Lisa Cosham
"If I could go back and do my years at Surrey again, I would. Everything. The whole rollercoaster. I wouldn’t trade my time there for anything!"
Entry year
2021Why did you choose to come to Surrey?
I studied my undergraduate at Surrey (which was in English Literature with Creative Writing), and after looking around and doing some research, I couldn’t imagine studying anywhere else but Surrey.
What was your impression of Surrey?
When I first came to the university in 2016-17 on the Open Day and Applicant Day, I felt a sense of familiarity. I didn’t feel too overwhelmed and could see myself studying at Surrey, which I hadn’t had at other universities.
Why are you passionate about your subject?
"Growing up in an intercultural household, I’ve always wanted a way to incorporate it into my professional life."
Growing up in an intercultural household, I’ve always wanted a way to incorporate it into my professional life. It’s incredible to study and work with people who have also had similar experiences and to hear their perspectives on various topics. I also thoroughly enjoy learning the psychological side of how business works. While I love English Literature, creative writing, and languages, I strongly felt it was time to try something new and challenge myself.
What do you like about your course?
I love that I still get to use my knowledge of literature and languages, as well as learning things that are completely new to me, such as consumer behaviour, marketing and management. I also really love that I’ve got to meet so many new people from all over the world and get to work and study with them.
What are the academic staff and facilities like on your course?
"I know I always have what I need to be successful in my studies."
Amazing! The staff all so knowledgeable, welcoming, and always open to answer any questions you may have. I know that I can always speak to the staff if or when I need to. The facilities are great – I know I always have what I need to be successful in my studies.
What did you study before, and where did you study?
I studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Surrey with a placement year abroad in 2019-2020 in Melbourne, Australia, where I studied English Literature with Media at La Trobe University. I was also fortunate enough to complete two internships in Australia – one in marketing and the second in blog writing and editing.
What are the best things about life in general at Surrey?
"All of my best memories are of spending time on campus surrounded by my friends and peers in, between, during and after lectures."
The best thing about life at Surrey is the campus and the people. All of my best memories are of spending time on campus surrounded by my friends and peers in, between, during and after lectures, particularly at the coffee shop, Lakeside and the English Literature and Language common room, the lake, The Marquee, the Union nightclub Rubix, and the Students’ Union.
Do you feel supported at University?
Absolutely. Tutors, lecturers, and other staff have always been happy to help and have offered advice and help whenever I’ve needed it. Whether it’s been for assignments, careers, or further study, I have always received support.
How do you think your time at Surrey has impacted your employability once you graduate?
"I think that I’ve become more adaptable, by learning skills that I can use and alter depending on what my job role is."
I think that I’ve become more adaptable, by learning skills that I can use and alter depending on what my job role is. My time at Surrey has also made me more open to try new things, which in a way, makes a wider variety of job roles available to me. After I graduate, I plan to go into full-time work, hopefully in marketing and PR, or publishing and editing.
Do you have any advice for students thinking about postgraduate study?
"...take the time to really consider doing your course part-time. While it may take longer, it could work out to be easier, both mentally and financially."
I highly recommend it! Also, take the time to really consider doing your course part-time. While it may take longer, it could work out to be easier, both mentally and financially. I read something once that said something along the lines of “if you’re unsure about doing another degree or a part-time course… in two (or however many) years you will be whatever age you’re turning, so why not be that age, but with a degree instead?” and that really helped me decide on whether to study full or part-time!
If you’re truly passionate about something and have more to learn or research, or just want to expand your knowledge into a different subject, then pursue it!
Do you think you’ve changed since you started at Surrey?
"Before Surrey I feared change but have learnt to embrace it. I used to be terrified of stepping out of my comfort zone, but Surrey pushed me (in a good way), and because of that, I’ve been able to experience so many incredible things that I wouldn’t have done before..."
100%. I’ve definitely become more confident in several ways, and Surrey has expanded my horizons for the next steps in my future. Before Surrey I feared change but have learnt to embrace it. I used to be terrified of stepping out of my comfort zone, but Surrey pushed me (in a good way), and because of that, I’ve been able to experience so many incredible things that I wouldn’t have done before, such as travelling to live and study abroad for a year.
My self-awareness has grown immensely, and I’ve developed my own way of understanding the world, by looking at it from different perspectives.
Finally, do you have any other comments you’d like to offer about your time at Surrey?
"If I could go back and do my years at Surrey again, I would. Everything. The whole rollercoaster. I wouldn’t trade my time there for anything!"
You can read about Lisa's experiences as an undergraduate studying English and Creative Writing here.