Study spaces and tools

Across campus we have many spaces to work and study in various ways to suit your needs.

Access computers on campus

There are hundreds of computers and PC labs available on campus. You can see which computers are free online so you don't need to spend time searching for one.

Digital study tools

As a student at Surrey you will have access to many digital study tools to help you in your studies. 

Lecture capture

Many of the lectures at Surrey are recorded digitally and available to be watched again at a later date at your convenience.


Our virtual learning environment SurreyLearn gives you access to lecture and seminar learning materials, module and programme information, supplemented by activities such as discussion forums, quizzes, tests and online assignments. It is easy to access and personal to you and your studies.


This software that allows you to collect evidence, and then track, share and reflect on your learning experiences throughout your studies. This continues to be accessible after you have graduated.

Digital Essential Text Books

Committed to enabling students to study successfully in a digital environment, all taught students will be provided with free, personal, digital copies of their essential textbooks.

MySurrey Engagement

A dedicated app that allows our students to self-reflect on their learning engagement and make informed decisions about how to improve their chances of success.

MySurrey Attendance

Our students use this digital tool to track attendance at their learning and teaching sessions, which is an important measure to help them on a pathway to success.

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