEng
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: None. Module purpose: To inform students as to the importance of renewable energy in the energy mix required for generation within nations. This is now becoming law in developed countries following the Kyoto agreement and green energy obligations. Students will learn as to the various energy generation options available from power scavengers for handheld calculators to energy generation to power the world’s energy need. Furthermore, an appreciation for the need for energy storage at all power levels will be discussed, with special emphasis on the materials requirements. Students will be able to examine next generation materials being proposed for meeting world's demand based on green energy.
View full module detailsCore
Module purpose: This module was conceived to answer the SARTOR 3 requirement that each MEng student participates in a multi-disciplinary design activity. It involves students from Aerospace, Civil, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical and Medical Engineering working in groups which contain at least 3, and often 4, disciplines. The projects are conceived by Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Visiting Professors from Industry (who enjoy the active support of their sponsoring organisation). It aims to emulate an intensive Industrial Design Project.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior/parallel learning: Basic knowledge of hardware systems and module EEE2047 (Object-Oriented Programming and C++) or equivalent knowledge of C++ or Java programming. Module purpose: Advances related to energy efficiency issues and cost reductions have resulted in the rapid growth and deployment of networked devices and sensing/actuation systems that connect the physical world with the cyber world. The resulting framework, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporates several technologies, including wireless sensor networks, pervasive systems, ambient intelligence, context awareness, and distributed systems. The advanced IoT module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how machine communications contribute to creating smart, artificial intelligence-driven environments focusing on networking and communication systems. The module provides an overview of the key concepts and enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. It encompasses a cross-layer approach, allowing students to explore the practical aspects of sensors, actuators, and mainly communication systems for IoT across physical, media access, and network layers. This includes security considerations, satellite IoT, positioning and tracking for industrial applications, IoT Platforms (Hardware, Software), protocols and standards (e.g. 6LowPAN, ZigBee, CoAp), semantic technologies, and data and information processing mechanisms. Â Also, the module seamlessly integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques tailored for IoT applications, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.
View full module detailsExpected prior/parallel learning: It is helpful, but not essential, to take module EEE3006 – Digital Communications, or to have equivalent learning. Module purpose: This module equips students with fundamental knowledge and skills of mobile/personal communications systems design and forms the basis for the students to conduct further learning of advanced mobile technologies in EEEM018 – Advanced Mobile Communication Systems and EEEM061 – Advanced 5G Wireless Technologies.
View full module detailsIMPORTANT: The second assessment pattern is only applicable to the MSc Short Course Students Expected prior learning: EEE3033 – RF and Microwave Fundamentals, or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Advanced communications systems and radar operate at RF and microwave frequencies. The design principles and circuit operation, underlying these systems, are quite different from those of electronics used in signal processing at baseband frequencies. This module will cover the key elements of RF and microwave system design as well as analysis concepts for a range of commonly used active circuits, including: oscillators, frequency synthesisers, amplifiers and mixers. The module will also cover the circuit design and operation of non-linear devices used in active circuits together with deployment considerations. This module will include and build on many of the concepts studied in EEE3033 RF and Microwave Fundamentals and address further advanced features of non linear RF devices and system optimisation. It is complementary to EEEM064 Microwave Design Techniques and also EEEM006 Antennas and Propagation.
View full module detailsExpected Prior Learning: Module EEE3040 Space Systems Design, or equivalent module. Module Purpose: Through a series of lectures and a design assignment, the module aims to give an introduction to the engineering design principles, requirements and solutions for satellite avionics. This module builds on from many Electronic Engineering modules at undergraduate level in the topics of RF/Communications (EEE3033), Processor Design (EEE3027), and C coding Software (EEE1035 and EEE2047).
View full module detailsSemester 2
Wind energy is an emerging renewable technology that has received wide attention in the context of dealing with global energy demand and sustainable development. It is a broad subject encompassing several branches of science and engineering. This module is to introduce the concept, technical approaches, and the practical aspects in applications.
View full module detailsDeveloping high-performance energy storage devices such as lithium-ion batteries could greatly promote the development of portable electronics, vehicle electrification and smart grid, alleviate environmental pollution and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, addressing the “grand challenges” in the sustainability and resilience of environments. This module aims to introduce fundamental scientific, technological or engineering principles and technology applications of batteries used in different electrical systems. Students will learn as to the battery types, battery parts and how to test/monitor a battery. Battery performance requirement by electric vehicles, smart grids, next-generation electronics and electrical systems will also be covered in this module. The discussion of new materials goes beyond that found in EEE3037 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior/parallel learning: Students should have an interest in materials and devices; it would be of benefit to have studied EEE3037 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Module purpose: Nanoelectronics represent the ultimate in advanced electronic device design and operation. At the nanoscale the quantum nature of matter is evident in the operation of faster, energy efficient devices with greater functionality. New materials, such as graphene and new molecular electronic materials, offer unique electronic properties which continually emerge in parallel to advances in device architecture and performance aligned to the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems. This module will introduce some of the key concepts in low dimensional mesoscopic science and engineering, and molecular electronics and associated devices. The module builds on materials seen earlier in the undergraduate programme such as in EEE2042 Electronic and Photonic Devices, EEE2045 Electrical Science II, EEE3037 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and EEE3041 Semiconductor Devices and Optoelectronics.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Knowledge equivalent to BEng/BSc in physics or engineering, or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Engineers and scientists in the space industry need a sound appreciation of the hostile and challenging space environment which includes electromagnetic and particle radiation, space weather, plasmas, ultra-high vacuum, particulates (inc. debris) and thermal extremes. This module provides a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the space environment and its impacts in an engineering context and goes into more detail than is possible in the ‘Space System Design’ module: it is especially complementary with ‘Space Avionics’ which provides further methods to protect microelectronics and computers in particular. Through a series of lectures and exercises, and making use of numerous global digital resources including global space environment models, space weather data streams, and international tools for calculations of effects and impacts, describes the impacts on engineering systems (especially to electronics and materials) and how to protect against them. This in turn enables students to design and create reliable space infrastructure leading to the sustainable and economic use of space in the long term by minimising space debris and avoiding wasted resources. In order to illustrate the industrial and employment perspective, realistic examples and exercises based on past scenarios are studied in detail also use is made of real-time space weather events as they develop as well as the forecasts provided via various global digital sources. Guest lectures by specialist practitioners in the field, for example, from the European Space Agency, Airbus, SSTL and OHB are normally provided. Student journey The module follows on naturally from the ‘Space System Design’ module which necessarily can give only a brief summary of the space environment but does put in context the broad range of missions, orbits and environments that can be encountered and summarises top-level impacts. EEEM057 looks in considerably more detail at the space environment and especially those aspects relevant to the performance and reliability of space-electronics and -avionics and protection measures. For these reasons the module is especially complementary with the ‘Space Avionics’ module, part of which looks at the design of avionics and on-board computers and further techniques to mitigate radiation impacts.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: EEE3033–RF and Microwave Fundamentals, or equivalent learning. Module purpose: At Gigahertz frequencies the operating wavelength is small. Devices operating in the Gigahertz frequency range are therefore electrically large compared to the operating wavelength. In such cases, it is no longer appropriate to use traditional lumped element circuit components. The passive devices used at Gigahertz frequencies thus have to be made either using printed transmission lines (e.g. microstrip, coplanar waveguide) or waveguide. This module will present microwave design and analysis concepts for a range of commonly used passive circuits using both microstrip lines and waveguides, including: transmission lines, coupling networks, antennas and filters. This module will revisit and build on the use of the Smith chart also introduced in EEE3033 RF and Microwave Fundamentals and use it for further design applications of microstrip circuits. It is complementary to module EEEM044 RF Systems and Circuit Design and EEEM006 Antennas and Propagation.
View full module detailsExpected prior/parallel learning: N/A Module purpose: Mobile communications systems have been among the fastest growing sectors of the global economy in the past decade and are expected to drive tremendous developments in the upcoming decade. Modern mobile communication systems employ a range of advanced wireless communication techniques and networking technologies/protocols to deliver high rate and high-quality services for a variety of mobile applications. This module aims to cover a number of key advanced concepts that are either used in the modern mobile communication systems or expected to be deployed in the future. Module EEEM018 benefits from Module EEE3007 Data and Internet Networking in relation to Internet protocols.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 4 - FHEQ Level 7
One optional module in Semester 1
Two optional modules in Semester 2
Year 1 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
The module offers an introduction to circuit theory and analogue electronics.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical knowledge at the level of entry requirements for a degree programme in Engineering. Module purpose: Mathematics is the best tool we have for quantitative understanding of engineering systems. This course in pure mathematics is specifically designed for Electronic Engineering students and covers the fundamental techniques for many future engineering courses taught here.
View full module detailsThis course offers an introduction to the principles of digital logic covering both the theory (e.g. logical operators, their combination and simplification, and basic logic circuit arrangements such as counters & registers) and the practical implementation of logic flows within software. The latter serves also as an introduction to the principles of programming through the Python language.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: None. Module purpose: Working individually or in groups on engineering projects requires a wide range of professional and technical skills. This module helps first year students develop skills in research and technical presentation, along with the practical laboratory skills required by the professional engineer. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module. This module is the first module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules in Year 1 (EEE1027 in semester 1 and EEE1028 in semester 2), in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The ability to use mathematics with confidence underpins a successful engineering degree. This module provides students with some of the basic understanding and skills in mathematics needed to follow a degree programme in modern engineering. The content is specifically related to topics associated with electronic engineering.
View full module detailsTo understand the physics and engineering that underpins the operation of semiconductor devices and to use this to understand the operation of simple bipolar devices and MOS transistors. In addition to understand the effects electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter within the discipline of electronic engineering.
View full module detailsModule purpose: Programming is a key part of electronic engineering and the C programming language is at the heart of many embedded software systems. This module will provide the students with a solid practical knowledge of the C programming language, its relationship to the underlying hardware and aspects of both high level programming and low level manipulation of memory.
View full module detailsCore
This module is the second module a student will encounter within the Laboratory, Design and Professional Studies group of modules. In builds upon EEE1027 in semester 1 and sees the introduction of project work alongside experiment. In subsequent years students building on their labs, design and professional studies work in Year 2 (EEE2036 in semester 1 and EEE2037 in semester 2) and EEE3035 in year 3. Working individually or in groups on technical engineering projects requires a wide range of professional skills. Linking the laboratory work closely with professional development stresses the importance of developing an integrated portfolio of project skills. Both units of assessment must be passed individually. No compensation is allowed for this module.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 1 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 4
No optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Year 2 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE Programmes. Module purpose: This module is divided into two parts (Circuit & Control Systems and Communication Systems) each of which build on the concepts and tools introduced in Year 1.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Mathematical experience equivalent to Year 1 of EE programmes or equivalent. Module purpose: This module builds on the fundamental tools and concepts introduced in the mathematics modules in Year 1 (EEE1031 and EEE1032) and applies them to further engineering examples. A broad range of mathematics topics is covered, and their applications are always borne in mind.
View full module detailsModule purpose: this module is organized into two parts that run concurrently. Part A introduces the students to microprocessors. This covers the key concepts in microprocessor organization and design; specifically for the instruction set, performance analysis, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the processor control and data paths. Additionally, we explore common memory hierarchies and caching problems. In class problems are given as examples in design. Part B covers the analysis, design and implementation of computer algorithms. It presents concepts and methods for the analysis of algorithms. Classic programming techniques and data-structures needed to develop efficient algorithms in C for solving logical and data-handling problems are introduced, and students will attend programming lab sessions where they have the opportunity to implement in C the algorithms that have been covered. This module has strong connections with a number of modules within the curriculum. The module directly builds on the Year 1 modules which establish a foundation in programming (EEE1033 and EEE1035). This module uses C as the main programming language, thus providing continuity with the first year where it was introduced. The module also prepares students for subsequent modules. This includes the Year 2 Semester 2 modules concerned with object-oriented programming (EEE2047) and computer vision & graphics (EEE2041) as well as specialist modules in Year 3 such as Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EEE3032), Digital Design with VHDL (EEE3027), Robotics (EEE3243), etc.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 of EE UG Programmes or equivalent Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or teamwork.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Learning equivalent to Year 1 and Year 2, Semester 1, of EE Programmes. Module purpose: Using lectures, problems classes, worked examples and tutorial sheets this module will provide the fundamentals needed to understand the operation of key electronic and photonic devices as determined by their fundamental semiconducting properties. The module builds upon prior study of electrical science (EEE1034) delivered in Year 1 of the undergraduate programme (or equivalent elsewhere). This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices. The module will also provide a brief introduction to more advanced topics covered in the Year 3 modules (EEE3041).
View full module detailsAll modern electronic devices make use of transistor technology and their future developments, via Moore’s Law and beyond, are fundamentally linked to device architecture. This module will introduce modern CMOS transistor structures and link to the operation for integrated circuits and modern memory devices. The module will also show how electric and magnetic fields can be unified within Maxwell’s equations to produce electromagnetic theory and solve common problems.
View full module detailsCore
Expected prior learning: Participation in module EEE2036 "Laboratories, Design & Professional Studies III" Module purpose: Hands-on experimental skills, professional skills, and enterprise skills are important to today’s electronic engineers. This module helps the students to develop these skills by offering them laboratory-based experiments, team design projects and professional studies on transferrable skills. These activities are based on either individual or team work.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: A good working knowledge of procedural programming, preferably in the C programming language. [Surrey EEE students should have achieved this in their Year 1 studies. Module purpose: Object orientated programming (OOP) is a popular programming methodology for large application programming. C++ is a powerful programming language which, being backwards compatible with C, provides efficient access to low level components of a system. This makes it important for Electronic Engineering yet it is also a fully functioning industrially recognized language for large scale application programming. The module will provide students with the fundamentals of Object Orientated Design and Programming, with specific emphasis on its implementation in the C++ language.
View full module detailsComputer networks are an essential part of almost all corporate computing facilities and even most domestic ones. Interoperability is the key – all components must conform to the same hardware and packet specifications in order that they can be interconnected successfully. This module introduces essential concepts about all the computer networking layering levels with some emphasis on the routing algorithms and implementation of network sensing.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 2 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 5
No optional modules in Semester 1.
Select one optional module in semester 2.
Year 3 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: This module is a follow-up to some of the core professional development activities in Year 2. Module purpose: This module is a professional development module that is compulsory on all undergraduate programmes. The module builds from the team projects performed as part of the professional studies components of the Year 1 and 2 Labs, Design and Professional Studies modules (EEE1026, EEE1027, EEE2036 and EEE2037). The module provides students with competences and hands-on experience of an extended project and professional practice in modern electrical, electronic and computer engineering. The module’s focus is a student-driven team-based product-design project that applies skills and practices addressed in the syllabus. In addition, it provides a skillset for successful management of individual projects, in particular the Year 3 project, and future group projects, such as the multi-disciplinary design project in MEng Year 4.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior learning: It is helpful, but not essential, to have taken module EEE2040 – Communications Networks (EEE2040), or to have equivalent learning. Module purpose: This module deals with the three important processing stages of modern digital communication systems which are source coding for signal compression, channel error control coding for robust transmission and modulation for efficient digital interface with the available channel. The module is designed to provide basic-to-intermediate scale introduction of the subject at the UG level and the learning developed in this module can be enhanced further at relevant MEng / MSc level modules (EEEM017, EEEM030, EEEM031)
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Knowledge of basic properties of signals and related methods, including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and convolution. BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through study of module EEE2035 Engineering Mathematics III and/or module EEE2033 Circuits, Control and Communications. MSc students might have acquired this through study of an undergraduate module on “Signals and Systems” or through independent study. Module purpose: This introductory course in Digital Signal Processing explores mathematical tools used to represent, analyse and design basic DSP systems. This module underpins many key areas of digital systems, including audio-visual technology, digital communications, control systems, and computer vision. This topic is therefore of paramount importance to any electronic engineer. This module EEE3008 provides the expected prior learning for the following module EEEM030 Speech & Audio Processing and Recognition Taking module EEE3008 may also contribute to a deeper understanding of the following modules EEE3032 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EEE3042 Audio and Video Processing and EEEM071 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
View full module detailsRadio frequency (RF) and microwave engineers require proficiency in a specific set of skills to in electronic circuitry that does not exist for other typical applications. Therefore, a good grounding in the electronics associated with RF and microwave devices and important underlying essential fundamentals are delivered for any form of RF or microwave engineering. The module will be important for other RF related modules such as EEEM044 RF System and Circuit Design and EEEM064 Microwave Design Techniques
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Students should have an interest in materials and devices Module purpose: Nanotechnology promises new strong and light materials, faster electronic devices which consume less energy and have enhanced functionality. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials are everywhere; it is on the nanometer scale that many of the well-known descriptions and properties of materials breakdown and where an understanding of quantum effects becomes vital. New materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes with outstanding physical and electronic properties have emerged. This module will introduce quantum engineering and new nanomaterials as well as showing how developments have led to unprecedented ability to see and manipulate atoms and materials on the nanoscale. The module builds upon prior study of electronic materials delivered in Year 2 of the undergraduate programme such as EEE2040 Electronic and Photonics Devices, EEE2045 Electrical Science II. This module facilitates future advanced master level leaning in advanced and modern electronic materials and devices such as in module EEEM022 Nanoelectronics and Devices.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Good background in physics including forces and motion, heat and light, and electricity and magnetism as might have been acquired at A/AS level or International Baccalaureate Physics. It is also useful to have some knowledge of typical space missions: BEng/MEng students might have acquired this through the EEE2043 – Space Engineering & Mission Design module. Module purpose: This is a key module for students interested in becoming space systems engineers, or in working in a related field. It introduces the student to the key principles and techniques of spacecraft systems design, through real-world examples. The student journey: For those students on the undergraduate “space” pathways, the compulsory Level 6 modules: EEE3040 Space Engineering and EEE3039 Space Dynamics and Missions, build upon the Level 5 Module EEE2043 Space Engineering and Mission Design, but provide a more detailed examination of the material. For students coming in on the MSc space pathway, EE3040 provides a first introduction to space systems design – therefore no prior knowledge of space is expected, however, a good understanding of basic physics and mathematics (to “A” level or first year undergraduate level or equivalent) is assumed. These modules, together, provide the background and context for the detailed individual Level 7 modules concerning different aspects, systems and applications of spacecraft: e.g. EEEM044 RF Systems and Circuit Design; EEM031 Satellite Communications Fundamentals; EEEM033 Satellite Remote Sensing; EEEM059 Space Avionics;.EEEM009 Advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control; EEEM032 Advanced Satellite Communications Techniques; EEEM012 Launch Vehicles and Propulsion; EEEM M057 Space Environment and Protection and EEEM049 Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms. Students may choose their own selection from these advanced Level 7 modules, according to their interests or future career choices.
View full module detailsSemester 2
Expected prior learning: Module EEE2033 – Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Control Engineering covers classical control theory as well as more modern methods. Students have the opportunity in this module to evaluate and apply various control techniques. This module builds on basic concepts previously introduced in Electronics III: Circuits, Control and Communications EEE2033, or equivalent learning and builds the fundamentals for a subsequent career as a control engineer or systems engineer.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Modules EEE2033 – Circuits, Control and Communications, or equivalent learning. Knowledge of linear systems and of the basics of control engineering is particularly helpful. Module purpose: This module aims to develop a better understanding of transistor amplifiers, power semiconductor switching devices and various power converters. A detailed analysis of power converters like AC to DC phase controlled rectifiers, AC to AC, DC to DC converter & Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverters will be provided. In order to develop a broader understanding of this subject, a few domestic & industrial applications will be taught in this module.
View full module detailsThis module aims to introduce the operating principles of electrical machines used in the power stations. Further this module will cover to a greater depth the concept of power transmission using interconnected grid systems, overhead and underground power transmission and distribution systems. This module is primarily intended for students on an Electrical engineering pathway but is widely available to students on other pathways so that they may get some exposure to the engineering achievement and challenges of large-scale electrical machines (generators, motors and transformers) and the operation of the power grid. Module EEE3038 Electrical Machines and Power module builds upon the electromagnetic theory covered in Level 5 module EEE2045 Electrical Science II. It shows how this leads to the design and understanding of the operation of large electrical (AC) machines – motors, generators and transformers. The module is complementary to the Level 6 module EEE3026 Power Electronics, which deals primarily with circuit level devices. Together, these modules provide a good understanding of AC electricity for students who wish to embark on a career in the electrical power industry. For students on the MEng electrical pathways, the material covered in these modules provides the fundamental knowledge required for the compulsory Level 7 modules: EEEM058 Renewable Energy Technologies and ENGM246 Wind Energy Technology. Students graduating from these programmes are well set up for careers in the burgeoning “green” industries.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
Expected prior/parallel learning: Appropriate background knowledge related to the project topic. Module purpose: The purpose of the Year 3 Individual Project is to prepare students for independent problem solving and independent work in engineering (or other professional environment). The module builds from the shorter projects undertaken in Year 1 (EEE1027 and EEE1028) and Year 2 (EEE2036 and EEE2037) labs, design and professional studies modules. Students undertake an extended piece of research and development work on a particular topic over two semesters, and then present the outcomes of this work via a written Final Project Report and an oral presentation, in the form of a viva-voce examination. This module will further develop a student’s skills in planning, problem-solving and analysis, formal writing and presenting their work. For students staying on to MEng programme, this individual module feeds into the group Multidisciplinary Design project.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6
Two optional modules in Semester 1.
No optional modules in Semester 2.
Professional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
View full module detailsThis module supports students' development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Professional Training Year (PTY) - Professional Training Year
No optional modules on PTY.
Year 4 - MEng with placement
Semester 1
Expected prior learning: None. Module purpose: To inform students as to the importance of renewable energy in the energy mix required for generation within nations. This is now becoming law in developed countries following the Kyoto agreement and green energy obligations. Students will learn as to the various energy generation options available from power scavengers for handheld calculators to energy generation to power the world’s energy need. Furthermore, an appreciation for the need for energy storage at all power levels will be discussed, with special emphasis on the materials requirements. Students will be able to examine next generation materials being proposed for meeting world's demand based on green energy.
View full module detailsCore
Module purpose: This module was conceived to answer the SARTOR 3 requirement that each MEng student participates in a multi-disciplinary design activity. It involves students from Aerospace, Civil, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical and Medical Engineering working in groups which contain at least 3, and often 4, disciplines. The projects are conceived by Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Visiting Professors from Industry (who enjoy the active support of their sponsoring organisation). It aims to emulate an intensive Industrial Design Project.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior/parallel learning: It is helpful, but not essential, to take module EEE3006 – Digital Communications, or to have equivalent learning. Module purpose: This module equips students with fundamental knowledge and skills of mobile/personal communications systems design and forms the basis for the students to conduct further learning of advanced mobile technologies in EEEM018 – Advanced Mobile Communication Systems and EEEM061 – Advanced 5G Wireless Technologies.
View full module detailsIMPORTANT: The second assessment pattern is only applicable to the MSc Short Course Students Expected prior learning: EEE3033 – RF and Microwave Fundamentals, or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Advanced communications systems and radar operate at RF and microwave frequencies. The design principles and circuit operation, underlying these systems, are quite different from those of electronics used in signal processing at baseband frequencies. This module will cover the key elements of RF and microwave system design as well as analysis concepts for a range of commonly used active circuits, including: oscillators, frequency synthesisers, amplifiers and mixers. The module will also cover the circuit design and operation of non-linear devices used in active circuits together with deployment considerations. This module will include and build on many of the concepts studied in EEE3033 RF and Microwave Fundamentals and address further advanced features of non linear RF devices and system optimisation. It is complementary to EEEM064 Microwave Design Techniques and also EEEM006 Antennas and Propagation.
View full module detailsExpected prior/parallel learning: Basic knowledge of hardware systems and module EEE2047 (Object-Oriented Programming and C++) or equivalent knowledge of C++ or Java programming. Module purpose: Advances related to energy efficiency issues and cost reductions have resulted in the rapid growth and deployment of networked devices and sensing/actuation systems that connect the physical world with the cyber world. The resulting framework, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), incorporates several technologies, including wireless sensor networks, pervasive systems, ambient intelligence, context awareness, and distributed systems. The advanced IoT module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how machine communications contribute to creating smart, artificial intelligence-driven environments focusing on networking and communication systems. The module provides an overview of the key concepts and enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. It encompasses a cross-layer approach, allowing students to explore the practical aspects of sensors, actuators, and mainly communication systems for IoT across physical, media access, and network layers. This includes security considerations, satellite IoT, positioning and tracking for industrial applications, IoT Platforms (Hardware, Software), protocols and standards (e.g. 6LowPAN, ZigBee, CoAp), semantic technologies, and data and information processing mechanisms. Â Also, the module seamlessly integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques tailored for IoT applications, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.
View full module detailsExpected Prior Learning: Module EEE3040 Space Systems Design, or equivalent module. Module Purpose: Through a series of lectures and a design assignment, the module aims to give an introduction to the engineering design principles, requirements and solutions for satellite avionics. This module builds on from many Electronic Engineering modules at undergraduate level in the topics of RF/Communications (EEE3033), Processor Design (EEE3027), and C coding Software (EEE1035 and EEE2047).
View full module detailsSemester 2
Wind energy is an emerging renewable technology that has received wide attention in the context of dealing with global energy demand and sustainable development. It is a broad subject encompassing several branches of science and engineering. This module is to introduce the concept, technical approaches, and the practical aspects in applications.
View full module detailsDeveloping high-performance energy storage devices such as lithium-ion batteries could greatly promote the development of portable electronics, vehicle electrification and smart grid, alleviate environmental pollution and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, addressing the “grand challenges” in the sustainability and resilience of environments. This module aims to introduce fundamental scientific, technological or engineering principles and technology applications of batteries used in different electrical systems. Students will learn as to the battery types, battery parts and how to test/monitor a battery. Battery performance requirement by electric vehicles, smart grids, next-generation electronics and electrical systems will also be covered in this module. The discussion of new materials goes beyond that found in EEE3037 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
View full module detailsOptional
Expected prior/parallel learning: Students should have an interest in materials and devices; it would be of benefit to have studied EEE3037 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Module purpose: Nanoelectronics represent the ultimate in advanced electronic device design and operation. At the nanoscale the quantum nature of matter is evident in the operation of faster, energy efficient devices with greater functionality. New materials, such as graphene and new molecular electronic materials, offer unique electronic properties which continually emerge in parallel to advances in device architecture and performance aligned to the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems. This module will introduce some of the key concepts in low dimensional mesoscopic science and engineering, and molecular electronics and associated devices. The module builds on materials seen earlier in the undergraduate programme such as in EEE2042 Electronic and Photonic Devices, EEE2045 Electrical Science II, EEE3037 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and EEE3041 Semiconductor Devices and Optoelectronics.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: Knowledge equivalent to BEng/BSc in physics or engineering, or equivalent learning. Module purpose: Engineers and scientists in the space industry need a sound appreciation of the hostile and challenging space environment which includes electromagnetic and particle radiation, space weather, plasmas, ultra-high vacuum, particulates (inc. debris) and thermal extremes. This module provides a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the space environment and its impacts in an engineering context and goes into more detail than is possible in the ‘Space System Design’ module: it is especially complementary with ‘Space Avionics’ which provides further methods to protect microelectronics and computers in particular. Through a series of lectures and exercises, and making use of numerous global digital resources including global space environment models, space weather data streams, and international tools for calculations of effects and impacts, describes the impacts on engineering systems (especially to electronics and materials) and how to protect against them. This in turn enables students to design and create reliable space infrastructure leading to the sustainable and economic use of space in the long term by minimising space debris and avoiding wasted resources. In order to illustrate the industrial and employment perspective, realistic examples and exercises based on past scenarios are studied in detail also use is made of real-time space weather events as they develop as well as the forecasts provided via various global digital sources. Guest lectures by specialist practitioners in the field, for example, from the European Space Agency, Airbus, SSTL and OHB are normally provided. Student journey The module follows on naturally from the ‘Space System Design’ module which necessarily can give only a brief summary of the space environment but does put in context the broad range of missions, orbits and environments that can be encountered and summarises top-level impacts. EEEM057 looks in considerably more detail at the space environment and especially those aspects relevant to the performance and reliability of space-electronics and -avionics and protection measures. For these reasons the module is especially complementary with the ‘Space Avionics’ module, part of which looks at the design of avionics and on-board computers and further techniques to mitigate radiation impacts.
View full module detailsExpected prior learning: EEE3033–RF and Microwave Fundamentals, or equivalent learning. Module purpose: At Gigahertz frequencies the operating wavelength is small. Devices operating in the Gigahertz frequency range are therefore electrically large compared to the operating wavelength. In such cases, it is no longer appropriate to use traditional lumped element circuit components. The passive devices used at Gigahertz frequencies thus have to be made either using printed transmission lines (e.g. microstrip, coplanar waveguide) or waveguide. This module will present microwave design and analysis concepts for a range of commonly used passive circuits using both microstrip lines and waveguides, including: transmission lines, coupling networks, antennas and filters. This module will revisit and build on the use of the Smith chart also introduced in EEE3033 RF and Microwave Fundamentals and use it for further design applications of microstrip circuits. It is complementary to module EEEM044 RF Systems and Circuit Design and EEEM006 Antennas and Propagation.
View full module detailsExpected prior/parallel learning: N/A Module purpose: Mobile communications systems have been among the fastest growing sectors of the global economy in the past decade and are expected to drive tremendous developments in the upcoming decade. Modern mobile communication systems employ a range of advanced wireless communication techniques and networking technologies/protocols to deliver high rate and high-quality services for a variety of mobile applications. This module aims to cover a number of key advanced concepts that are either used in the modern mobile communication systems or expected to be deployed in the future. Module EEEM018 benefits from Module EEE3007 Data and Internet Networking in relation to Internet protocols.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 4 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 7
One optional module in Semester 1
Two optional modules in Semester 2
Teaching and learning
The School’s tutorial system ensures all students receive individual attention when needed.
Although the School is large, our staff are approachable and friendly, and we pride ourselves on the rapport we have with our students.
We actively encourage you to do project work outside of timetabled hours – as long as you follow safe working practices.
- Group work
- Laboratory work
- Lectures
- Practical sessions
Your progress will be assessed using a variety of methods suited to the module content and activity type. These include:
- Coursework
- Essays
- Examinations
- Presentations
- Reports.
General course information
Contact hours
Contact hours can vary across our modules. Full details of the contact hours for each module are available from the University of Surrey's module catalogue. See the modules section for more information.
New students will receive their personalised timetable in Welcome Week. In later semesters, two weeks before the start of semester.
Scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week (Monday – Friday), with part-time classes normally scheduled on one or two days. Wednesday afternoons tend to be for sports and cultural activities.
View our code of practice for the scheduling of teaching and assessment (PDF) for more information.
This course is based at Stag Hill campus. Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught.
We offer careers information, advice and guidance to all students whilst studying with us, which is extended to our alumni for three years after leaving the University.
Over the last decade, our employment figures have been among the best in the UK, with 94 per cent of our electrical and electronic engineering undergraduate students going on to employment or further study (Graduate Outcomes 2024, HESA).
Studying for an electrical and electronic engineering degree doesn’t just lead to a rewarding career, it also offers an intellectually demanding and exciting opportunity to make new discoveries through research.
Our graduates are in demand not only in research and development, but also in technical sales, management, government and public services. They have a consistently strong record of gaining employment with leading companies across the electronics, information technology and communications industries.
Recent graduate roles
Recent graduates are employed in roles such as:
- Electronic Engineer, Paradigm Communication Ltd
- Electronic Engineer, Stanhope-Seta
- Embedded Engineer, Tactiq Ltd
- Graduate Engineer, Jaguar Land Rover
- Leadership Engineering Associate, BAE Systems
- Research and Development Engineer (Software), Keysight Technologies UK Ltd
- Trainee Patent Attorney, Page White and Farrer.
Extensive teaching laboratories, plus networked Linux and Windows computer suites with 24-hour access, are available to all undergraduates.

Student - Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
"My favourite part of the course is the time spent in the teaching labs. When you are in the lab, you get your hands “dirty” and apply everything you have been taught in lectures and learn through experience. Nothing compares to the joy you feel when something you have been working on very hard, finally comes to life!"

Student - Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
"Taking part in the placement module can offer valuable insights into your career and future prospects. It allows you to gain hands-on experience by working for a company and truly understanding what it's like."
Learn more about the qualifications we typically accept to study this course at Surrey.
Typical offer
- BEng (Hons):
- Required subjects: mathematics and another STEM subject
- MEng:
- Required subjects: mathematics and another STEM subject
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Required subjects: mathematics and another STEM subject
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted. Applicants taking the Science Practical Endorsement are expected to pass.
GCSE or equivalent: English at grade 4 (C).
- BEng (Hons):
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade B and BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science or Engineering.
- MEng:
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade B and BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science or Engineering.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Required subjects: A-level Mathematics grade C and BTEC must be in a relevant subject.
Applicants taking other relevant BTEC's may be considered.
GCSE or equivalent: English at grade 4 (C).
- BEng (Hons):
- 33
- Required subjects: Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL5/SL6 or Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL5 and HL5/SL6 in another STEM subject.
- MEng:
- 35-34
- Required subjects: Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL5/SL6 or Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL5 and HL5/SL6 in another STEM subject.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- 29
- Required subjects: Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL4/SL6 or Mathematics Applications and Interpretations HL4 and HL4/SL6 in another STEM subject.
GCSE or equivalent: English A HL4/SL4 or English B HL5/SL6.
- BEng (Hons):
- 78%
- Required subjects: Mathematics (5 period) 7.5 and another STEM subject 7.5.
- MEng:
- 85% - 82%
- Required subjects: Mathematics (5 period) 7.5 and another STEM subject 7.5.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- For foundation year equivalencies please contact the Admissions team.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language (1/2) - 6 English Language (3) - 7.
- BEng (Hons):
- QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 level 3 credits overall including 30 at Distinction and 15 at Merit. Additionally, A-level Mathematics grade B.
- Required subjects: Access to Higher Education modules must be in relevant subjects.
- MEng:
- QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 level 3 credits including 45 level 3 credits at Distinction - 39 level 3 credits at Distinction and 6 level 3 credits at Merit. Additionally, A-level Mathematics grade B.
- Required subjects: Access to Higher Education modules must be in relevant subjects.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 level 3 credits overall including 21 credits at Distinction, 3 credits at Merit and 21 credits at Pass. Additionally, A-level Mathematics grade C.
- Required subjects: Access to Higher Education modules must be in relevant subjects.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at grade 4 (C).
- BEng (Hons):
- Required subjects: mathematics and another STEM subject.
- MEng:
- Required subjects: mathematics and another STEM subject.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- Required subjects: mathematics and another STEM subject.
GCSE or equivalent: Scottish National 5 for English Language grade C.
- BEng (Hons):
- ABB from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels.
- Required subjects: A-levels in mathematics and another STEM subject.
- MEng:
- AAA-AAB from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels.
- Required subjects: A-levels in mathematics and another STEM subject.
- BEng (Hons) with Foundation Year:
- CCC from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels.
- Required subjects: A levels in mathematics and another STEM subject.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted. Applicants taking the Science Practical Endorsement are expected to pass.
GCSE or equivalent: English at grade 4 (C).
This route is only applicable to the MEng course.
Applicants taking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) will receive our standard A-level offer, plus an alternate offer of one A-level grade lower, subject to achieving an A grade in the EPQ. The one grade reduction will not apply to any required subjects.
This grade reduction will not combine with other grade reduction policies, such as contextual admissions policy or In2Surrey.
English language requirements
IELTS Academic: 6.0 overall with 5.5 in each element.
View the other English language qualifications that we accept.
If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses, designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.

International Foundation Year
If you are an international student and you don’t meet the entry requirements for this degree, we offer the International Foundation Year at the Surrey International Study Centre. Upon successful completion, you can progress to this degree course.
Selection process
We normally make offers in terms of grades.
If you are a suitable candidate you will be invited to an offer holder event. During your visit to the University you can find out more about the course and meet staff and students.
Recognition of prior learning
We recognise that many students enter their higher education course with valuable knowledge and skills developed through a range of professional, vocational and community contexts.
If this applies to you, the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process may allow you to join a course without the formal entry requirements or enter your course at a point appropriate to your previous learning and experience.
There are restrictions on RPL for some courses and fees may be payable for certain claims. Please see the code of practice for recognition of prior learning and prior credit: taught programmes (PDF) for further information.
Contextual offers
Did you know eligible students receive support through their application to Surrey, which could include a grade reduction on offer?
Explore UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the list of fees for all undergraduate courses.
Payment schedule
- Students with Tuition Fee Loan: the Student Loans Company pay fees in line with their schedule.
- Students without a Tuition Fee Loan: pay their fees either in full at the beginning of the programme or in two instalments as follows:
- 50% payable 10 days after the invoice date (expected to be early October of each academic year)
- 50% in January of the same academic year.
The exact date(s) will be on invoices. Students on part-time programmes where fees are paid on a modular basis, cannot pay fees by instalment.
- Sponsored students: must provide us with valid sponsorship information that covers the period of study.
Professional training placement fees
Professional Training placement year fees are approximately 20% of the full-time fee for the academic year in which you undertake your placement.
Additional costs
- Books/stationery/admin: Costs may be incurred associated with the purchase of writing paper and associated stationery.
- Commuting (local travel expenses): Depending on placement, students can incur travel, visa and accommodation costs.
These additional costs are accurate as of September 2024 and apply to the 2025 year of entry. Costs for 2026 entry will be published in September 2025.
Our award-winning Professional Training placement scheme gives you the chance to spend a year in industry, either in the UK or abroad.
We have thousands of placement providers to choose from, most of which offer pay. So, become one of our many students who have had their lives and career choices transformed.
Electrical and electronic engineering placements
Our award-winning Professional Training placements help develop your employment skills and prepare you for roles in various sectors. Our students are in high demand and there are many interesting and challenging opportunities on offer both in the UK and abroad.
In recent years, students have had placements with 85 different companies. Well-known names include:
- Airbus
- GE Healthcare
- Intel
- Jaguar
- Land Rover
- Sky TV.
We also have contacts with a range of smaller companies which provide excellent placement opportunities. Many of our students return from these with offers of employment and financial sponsorship.
Professional Training placement experience can be used in partial fulfilment of the training component for chartered engineer status.
Applying for placements
Students are generally not placed by the University. But we offer support and guidance throughout the process, with access to a vacancy site of placement opportunities.
Find out more about the application process.

Discover, develop and dive in
Find out how students at Surrey developed their skills in industry by undertaking a placement year.
Discover, develop and dive in
Find out how students at Surrey developed their skills in industry by undertaking a placement year.
Study and work abroad
Studying at Surrey opens a world of opportunity. Take advantage of our study and work abroad partnerships, explore the world, and expand your skills for the graduate job market.
The opportunities abroad vary depending on the course, but options include study exchanges, work/research placements, summer programmes, and recent graduate internships. Financial support is available through various grants and bursaries, as well as Student Finance.
Perhaps you would like to volunteer in India or learn about Brazilian business and culture in São Paulo during your summer holidays? With 140+ opportunities in 36+ different countries worldwide, there is something for everyone. Explore your options via our search tool and find out more about our current partner universities and organisations.
Apply for your chosen course online through UCAS, with the following course and institution codes.
About the University of Surrey
Need more information?
Contact our Admissions team or talk to a current University of Surrey student online.
- BEng (Hons)View UFA12F0016U
- BEng (Hons) with placementView UFA12S0016U
- BEng (Hons) with foundation yearView UFA12F0025U
- BEng (Hons) with foundation year and placementView UFA12S0025U
- MEngView UFA15F0023U
- MEng with placementView UFA15S0023U
Terms and conditions
When you accept an offer to study at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to follow our policies and procedures, student regulations, and terms and conditions.
We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:
- First when we make an offer.
- Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).
View our generic registration terms and conditions (PDF) for the 2024/25 academic year, as a guide on what to expect.
This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.
Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.
It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer.