Graduate profile

Oluchi Nwabuwa

"Surrey will always be home. It has made me to be a better woman who is forward-looking, adventurous, innovative and a positive contributor to our community."

Is there a song that reminds you of Surrey? Why?
Gabriella – Dreams or Goapele – Closer
What’s something you couldn’t live without at university?
Noodles and coffee
What’s one food dish or snack you couldn’t live without at university?
Noodles and popcorn from Simply Fresh
Describe your experience at Surrey in three words:
Riveting, challenging and historic

Why did you choose to come to Surrey? What appealed to you?

The campus was too beautiful to ignore; the greenery, landscape was too serene and the employability status of Surrey Students after uni was encouraging. Also, Surrey’s ranking on the top university table caught my attention.

What was your first impression when you got here?

I was amazed at how big the campus was and I loved having lectures in the Surrey Business School building. I loved that every Faculty had its place with different designs and feel to it. The campus lake was a beautiful sight to see.

Why are you passionate about your subject?

Business is everyone’s language in one shape or form. Studying entrepreneurship isn’t just about making money, it's also about teaching yourself how to be accountable and how to make informed decisions. This is the root of my passion for my subject, and drives my desire to contribute to any part of my community. 

"Studying Business Management with Entrepreneurship evolved my thinking about the economic landscape and developed my understanding on how diversified business is. The entrepreneurship side brought fun to it and taught me how tools can help develop any business idea to be creative, well-informed, and innovative."

Who were your favourite academics and why?

My favourite academics were Dr William Lanham-New, Dr Ann Parchment, Dr Anastasios Siampos, Anna Holland and Deji Sotunde. They were very pivotal to my growth and helpful in my profound understanding of each module they taught. I thoroughly enjoyed their teaching styles and their ability to go above and beyond in helping me understand different concepts.

What were the facilities like on your course? How did they help your studying experience?

The IT/Computer Room and the library (4th Floor) was my favourite; these rooms gave me access to another screen to work from. It helped in being more efficient.

Are you part of any clubs or societies? How have they contributed to your Surrey experience?

I was part of the Afro Caribbean Society (ACS) in my 2nd year. I got voted in for the role of ACS treasurer. I enjoyed undertaking this role as it helped me stay accountable of our funds and sponsorship from likes of KPMG and HSBC.

"It was amazing being part of a society that bridged the gaps between home and international students from the African and Caribbean diaspora."

It was also exciting briefly being part of the consulting society in my third year, where we cracked some consulting interview questions together. It helped me put my understanding of business to use and further developed It through working with other society members.

What are the best things about life at Surrey?

I enjoyed the Surrey Sports Park where I played badminton occasionally with my friends. As well as the gym after lectures to help with my fitness journey. Also loved how easy it was to go to London. I also loved the calmness that the campus lake brought. My friends and had picnics there every summer, it was beautiful and wonderful memories were made.

What has been your best moment at Surrey so far?

One of my best moments would be my friends coming over to my flat in my big kitchen every Wednesday – when we have no lectures – to chill, eat and have a laugh. Catch up on some good gist and any lecture notes we may have missed. We spoke a lot about life after uni and the careers we would love to pursue. It was a wonderful moment that I will always miss and cherish

How has your time at Surrey had an impact on you?

Surrey will always be home. It has made me to be a better woman who is forward-looking, adventurous, innovative and a positive contributor to our community. Surrey allowed me to meet my now partner and lifelong friends. I am forever grateful for this.

Do you know what you want to do when you graduate?

I am currently an account management specialist working within the finance function for mid-sized organisations at the amazing tech and consulting firm that is Gartner.

Do you have any other comments you’d like to offer about your time at Surrey?

"If I had to do it again, I would re-do it a million times at the University of Surrey."


Discover more about the Business Management BSc (Hons) course at Surrey Business School.