"I worked for the reptile department at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park on placement. I was responsible for many of the daily chores and management of the animals, from cleaning the enclosures to checking health and preparing food!"
Veterinary Biosciences BScPlacement company
Lincolnshire Wildlife ParkDescribe your placement experience.
I worked for the reptile department at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park. I was responsible for many of the daily chores and management of the animals, from cleaning the enclosures to checking health and preparing food! It was a lot of fun and definitely improved my self-confidence, initiative and resilience. I worked in all weather and temperatures; it was a lot of work but it was definitely worth it.
What were the best things about it?
I was able to organise and schedule when I did each of my jobs, with some input from my manager. It was interesting to learn about the different animals, and unexpectedly the iguanas were one of my favourites to work with! It wasn't stagnant; I was always moving about, and I was even lucky to assist the other keepers with the birds or mammals on a few occasions.
Everyone was really welcoming and kind and always willing to help me if I needed it.
"It's okay not to have a fully formed plan as long as you know what you enjoy... Choices fluctuate and change. I didn't decide to do a placement until halfway through second year."
Have your career plans been informed by your placement?
I'm still unsure of what I want to do for my career but my placement did give me a few ideas. Out of all the topics studied and from my experience, I love working with animals and anything regarding animal behaviour, conservation and evolution.
One thing I did miss while on placement was that I didn’t do lab work as it was more practical and hands-on. But I think it's okay not to have a fully formed plan as long as you know what you enjoy as it helps to narrow the options down. Choices fluctuate and change. I didn't decide to do a placement until halfway through second year; I may want to do something completely different in several months.
What advice do you have for students considering doing a placement?
Don't be afraid to do it. Don't worry about networking and reaching out to local areas you may want to do a placement at. I applied to at least 20 placements, none of which I received any offers for, before I decided to reach out to organisations on my own based on the type of placement I wanted.
It can be daunting with all the choices available. Don't let a few rejections put you off. Being persistent pays off. You won't regret choosing to do a placement, not just for the professional development but because it builds your confidence and self-esteem!
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