"Choosing Surrey was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Interacting with people here and observing my supervisors during placements has helped me understand the kind of clinician – and person – I aspire to become."
Choosing Surrey
I chose Surrey because it offers one of the top-ranked courses in nutrition and dietetics. When I first arrived in the UK and moved into my flat in Manor Park, I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly and caring the people were. This experience motivated me to pay it forward whenever I can. Having lived in a city for the first 18 years of my life, I was also amazed by the beautiful natural scenery of both University campuses.
Studying Nutrition and Dietetics
I discovered the role of registered dietitian (RD) while watching a ‘Day in the life of a clinical dietitian’ video on YouTube. Instantly, I realised that it could be the ideal career path for me, as it combines my two greatest passions: nutritional sciences and working with people to enhance their wellbeing.
One of the things I truly appreciate about the course here at Surrey is how it continuously evolves to incorporate the latest advancements in the subject and teaches contemporary professional skills, such as how to communicate expert nutritional knowledge on social media platforms. Our curriculum is held to the highest standard, as it is regularly reviewed not only by departmental academics but also by external quality regulators, including the British Dietetic Association.
From the beginning of the course, I had the chance to participate in biochemistry and food science experiments in the Innovation for Health Learning Lab. I also received first aid and resuscitation training at the Clinical Simulation Centre in the School of Health Sciences, which students also use to practise bedside consultation skills in a simulated healthcare setting. In other modules, I used the Exercise Physiology Lab, where we did practicals such as using indirect calorimetry to assess resting energy expenditure and carried out anaerobic exercise tests to study the effects of caffeine on exercise performance.

"My best moment at Surrey was when I completed the skill portfolio and met all the learning outcomes needed to pass my final clinical placement."
Clinical placements
I’ve completed three clinical placements at different hospitals throughout the course, at Eastbourne District General Hospital, Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester and the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
I started by shadowing dietitians and other members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT). I progressed to actively practising skills, such as conducting inpatient interviews, care planning and collaborating with the MDT.
Each placement offered a diverse range of experiences. I worked on various inpatient wards specialising in different areas, conducted telephone consultations for patients undergoing chemotherapy, participated in face-to-face paediatric allergy clinics and delivered presentations to pregnant women with gestational diabetes.
The standout moments during my placements were when patients expressed their genuine gratitude and when I advocated for patients when no one else did, knowing I'd had a positive impact on their care.
My best moment at Surrey was when I completed the skills portfolio and met all the learning outcomes needed to pass my final clinical placement. The placement was as rewarding as it was challenging, especially as English is my second language. Having my efforts recognised by supervising clinicians and knowing they had confidence in my ability to practise as a registered dietitian meant a lot to me.
Looking forward
Choosing Surrey was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Interacting with people here and observing my supervisors during placements has helped me understand the kind of clinician – and person – I aspire to become.
After graduation, I plan to pursue a masters in clinical nutrition research at Imperial College London. After that, I'm open to the possibility of pursuing a PhD under the right circumstances, or working for the NHS as a dietitian, ideally with protected time for research.
Find out more about our Nutrition and Dietetics BSc.