Graduate Omar Ebeid Mechanical Engineering BSc (Hons) My engineering background played a huge role in preparing me for this journey. It taught me how to break things down, understand processes, and figure out how things work.
Graduate Chaitat U. Artificial Intelligence MSc While studies are important, remember to enjoy your time in Guildford. Explore the town, make new friends, and create memories that will last beyond your academic journey.
Student Mya W. Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) I am going on a Professional Training Year now as a Systems Design Engineer for MBDA, and I think that getting to work in industry for a year will help give me a better idea of what I want to do when I finish my degree. I’m really excited to start my placement and to get to experience what it’s like working as a Systems Design Engineer.
Graduate Abbie Hutty Mechanical Engineering MEng I hope that anyone following a similar journey in my field will find that the path has been smoothed by people like me who have fixed the issues we’ve found along the way. Hopefully it won’t be many more years before being a ‘female engineer’ is so normal that it is no longer noteworthy – that’s when we’ll know we have succeeded!
Student Tommy Richards Aerospace Engineering MEng Engineering has a great range of facilities all over the campus, from the Engineering Design Centre to the Workshops. This allows us to compete in extracurricular competitions, like the ones I take part in with Peryton Space.
Student Sumreen Aziz Mechanical Engineering MEng Every project I did on placement involved an element of collaboration, and the leadership, communication and teamworking skills I gained have really supported my group project work.
Student Kaden Trueman Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) University is great for gaining a whole range of knowledge you need, but a placement year gives you the chance to develop on a personal level and use that knowledge to create real world impact. At its core, engineering is about solving problems, and a placement year gives you the perfect opportunity to do that.
Student Miguel Escudero Aerospace Engineering MEng My placement experience was great overall: it taught me plenty and helped me make some really good professional connections. I was given a lot more responsibility than I expected as a placement student.
Student Tom Lang Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons) I do enjoy the salary, but the best part is definitely the people I’ve met – everyone has been so pleasant, welcoming and helpful.