Funding, grants and consultancy
The research conducted at the Surrey Baby Lab is funded by a variety of sources. We have been funded by research councils such as the European Research Council the Economic and Social Research Council and the Nuffield Foundation, by the University of Surrey and the University of Roehampton, and by companies such as Wish Films Ltd.
- Economic and Social Research Council: Optimal categorisation: “The origin and nature of gender from a psycholinguistic perspective”, with Professor Greville G. Corbett & Dr. Michael Franjieh (University of Surrey), 2018-2022.
- Staff and Educational Development Association: “Bridging the Gap: the construction of shared meaning through feedback”, with Dr. Emma Medland, 2017
- European Research Council Grant: "The Origin and Impact of Colour Categories in Language and Thought", with Dr. Anna Franklin (University of Sussex) and Dr. Paul Sowden (University of Surrey), 2012-2017
- Faculty Research Support Fund, University of Surrey: "Hemispheric Asymmetries in Categorisation: Evidence from Event Related Brain Potentials", 2011
- Economic and Social Research Council PhD studentship: "The Effect of Language on Pre-Attentive Colour Perception", supervisor for student James Alvarez, 2009-2012
- Economic and Social Research Council Grant: "Hemispheric Asymmetries in Categorical Perception of Orientation in Infants and Adults", With Dr. Di Catherwood (University of Gloucestershire), 2008 – 2009
- Centre for Learning Development, University of Surrey: Analysis of Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire administered to University of Surrey students, writing of report, 2008
- Dyrup Ltd: Consultancy on infant colour perception, 2007
- Research and Enterprise Support Grant: "Colour Perception in Children with Autism", 2006 – 2007
- Wish Films: Consultancy on attention in toddlers for development of a TV programme for toddlers, 2006
- Joint Innovation Fund Grant: "The Origin of Colour Categories", With Dr. Amanda Holmes (University of Roehampton) and Prof. Ian Davies (University of Surrey), 2005 – 2006
- Research and Enterprise Support Grant: "Infant Colour Preference", 2004 – 2005
- Economic Social Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2003 – 2004
- Economic and Social Research Council PhD Studentship, 2001 – 2003