Rethinking Plastics Pollution Post-Pandemic

The project investigates challenges in plastics pollution and waste-management, in the light of the impacts of Covid-19 on environmental/waste governance.

University Global Partnership Network logo

This project brings together an interdisciplinary team from the Universities of Surrey (UK), Wollongong (Australia), and São Paulo (Brazil) to form the UGPN Rethinking Plastics Network.  

Our understanding of how waste plastics impact the environment, health and marine life has dramatically shifted over recent years, with growing appreciation of the scale of damage inflicted on our planet. Efforts to translate this into law and policy to optimise waste-management and minimise detrimental impacts are recent and piecemeal. At the same time, Covid-19 is impacting legislative and policy agendas, delaying progress on tackling plastics waste pollution and the shifts towards a Circular Economy. The network uses its diverse collective, expertise to explore these problems with particular reference to Australia, Brazil and the UK, in the context of progress towards the SDGs.

Project team

The project is a collaboration between the Universities of Surrey, São Paulo (USP) and Wollongong (UOW).

Our network creates a global research group from disciplines spanning law, business, public policy (Surrey/Wollongong), chemistry, bio-sciences, environmental engineering (Wollongong), business, environmental sciences and environmental policy (USP) creating a platform for sharing expertise and optimising our research potential tackling plastics pollution.

University of Surrey team

Itziar Castello Molina

Dr Itziar Castello Molina


Dr Tiago de Melo Cartaxo

Dr Tiago de Melo Cartaxo

Post-doctoral Research Assistant

University of São Paulo team

Symara Dias better picture

Professor Sylmara Lopes Francelino Gonçalves Dias


Isabela Ribeiro better picture

Isabela Ribeiro Borges de Carvalho


Felipe Torres

Andrés Felipe Torres


Isabella Vallin

Isabela de Carvalho Vallin

Research team member

University of Wollongong team

It's a picture of Hugh Forehead

Dr Hugh Forehead

Co-principal Investigator

It's a picture of Marcella Bernado

Dr Marcella Bernardo


It's a picture of Karen Raubenheimer

Dr Karen Raubenheimer



Nuwanthi Kanchana

Research team member