Student profile
Tilemachos Efthyvoulou

Tilemachos Efthyvoulou

"I would absolutely recommend a placement year to anyone. It’s a great opportunity to see what kind of work environment you like to work in, understand a specific sector or industry, and significantly improve your employment prospects."

Entry year


Placement company

Oxford Economics

What’s something you couldn’t live without at university? 

The double-monitor computers in the silent study space on the fifth floor of the library. Gamechanger!

Why did you choose to come to Surrey? What appealed to you? 

My brother studied computer science at Surrey, so I had a lot of positive insights regarding the University and student life. I also had the chance to visit the University in 2017 and I was stunned by the beauty of the campus and how vibrant the student community felt. It seemed like the perfect environment for my undergraduate studies – retrospectively, it was!

Why are you passionate about your subject? 

My passion for economics developed early on in my A-Level studies, when I realised the profound impact it can have on improving societal welfare. What is truly fascinating about economics as a field of study is that it encompasses the most important tools at our disposal when we find ourselves up against even the most dire of economic circumstances. The co-evolution of economic theory and technology has allowed nations to thrive and prosper, elevating billions of people out of poverty and providing economic opportunities on a global scale.

What do you like about your course and why? 

I like the fact that in the first and second years, the course provides a great balance between micro- and macro-founded modules, exposing each student to all major areas and topics of economics. Subsequently, the wide selection of modules in the third year allows for specialisation in specific areas of interest. One of the ”issues” I faced in my final year was having to select between equally interesting modules.

Who was your favourite academic and why? 

My favourite academic was Dr Eric Golson. As the Programme Director of my course and the Deputy Head of the School of Economics, he always prioritised enhancing student welfare and focused on implementing changes that benefited my cohort and me. As a course representative, I’ve always felt that Eric’s door was wide open for discussions, while he was always quick to act on any issues. On a personal level, he’s helped me out with masters degree applications and I was pleased when he accepted to be my academic reference. Thanks Eric!

Have you been on a Professional Training placement? If yes, where did you go?  

Yes, I have - I completed my placement year at Oxford Economics, where I worked with the global industry team from the company’s London office.

I worked on a wide range of tasks throughout my placement year. I was responsible for forecasting the value-added output of the industrial and building materials sector, while I composed quarterly chartbook reports and monthly updates on it. Additionally, I worked with the commodities team on weekly and monthly publications, and the industry consulting team on client projects. One of the highlights of my placement year was co-authoring a research briefing, titled “China drives its way up electric vehicles (EV) export rankings”, which focused on China’s rise in EV sales and exports over the past few years. My report was presented in a client conference in China by the company’s CEO, receiving very positive feedback.

Would you recommend a Professional Training placement to others? Why? 

I would absolutely recommend a placement year to anyone. It’s a great opportunity to see what kind of work environment you like to work in, understand a specific sector or industry, and significantly improve your employment prospects. The experience itself is invaluable. My team was filled with smart, helpful, and social individuals, so every day of going into the office felt amazing. Whether you decide to pursue further studies or graduate jobs straight from your bachelor’s degree, a placement year will significantly enhance the quality of your applications.



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